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Watch Top ex-Afghan Leaders: Ahmed Zia Masoud, Younas Qanoni, Kareem Khalili, Salahudin Rabbani & Khalid Noor all on Pakistan TV | Anti-Taliban force?

Seems like u would love to see Pakistan caught up in terrorism again. Thankfully what u want and what is happening are totally opposite. IEA is an ally and will remain so, hidden pajeets or iranian rats can burn.

No not at all, But are you happy keep having terrorism in Pakistan, keep killing our soldiers and police on borders, keep having our Pakistani civilians at Afghan-Pak border regions getting killed. Something has to be done quick and a strong lesson has to be given not just messaging.

Do you want Peshawar, KPK to go back to stone age era again? Pashtuns and all people now are happy with progress and economic uplift as well as free practice of Islam. Far ahead than anything in Afghanistan. Do you want it all destroyed? Do you want to isolate this to world? Do u want Pakistan starved like Afghanistan crisis also?
No not at all, But are you happy keep having terrorism in Pakistan, keep killing our soldiers and police on borders, keep having our Pakistani civilians at Afghan-Pak border regions getting killed. Something has to be done quick and a strong lesson has to be given not just messaging.

Do you want Peshawar, KPK to go back to stone age era again? Pashtuns and all people now are happy with progress and economic uplift as well as free practice of Islam. Far ahead than anything in Afghanistan. Do you want it all destroyed? Do you want to isolate this to world? Do u want Pakistan starved like Afghanistan crisis also?

I guess brain dead bots cant go beyond repetition lolz.
Yeah me wanting peace will bring terrorism and u wanting Pakistan allied with RSS to destroy Afghanistan and invite wrath of jihadists from all around the world will bring peace? Just wow. Btw how do u survive traffic?
I guess brain dead bots cant go beyond repetition lolz.
Yeah me wanting peace will bring terrorism and u wanting Pakistan allied with RSS to destroy Afghanistan and invite wrath of jihadists from all around the world will bring peace? Just wow. Btw how do u survive traffic?

Hey idiot TTP terrorist from Kundus, Afghanistan ! STFU.

We should bring in Russian Diplomats as well that will help accelerate deal making process. Otherwise if Taliban insist on Islamic emirate while NA insist on Democracy we might end up in a dead lock.

Taliban seem to have given two choices to all the warring factions in Afghanistan: Surrender or fight to death.

Similarly, Taliban seem to have also given two choices to the Afghan people: Accept or leave the country.

The Islamic Emirate's rule is final and absolute.

Why I feel most of his questions he asked to create more rift in Afghans. That was bit stupid

Pakistan can/is working as a mediator between the two Parties.

It's good to hedge our bets. I've been going through some Taliban fanboy accounts on twitter & they're as bad as the nationalists.

@EternalMortal gets it.

This was done solely to show the Afghan Taliban that we can be to them (by supporting the forces that oppose them) what we were to NATO (by supporting the Afghan Taliban) IF they don't play ball on TTP.

This was recommended by some 'old hands' at the ISI who had dealt with the Afg T for decades. Pakistan was disappointed, even furious, with the lack of action on TTP by the Afg T --- so we have decided to keep all doors open, as we should.

Also, good optics for the overall mediator image, etc., but it's really not about govt, which the Afghan Taliban is squarely in control of. Islamic Emirate is not the issue per se, either, as that can still work provided education/rights for women (as Islam decrees), etc. --- this is about securing our flank.
Seems like u would love to see Pakistan caught up in terrorism again. Thankfully what u want and what is happening are totally opposite. IEA is an ally and will remain so, hidden pajeets or iranian rats can burn.
Lol... what world do you live in? 🤣

IEA an ally... you been watching the news lately? IEA has never been your ally from the very beginning.
Lol... what world do you live in? 🤣

IEA an ally... you been watching the news lately? IEA has never been your ally from the very beginning.
Very true, it's not like we provided bases and corridors to bomb and overthrow them.
Very true, it's not like we provided bases and corridors to bomb and overthrow them.
They have been lobbing missiles at you way before that. They have opposed Pakistan since the very beginning. I'm glad Pakistan did what they did. It was the right decision to make.

