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India the next superpower

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Do you mean India a power in the military sense ? In that case there is a sense to that.

Caste based division in India is nothing short of 'Apartheid', that makes India clearly an Apartheid nation, just as South Africa was till 90's or Namibia. India could now be termed as the only functioning Aparthied nation in the world as of today...India clearly hides its caste based inhuman and exclsuive divison of mankind from the world.

I don't think a society has to be 'just' to be a Superpower. I gave examples of USA. Above. But there are/were countries which are economically and/or militarily powerful but with great internal divisions/repressions: Israel, the Apartheid South Africa, the USSR, the Roman Empire, the Mughal Empire...many empires.
As long as a country manages to keep internal peace, it can thrive economically and militarily. In that vein, I'd say that unless there are significant revolts by the lower castes, the Muslims or whoever is repressed in India, I think India is likely to progress, Modi or not. But I don't see India becoming a desirable country to live in for foreign and even for most Indians. India is a brutal, unjust and uncaring society and I don't see that changing in our lifetime.
Anyway, I am bugging out of this debate. Having said all what I had to say about this topic...
I don't understand the superpower bit whenever someone mentions it without explaining in details what he/she meant by it.

To me superpower means,
- World biggest economy
- World strongest military
- World strongest diplomatic power

I would like to know thoughts of learned people if above can be achieved while a considerable portion (~30%) of population lives below poverty line. The question is not aimed at India but almost every country.

@Meengla @Joe Shearer @jamahir @SIPRA @DrJekyll
First things first.

Ground yourself and let's raise your nominal (real) GDP per capita above Bangladesh for starters.

Superpower - dilli door ast....
Don't waste your time, these people will never change.
Did I missed an episode or maybe a whole season? ๐Ÿค”

Isn't India already a suuuupaaaPaaawer????
So much that more of them are fleeing their shithole to flood more civilised and developed nations. These people would sell their mother to get the hell out of India whilst bragging about being a "rising supapowaaa"
I don't understand the superpower bit whenever someone mentions it without explaining in details what he/she meant by it.

To me superpower means,
- World biggest economy
- World strongest military
- World strongest diplomatic power

I would like to know thoughts of learned people if above can be achieved while a considerable portion (~30%) of population lives below poverty line. The question is not aimed at India but almost every country.

@Meengla @Joe Shearer @jamahir @SIPRA @DrJekyll

Economy, military and diplomatic muscle are obvious yardsticks, but I would give a lot of weight to cultural strength as well. While both US and USSR were considered super powers, USA always had the edge due to its cultural strength - the best talent in all countries wanted to work in the US, people had the 'American Dream' and it helped that they spoke English, which was widely understood in the world. Heck, I would even say that something like Hollywood is also required !

For this reason, while I greatly admire China for reaching where it has, I still place it below US, because for the time being, people don't aspire to migrate to China, there is no Chinese Dream and language creates a barrier in realising the first two. For many people China is still very exotic, mysterious and something to be explored cautiously.
I don't understand the superpower bit whenever someone mentions it without explaining in details what he/she meant by it.

To me superpower means,
- World biggest economy
- World strongest military
- World strongest diplomatic power

I would like to know thoughts of learned people if above can be achieved while a considerable portion (~30%) of population lives below poverty line. The question is not aimed at India but almost every country.

@Meengla @Joe Shearer @jamahir @SIPRA @DrJekyll
As sometimes applied to India, this is so utterly ridiculous as to be downright enfuriating. Those hyper-patriotic Indians who brag about this should be given a hundred lashes every time they say that India will be a super-power.

As applied in general terms, we only had two super-powers in the whole of recorded history, for historical reasons. There was no call earlier to name any one state anything more than a great power, and that is all that was relevant. So, in Europe, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria and Russia were great powers in the 18th and 19th centuries, Japan joined their number in the early 20th century. Earlier, and we can go back through the pages of history a century at a time, there were other great powers. Even the Ottomans facing the Habsburgs did not consider themselves anything more than great powers. So too through a dozen other cases.

