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India the next superpower

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India the next super power and the people living a healthier content life, a welfare oriented country can be two different things.

Yes. + @jamahir
And that's what I tried to imply above: A country doesn't have to be a 'just' society to make it a large power. The United States had slavery from 1776 through mid 1860s and then much social injustices even after the end of slavery and yet was a major power. Heck, even after WW 2, the United States was essentially an Apartheid state into decades with segregation/Jim Crow laws. And yet it was a Superpower. A similar case could be made about Israel-Palestine where the Israelis control and subjugate a population equal to theirs in numbers and yet still prospering.
The PDF's wishful thinking that communalism and gross social injustices in India is going to stop India must be constantly questioned. Unless the internal divisions in India lead to major revolts, I don't think India's rise can be stopped--or even slowed. Not a superpower but certainly a power.
Haters keep hating. It is only a question of time before we reach "superpower status".
I believe that we will do well to represent a regional power of robust strength, and to work to make our citizens happy.

Reaching super-power status depends on other powers and their trajectories, and cannot be planned or consciously achieved. We will do well to leave that well alone. My thruppence.

India is the hairy arse hole of the world. The country is full of filth, including human garbage called Indians. India's GDP/capita is no better than Nigeria's. The entire country should be nuked to a large crater in the ground so the world can be a cleaner place.
Well spoken. What an admirable set of imagery.

One of the few times I have felt ashamed of my heritage.

India can award itself the Super Power title, it doesn't need anyone else's approval.
So India is not already a SUPA PAWA ?
Yes. + @jamahir
And that's what I tried to imply above: A country doesn't have to be a 'just' society to make it a large power. The United States had slavery from 1776 through mid 1860s and then much social injustices even after the end of slavery and yet was a major power. Heck, even after WW 2, the United States was essentially an Apartheid state into decades with segregation/Jim Crow laws. And yet it was a Superpower. A similar case could be made about Israel-Palestine where the Israelis control and subjugate a population equal to theirs in numbers and yet still prospering.
The PDF's wishful thinking that communalism and gross social injustices in India is going to stop India must be constantly questioned. Unless the internal divisions in India lead to major revolts, I don't think India's rise can be stopped--or even slowed. Not a superpower but certainly a power.

Do you mean India a power in the military sense ? In that case there is a sense to that.
The PDF's wishful thinking that communalism and gross social injustices in India is going to stop India must be constantly questioned. Unless the internal divisions in India lead to major revolts, I don't think India's rise can be stopped--or even slowed. Not a superpower but certainly a power.

Caste based division in India is nothing short of 'Apartheid', that makes India clearly an Apartheid nation, just as South Africa was till 90's or Namibia. India could now be termed as the only functioning Aparthied nation in the world as of today...India clearly hides its caste based inhuman and exclusive divison of mankind from the world, from the west.

And as Arundhati Roy has said in one interview, Indian took a clue from the British colonial rule and turned into an imperialist, expansionist state the moment the power is entrusted on her from the British Raj...a kind of heir to the Britishers.

How many states did India invaded right after getting independence, the list is quite long from smaller NE states like Sikkim, Manipur to Mizoram(a settled annexation). And bigger central states like Hyderabad, and Goa, Junagadh, Kashmir.

India does harbors hegemon desires, hiding behind fake largest democracy, the secularism(again a falsehood), the Moksha and the oft repeated Sanatan Dharma.

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In fact, it is both.

Think that the much ridiculed open defecation in villages where men and women relieved themselves in fields and mitti, is good as biodegradable system turns the faeces into compost. There are some flipside to it as well.

This is much better than supposedly a sewerage system where the sewage flows into small rivers/riverines and onto bigger river like Ganga and Yamuna with no sewage treatment plants.

Closer to a sustainable sytem.

In big cities this is the opposite.
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Think that the much ridiculed open defecation in villges where men and women relieved themselves in fields and mitti, is good as biodegradable system turns the faeces into compost. There are some flipsides to it as well.

This is much better than supposedly a sewerage system where the sewage flows into small rivers/riverines and onto bigger river like Ganga and Yamuna with no sewage treatment plants.

Closer to a sustainable sytem.