Tell them to stop harbouring terrorists also... same ones who attack your own soil too.
I think the enemies of Muslims are making us fighting each other by supporting the hotheads on both sides.
Top Leaders of Afghanistan of Northern Alliance, Tajik Community, Hazara Community, Ex-Ministers of Afghanistan, Defense Minister of ANA, former President of Afghanistan - All top leaders arrive in Pakistan in talks with Pakistani Civilian and Army/ISI leadership:
  • Ahmed Zia Masoud: The Great brother of Ahmed Shah Masood of Panshir Valley who fought all wars along Ahmed Shah Masoud.
  • Yunas Qanooni: From Panjshir Valley is an Afghan politician who was Vice President of Afghanistan.
  • Kareem Khalili: Hezb-e Wahdat Islami Afghanistan party. Former Vice President of Afghanistan. Most recently he was Chief of the Afghan High Peace Council from 2017
  • Salahuddin Rabbani : Son of President Burhanuddin Rabbani, Afghan diplomat and politician who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
  • Khalid Noor: son of Atta Mohammad Noor, one of Afghanistan's most prominent politicians, who has a large popular base throughout Afghanistan.
All in Pakistan talking and interviewed on Geo Tv - Saleem Safi Journalist.

Watch Full program on Geo TV :

Whats going on all these Northern Alliance, Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara ex-leaders in Pakistan doing and meeting all top government officials of Pakistan?
They were invited in July 2021 they refused but when sh!t hit the fan they came running
Top Leaders of Afghanistan of Northern Alliance, Tajik Community, Hazara Community, Ex-Ministers of Afghanistan, Defense Minister of ANA, former President of Afghanistan - All top leaders arrive in Pakistan in talks with Pakistani Civilian and Army/ISI leadership:
  • Ahmed Zia Masoud: The Great brother of Ahmed Shah Masood of Panshir Valley who fought all wars along Ahmed Shah Masoud.
  • Yunas Qanooni: From Panjshir Valley is an Afghan politician who was Vice President of Afghanistan.
  • Kareem Khalili: Hezb-e Wahdat Islami Afghanistan party. Former Vice President of Afghanistan. Most recently he was Chief of the Afghan High Peace Council from 2017
  • Salahuddin Rabbani : Son of President Burhanuddin Rabbani, Afghan diplomat and politician who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
  • Khalid Noor: son of Atta Mohammad Noor, one of Afghanistan's most prominent politicians, who has a large popular base throughout Afghanistan.
All in Pakistan talking and interviewed on Geo Tv - Saleem Safi Journalist.

Watch Full program on Geo TV :

Whats going on all these Northern Alliance, Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara ex-leaders in Pakistan doing and meeting all top government officials of Pakistan?

Suhaib Zuberi


Extraordinary meeting held with Marshal Abdul Rashid Dostum, Atta Mohammad Noor and Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq while spy chief had met Ahmad Massoud, the leader of the #NRF in a regional country a few days before the Turkey meeting.

7:16 PM · Feb 13, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


Watch this : These Afghans are dogs, failed Afghanistan. What do you hope from them, feed them, give them refuge:

So to finish TTP u want to become ally of india?? (Who funds TTP) and then u want to destroy whole Afghanistan??
Well its abundantly clear who is the idiot. Have a nice day.

You are an idiot. period!
Lol... what world do you live in? 🤣

IEA an ally... you been watching the news lately? IEA has never been your ally from th

Watch this : These Afghans are dogs, failed Afghanistan. What do you hope from them, feed them, give them refuge:

You are an idiot. period!

Yeah go drink cowpiss with ur BJP friends genius.
Yeah go drink cowpiss with ur BJP friends genius.
What did I say I wrong?

It's true that IEA is not Pakistan's friend, everyone knows this... They have plotted with India before to create a two front war, and split Pakistan between themselves, lobbed missiles at Pakistan for fun, and even today they are causing trouble by openly housing terrorist organisations and attacking our soldiers...

How am I BJP, if anything that should be you because you support this?
These Afghan Taliban wish to rule and capture Pakistan and Iran, these starving dogs can't even feed themselves. These Afghan Talibans give safe heavens to TTP terrorists, and think stupid people fill follow their Pasthun card, that Pasthuns live on both sides, basically, Afghan Taliban want money, food, material, from Pakistan and want to capture this side of livelihood to feed themselves. Look at Tajiks on both sides, Look at Uzbeks on both side, Look at Balochis on both sides, look at Kashmiris on both sides and look at Punjabis on both sides of border accept borders and live progressively in their own countries but these PTM -TTP lovers think they can manipulate Pasthuns/Pasktuns....infact there is no stoppage those pasthuns/paktuns who want to live in Afghanistan, can please leave Pakistan and go to Afghanistan, but the fact is every Paktun/Pasthun wants to live in their successful homelands in Pakistan, they never want to live in shit-hole Afghanistan.


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