Restricting ourselves to great power ONLY, many great powers had huge masses of poor people, much more than 30% at a time for any one of them. It was only later that it dawned on, say, survivors of the French Revolution, that the poor also mattered.

I personally do not see that the US will be succeeded as currently the sole super-power, and that we shall have thankfully seen the end of that. None of the countries close to the strength of the US have both the force and the reduced number of poor that would identify a super-power, except the PRC, and I believe that for demographic reasons, they will weaken very rapidly very soon.

Sorry for straying so far.
In 2010s Pakistanis used to laugh on India when India was the 11th largest economy in the world when they were told that India will become one of the top 5 economies in the world by the end of this decade. We all saw what happened.

Today the same bunch will laugh again when you tell them that India will become 3rd largest economy in the world by the end of this decade.

I donโ€™t believe and endorse this โ€œindia supa powa 2020โ€ bs but believing that India will collapse and Pakistan will become an Asian Tiger with CPEC is just a wet dream. Laugh as much as you want to, we donโ€™t care.
In 2010s Pakistanis used to laugh on India when India was the 11th largest economy in the world when they were told that India will become one of the top 5 economies in the world by the end of this decade.

Today the same bunch will laugh again when you tell them that India will become 3rd largest economy in the world by the end of this decade.

I donโ€™t believe and endorse this โ€œindia supa powa 2020โ€ bs but believing that India will collapse and Pakistan will become an Asian Tiger with CPEC is just a wet dream. Laugh as much as you want to, we donโ€™t care.

If you REALLY didn't care you would leave PDF and NEVER come back...........:azn:
In 2010s Pakistanis used to laugh on India when India was the 11th largest economy in the world when they were told that India will become one of the top 5 economies in the world by the end of this decade. We all saw what happened.

Today the same bunch will laugh again when you tell them that India will become 3rd largest economy in the world by the end of this decade.

I donโ€™t believe and endorse this โ€œindia supa powa 2020โ€ bs but believing that India will collapse and Pakistan will become an Asian Tiger with CPEC is just a wet dream. Laugh as much as you want to, we donโ€™t care.

In 2021, India's GDP ranked sixth in the world, not the top five economies.

Moreover, India frequently modifies the GDP algorithm, and India's real GDP is in doubt.
In 2021, India's GDP ranked sixth in the world, not the top five economies.

Moreover, India frequently modifies the GDP algorithm, and India's real GDP is in doubt.
Iโ€™m talking pre-pandemic, before covid we were 5th largest, right now India and UK are almost similar. And regarding a random guys โ€œdoubtsโ€, nobodyโ€™s interested.
India is artificial British invention which is bound to break into its original form which is multiple countries. Even the name is imported from Sind and made in great Britain. Similarly the urdu name of India "hindustan" was made in Iran and again imported from Sind.
I don't understand the superpower bit whenever someone mentions it without explaining in details what he/she meant by it.

To me superpower means,
- World biggest economy
- World strongest military
- World strongest diplomatic power

I would like to know thoughts of learned people if above can be achieved while a considerable portion (~30%) of population lives below poverty line. The question is not aimed at India but almost every country.

@Meengla @Joe Shearer @jamahir @SIPRA @DrJekyll

I too don't understand this obsession with the word Superpower. What does it even mean ? Let alone India why should even USA be called one ? USA has the most invested, invasions-oriented military in the world. The military budget of USA for just 2020-21 was 700+ billion dollars ! Yet many people in USA live in socio-economic and political misery like in homelessness, unable to obtain healthcare and when they do they become indebted for life, and then there are the students who don't have access to free education so have to take loans which they and their family keep repaying for years. And there is one way for a poor person to obtain free college AFAIK - join the military and go and die where the Capitalist, plutocratic, two-party dictatorial, regime-changing government tells him or her to. And there are some people in USA who have to do multiple jobs to survive. Below is a scene from that "Superpower" :

As sometimes applied to India, this is so utterly ridiculous as to be downright enfuriating. Those hyper-patriotic Indians who brag about this should be given a hundred lashes every time they say that India will be a super-power.

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