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Iran considering launching attacks on terrorists inside Pakistan!


Feb 25, 2009
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Iran's Jundallah Problem

Dec. 26, 2010
Iran is on the verge of emulating the U.S. tactic of shooting terrorists and insurgents inside Pakistan, according to the latest chatter in Iranian military and intelligence circles. Following the fatal suicide bombing in Chabahar on December 15 that killed and injured more than a hundred people during an important Shia ceremony, many military and security officials in Tehran have started talking openly about the need to cross the border and target Baluch insurgents on Pakistani soil. The suicide attacks on Iranian targets has worn Tehran's patience thin. Iran usually blames such attacks on Israel, the United States, and other Western countries such as the United Kingdom. But after recent attacks in Zahedan and other locations in Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran has increasingly blamed Pakistan.

General Mohammad Najjar, interior minister in the administration of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and a former Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander, said immediately after the Chabahar bombing, "Terrorists come from the other side of the border, where they receive equipment, training, and help to carry out such attacks."

By the "other side of the border," Najjar meant Pakistan. Over the past year, Iranian officials have become more severe in their warnings and are now placing responsibility on Islamabad to an unprecedented degree. Although Pakistan appears to have tipped off its neighbor in February 2010 about the presence of then Jundallah leader Abdolmalek Rigi on a passenger plane, leading to his arrest and swift execution, relations between the two countries over attacks on the Iranian side of the border have since deteriorated substantially.

Iran now publicly accuses Inter-Services Intelligence, Pakistan's lead intelligence agency, for helping Jundallah carry out its attacks. Islamabad denies the charges and has announced its readiness to cooperate with Tehran to investigate the mass killing in Chabahar.

It's not yet clear how serious Tehran is about turning its threats to carry out retaliatory strikes from within Pakistan into action. There have been reports that Iranian border police have crossed the international line in pursuit of insurgents and been confronted by their Pakistani counterparts. Tehran is not talking of hot pursuits this time, however. Its generals are urging politicians to authorize "preemptive strikes," like those employed by the United States and Israel.

Iran has already been taking such military action against organizations like Pejak, a Kurdish separatist group that uses Iraqi Kurdistan as its base. It is not unusual for Iranian forces to shell targets well inside Iraqi territory and, on occasion, to make ground incursions. Turkey has been doing likewise in northern Iraq for a long time. It seems that Iran wants to apply a version of its strategy in Iraq to resolve the security problem involving its eastern neighbor, as well.

Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, head of the Armed Forces General Command Headquarters, called on Pakistan to be more active against insurgents. Criticizing Islamabad for it lack of aggression, he warned, "If the current inaction by Pakistan continues, we will have to review our policies."

General Rashid, Firouzabadi's deputy, has explicitly called for entering Pakistani territory for preemptive strikes -- "the only answer to this problem," as far as he is concerned. He announced that the Revolutionary Guard land force has the capability to carry out such missions.

In the words of Kazem Jalali, spokesman for the Majles's Foreign Policy and National Security Committee, "Pakistanis should be warned to act and destroy terrorists' bases on their side, otherwise Iran has the right to defend its citizens." Referring to the trips Iranian officials have made to Pakistan after each attack to urge Islamabad into action, he added that "shuttle diplomacy" has proved ineffective in addressing the situation.

Entire article on the link posted.
After the indian wet dream of so called surgical strikes, iranians are also having the same dream :lol:
JonAsad why is it for Pakistan only that everyone is having that wet dream? For once we say we are natural ememies but as of now everyone looks at Pakistan for the problem for terrorism. Dont you think that these things need introspection?

No doubt Pakistan is fighting a war against terrorists but they are those which have problems with Pakistan. what about those who are creating problems outside Pakistan from Pakistan?
Iran got away with it when they entered pakistan the last time. Do this again and you may even cut your intelligent resources.
Iran got away with it when they entered pakistan the last time. Do this again and you may even cut your intelligent resources.

as far my knowlegde ..............Iran dont need a passage to Afghanistan like other countries need.

what resources are you taking about bro???
This is a bit surprising even though it was bound to happen.
The dogs are off the leash and they are not just hurting the non-Islamic nations around the world, but have even started venturing into the Islamic nations which were supposed to stay trouble free. The situation is spiraling out of control, and I think it's time Pakistani's realize that these terrorists do more harm than good. Terrorism is cancer and needs to be eliminated ASAP, if Pakistan wants any hope of progress.
Iran considering launching attacks on terrorists inside Pakistan

And in the process not only isolate them selves more, but also give the already paranoid and suspicious Arab rulers towards Iran a very good reason to push the western countries more and more towards attacking Iran.