In big cities this is the opposite.
A true sewage system will do treatment to human waste and separate the lethal chemical like ammonia into something useful. Only when the waste water level is really safe before release into river or open water.
A true sewage system will do treatment to human waste and separate the lethal chemical like ammonia into something useful. Only when the waste water level is really safe before release into river or open water.

The problem is that the treatment of wastewater, to a desirable level, prior to its disposal to natural waters, is not affordable, for the underdeveloped countries. So, it remains only on paper.

For thousands of years, India has been the centre of human civilization – a hub for trade, religion, history, and culture. It has hosted the largest empire in history, Great Britain. India’s share of the world economy when Britain arrived on its shores was 23% and by the time they left it was down to below 4%. The British had plundered and looted $45 trillion of our resources. Ironically as of 2020, India’s footprint expands in the UK despite the COVID crisis, with a number of Indian companies operating in the UK; the total turnover of these companies added up to GBP 50.8 billion from GBP 41.2 billion. Britain’s dependence on India does not end there. Indians comprise about 1.4 million people in the UK, making up 6.6% of their population. The majority of the Indian population are blue-collared workers that the country depends on.
When Hillary Clinton visited India in 2009, the US Secretary Of State’s verdict was unequivocal: “I consider India not just a regional power, but a global superpower.” What led America’s strongest woman to say that? Well, because it’s actually true. In 2015, India became the world’s fastest-growing economy with a 5% estimated GDP rate. India with a GDP of almost $3 trillion, occupies the 13th spot on the list of countries with massive GDP, international and military alliance, political and economic influence, and leadership skills. India’s purchasing power parity (PPP) is expected to reach $43 trillion and will surpass the US by 2050. By 2040, India is expected to surpass the USA (in PPP terms) and become the second-largest economy. Alongside this Indian emergence, the international order is undergoing significant changes as well, with power increasingly diffused among states. These developments have the potential to put India as the world’s most influential democracy, in the second half of the 21st century
Since 1960, India’s population soared by 209% from 450 million to 1.39 billion people in 2021. Over the coming decades, population growth will continue. By 2027, India’s population is projected to surpass China, making it the most populous country in the world, and by 2050, its population is projected to reach 1.64 billion people. This growth will keep India young and its labour force large. While China, the USA, and Europe’s workforce decline, India’s will grow to provide a major economic advantage.
However, India’s economic growth is not guaranteed, our country’s infrastructure which is key to attracting investments and fuelling further development is largely inadequate. To improve India’s infrastructure to foster economic growth, it is pursuing mega large-scale projects such as the $30 billion, Mumbai-Delhi Industrial Corridor which will have rail lines, airports, highways, smart cities, power projects, etc. India hopes to develop several more corridors between major cities. These corridors along with other projects will form a golden quadrilateral of infrastructure
India is also pursuing a $75 billion national highways program called “Bharatmala” to upgrade and boost expressways. Along with this, it has also created “Sagarmala” a $116 billion program to build and upgrade mega ports and establish 14 Coastal Economic Zones. India is constructing new cities to attract investments such as Dholera in Gujarat, a GIFT city, and two brand new greenfield smart cities. India is also developing a $2.2 billion airport project in Mumbai
Despite all these optimistic trends and predictions, India still has some major problems to overcome. First of all, climate change presents a huge threat. India has the largest social cost of carbon in the world, emitting 1 ton of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere, India’s is $86 per ton. In India, climate change has caused heat waves and sea levels to rise causing devastation. Lastly, air pollution is causing serious health issues. In the 2021 report, 3 of India’s major cities were listed in the Top 10. Lastly in terms of social division, India is still fighting to remove the legacy of its age-old caste system. Many of the so-called low-class individuals lack education, proper healthcare, and economic opportunities.
Despite all these issues, India is developing quickly in the realm of economic, military, cultural, and political influences are expanding every day, setting it up for Global Superpower status

Yours etc.,

Lyzander Edgar Sohkhlet

St Edmund’s School,


this will never happen

a true super power at the very least be just and fair to it's citizen which it isnt
U guys are jealous. Average Indian man is brave 6 foot 3 light skin guy who can crush a Pakistani's skull with two fingers. Indian men are the most desired species in the world and white blonde woman find them absolutely irresistable thats why white woman won't leave Indian men alone! But being a superpower with a gdp of over 50trillion is not enough for India! India must convert all human kind to worship the powerful cow god!
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