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Watch Top ex-Afghan Leaders: Ahmed Zia Masoud, Younas Qanoni, Kareem Khalili, Salahudin Rabbani & Khalid Noor all on Pakistan TV | Anti-Taliban force?


Nov 1, 2010
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United States
Top Leaders of Afghanistan of Northern Alliance, Tajik Community, Hazara Community, Ex-Ministers of Afghanistan, Defense Minister of ANA, former President of Afghanistan - All top leaders arrive in Pakistan in talks with Pakistani Civilian and Army/ISI leadership:
  • Ahmed Zia Masoud: The Great brother of Ahmed Shah Masood of Panshir Valley who fought all wars along Ahmed Shah Masoud.
  • Yunas Qanooni: From Panjshir Valley is an Afghan politician who was Vice President of Afghanistan.
  • Kareem Khalili: Hezb-e Wahdat Islami Afghanistan party. Former Vice President of Afghanistan. Most recently he was Chief of the Afghan High Peace Council from 2017
  • Salahuddin Rabbani : Son of President Burhanuddin Rabbani, Afghan diplomat and politician who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
  • Khalid Noor: son of Atta Mohammad Noor, one of Afghanistan's most prominent politicians, who has a large popular base throughout Afghanistan.
All in Pakistan talking and interviewed on Geo Tv - Saleem Safi Journalist.

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Whats going on all these Northern Alliance, Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara ex-leaders in Pakistan doing and meeting all top government officials of Pakistan?
I think Ahmed Zia Mahsood is the Brother, not the son of the late Masood. Hopefully Pakistan can help in the brokering of a lasting peace arrangement, to end the blood shed.
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I think Ahmed Zia Mahsood is the Brother, bot the son of the late Masood. Hopefully Pakistan can broker a lasting peace arrangement, to end the blood shed.

Oh yes Ahmed Zia Masood is the famous brother of Ahmed Shah Masood of Panshir Valley who fought all the battles along the Panshiri Leader Ahmed Shah Masood.
We should bring in Russian Diplomats as well that will help accelerate deal making process. Otherwise if Taliban insist on Islamic emirate while NA insist on Democracy we might end up in a dead lock.
Taliban seem to have given two choices to all the warring factions in Afghanistan: Surrender or fight to death.

Similarly, Taliban seem to have also given two choices to the Afghan people: Accept or leave the country.

The Islamic Emirate's rule is final and absolute.
Why I feel most of his questions he asked to create more rift in Afghans. That was bit stupid
Top Leaders of Afghanistan of Northern Alliance, Tajik Community, Hazara Community, Ex-Ministers of Afghanistan, Defense Minister of ANA, former President of Afghanistan - All top leaders arrive in Pakistan in talks with Pakistani Civilian and Army/ISI leadership:
  • Ahmed Zia Masoud: The Great brother of Ahmed Shah Masood of Panshir Valley who fought all wars along Ahmed Shah Masoud.
  • Yunas Qanooni: From Panjshir Valley is an Afghan politician who was Vice President of Afghanistan.
  • Kareem Khalili: Hezb-e Wahdat Islami Afghanistan party. Former Vice President of Afghanistan. Most recently he was Chief of the Afghan High Peace Council from 2017
  • Salahuddin Rabbani : Son of President Burhanuddin Rabbani, Afghan diplomat and politician who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
  • Khalid Noor: son of Atta Mohammad Noor, one of Afghanistan's most prominent politicians, who has a large popular base throughout Afghanistan.
All in Pakistan talking and interviewed on Geo Tv - Saleem Safi Journalist.

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Whats going on all these Northern Alliance, Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara ex-leaders in Pakistan doing and meeting all top government officials of Pakistan?
This Salim Safi guy boils my blood.
Pakistan is the only, natural, and sincere mediator between the different afghan groups as Pakistan always maintained the relationship with and has helped all these groups in the past and will definitely help them in the future too unlike some crying whore of a country which has no common borders with Afghanistan but has been spoiling the peace in the region by pimping Karzai and Ghani

Top Leaders of Afghanistan of Northern Alliance, Tajik Community, Hazara Community, Ex-Ministers of Afghanistan, Defense Minister of ANA, former President of Afghanistan - All top leaders arrive in Pakistan in talks with Pakistani Civilian and Army/ISI leadership:
  • Ahmed Zia Masoud: The Great brother of Ahmed Shah Masood of Panshir Valley who fought all wars along Ahmed Shah Masoud.
  • Yunas Qanooni: From Panjshir Valley is an Afghan politician who was Vice President of Afghanistan.
  • Kareem Khalili: Hezb-e Wahdat Islami Afghanistan party. Former Vice President of Afghanistan. Most recently he was Chief of the Afghan High Peace Council from 2017
  • Salahuddin Rabbani : Son of President Burhanuddin Rabbani, Afghan diplomat and politician who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
  • Khalid Noor: son of Atta Mohammad Noor, one of Afghanistan's most prominent politicians, who has a large popular base throughout Afghanistan.
All in Pakistan talking and interviewed on Geo Tv - Saleem Safi Journalist.

Watch Full program on Geo TV :

Whats going on all these Northern Alliance, Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara ex-leaders in Pakistan doing and meeting all top government officials of Pakistan?
Since the Afghan Taliban hosted TTP, we should hand in glove with India as well Northern Alliance to destroy Afghanistan!
Destroying Afghanistan will have a damaging impact of colossal proportions on Pakistan too.

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