I have nothing against the Iranians, but they should at least give them selves one good look in the mirror, and see what they themselves are up to their neck in. Rather then blaming Pakistan for all their troubles in Sestan Province, may be just may be try to reconcile with the Baloches living there, rather then hanging them for a public spectacle just to prove their machoness.
This is a bit surprising even though it was bound to happen.
The dogs are off the leash and they are not just hurting the non-Islamic nations around the world, but have even started venturing into the Islamic nations which were supposed to stay trouble free. The situation is spiraling out of control, and I think it's time Pakistani's realize that these terrorists do more harm than good. Terrorism is cancer and needs to be eliminated ASAP, if Pakistan wants any hope of progress.

Taking a dig at Pakistan with out even knowing that the insurgency in Sestan Balochistan was always there, and not of our making. Rather then creating a who ha about the whole scenario as per your common indian norm. Why do u think that it will be in the best interest of the Pakistanis to let the Sestan Balochistan province to go up in flame. Because it will further harm our province as well, something that the indians will be more interested in. Why dont u guys take your fake sympathies somewhere else. At least we in Pakistan know that how much your sh!t stink so dont try to sell it to us please.
Iran considering launching attacks on terrorists inside Pakistan

And in the process not only isolate them selves more, but also give the already paranoid and suspicious Arab rulers towards Iran a very good reason to push the western countries more and more towards attacking Iran.

Understandable, Iran will be more isolated..

But what about Pakistan then, all the neighbors are then hostile to Pakistan (Iran, Afghanistan & India) Can you afford it? I'm afraid not.

So far, Iran is always okay with Pakistan thru the years..Why you want to awake another huge neighbor and make her hostile?
Iran considering launching attacks on terrorists inside Pakistan

And in the process not only isolate them selves more, but also give the already paranoid and suspicious Arab rulers towards Iran a very good reason to push the western countries more and more towards attacking Iran.

I have nothing against the Iranians, but they should at least give them selves one good look in the mirror, and see what they themselves are up to their neck in. Rather then blaming Pakistan for all their troubles in Sestan Province, may be just may be try to reconcile with the Baloches living there, rather then hanging them for a public spectacle just to prove their machoness.

I think Iran is only issuing threats so that Pakistani administration consider this aspect as in their piority list .................they arent going to attack anytime sooner:cheers:
From a purely 'bharti' POV, this is good news if true.

True or not. But it is continuation of Iran's rants of destroying Israel, USA and Blah Blah.

I am hopeful Iran would try to avoid this self destruct attack and sanity would prevail. :rolleyes:
Understandable, Iran will be more isolated..

But what about Pakistan then, all the neighbors are then hostile to Pakistan (Iran, Afghanistan & India) Can you afford it? I'm afraid not.

So far, Iran is always okay with Pakistan thru the years..Why you want to awake another huge neighbor and make her hostile?

Dude its the Iranians, and dont worry about it. We will still come to terms with each other. They will make allot of noise, the indians will jump in their seats with Joy at the end of the day, we will still be sitting together on the same safra eating the same food. Same goes for the Afghans, its their Gov that is hostile to Pakistan and for obvious reason, but that dont take away from them for what they are guilty of, so dont worry. An untimely hick up, I am sure things will improve. As far as indians are concerned, the least said the better.
True or not. But it is continuation of Iran's rants of destroying Israel, USA and Blah Blah.

I am hopeful Iran would try to avoid this self destruct attack and sanity would prevail. :rolleyes:

Iranians already have shown that they can attack the Kurds in Iraqi territory. They have already done that, just like the Turkish military. Recently there have been cases of hot pursuit of terrorists by Iranian authorities into Pakistan. IMHO, only a matter of time before they start attacking.
I think Iran is only issuing threats so that Pakistani administration consider this aspect as in their piority list .................they arent going to attack anytime sooner:cheers:

To put it very bluntly my friend they cant attack us because they dont have an option. Not because they are cowards, but first of all they will not want to go to war with us because it will harm them more then any thing else, and secondly if they do they will have a bulls eye painted on their western border, as they will have to move troops to the east. So its a lose lose for all. And they are smart enough to know that. And not to forget that no matter how much noise the GOI (Iran that is) will make we are still brothers. So no Issues. :pakistan:
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