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Watch Top ex-Afghan Leaders: Ahmed Zia Masoud, Younas Qanoni, Kareem Khalili, Salahudin Rabbani & Khalid Noor all on Pakistan TV | Anti-Taliban force?

Destroying Afghanistan will have a damaging impact of colossal proportions on Pakistan too.

Could also have a lasting impact example the economy will get devestated besides they are not a militia anymore hence they are above the treeshold where non-state actors can fight them hence not useful against them just like what happened to ISIS and other elements.. They have a conventional armed forces heavily armed ranging close to 900k to 1m that is even bigger then Pakistan armed forces. They have drones and the logistical power now hence they are way over that treeshold long time ago since 2012 imo they have exited that treeshold they moved towards professional insurgency and then to professional conventional armed forces now since 2020 to present..

Example the recent Afghan blitz they have been planning that for 5 years everything was precisely pre-planned they swipped the whole country and left Panjshir on purpose in the first go.. That is military genuis approch not many layman would understand that even the way they engulfed major cities was text book professional hack not even American commandos could make these tactical moves and the person behind their tactical team is certified genius. They didn't enter cities from center but in circle way and they did this even with Panjshir only taking them 5 days by first sending in mountaineers to fight for the top hills and once these were secured they threw in the cavalry whereas the soviets threw in everything at panjshir which is why they got defeated despite the overwhelming logistical advantage but it was all about brains not muscle in a place that has Panjshirs topgraphy
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Could also have a lasting impact example the economy will get devestated besides they are not a militia anymore hence they are above the treeshold where non-state actors can fight them hence not useful against them just like what happened to ISIS and other elements.. They have a conventional armed forces heavily armed ranging close to 900k to 1m that is even bigger then Pakistan armed forces. They have drones and the logistical power now hence they are way over that treeshold long time ago since 2012 imo they have exited that treeshold they moved towards professional insurgency and then to professional conventional armed forces now since 2020 to present..

Example the recent Afghan blitz they have been planning that for 5 years
Militarily they are not a problem for us and will get rolled over but that's not the point here.
Pakistan is now portraying itself as a gateway for Central Asia and the route will pass through Afg. Destabalyzing AFG will tantamount to shooting ourselves in our feet. Morever the influx of refugees. And India and other Hostile forces who will jump to hurt our regional interests.
Militarily they are not a problem for us and will get rolled over but that's not the point here.
Pakistan is now portraying itself as a gateway for Central Asia and the route will pass through Afg. Destabalyzing AFG will tantamount to shooting ourselves in our feet. Morever the influx of refugees. And India and other Hostile forces who will jump to hurt our regional interests.

I agree it would be extremely handicap but I don't think Pakistan can rollover them that is impossible from a logistical point of view with that kind of terrain and the armements they have make them logistically nightmare. I am not saying they are stronger then Pakistan but they are a mountain both literally and figuretively as in the terrain.

But stragetically it would be a big gaf because Pakistan needs these fukers more then people tend to realize and our policy is opposite we need to sign defense treaties with them and military cooperation here soon it's going to happen in my opinion before this year ends mark my words. Pakistan will slowly start to arm them post that period ethbalishing good relations with them.

As bad as they may seem there is something good about them and their pros outwheigh their cons. Example look what Turkey achieved with the Syrian rebels they know how to yield them and that is exactly the approach we are going by signing defense treaties with them almost short of a confederation like Azerbaijan and Turkey.. If Turkey could have changed the Afghans with Azerbaijan they would have despite the Azeris being good fighters and advanced society their only handicap is they are 11m hence Turkey would have preferred 40m strong nation on it's left side that is renowned fighters to use as shield and yield them.

Hence it is easy advancing the countries interior sectors etc etc but the crucial element is that they have that fire in their belly that is exactly what Pakistan needs from them and the hour of truth they will come thru. They were just created for this kind of things. We shouldn't be in competitive nature with them but act as responsible big brother to them because there is alot of benefits and good in them..

Once someone gets stupid and miscalculates against you then you unleash them on that foe that has miscalculated against you.. They will be of the regretful trust me... Nothing on God's earth can stop a well mechanized Afghan forces on the offensive.. We need to be the handlers which is why security treaties and defense treaties will have to be signed with them that bonds us forever.
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I agree it would be extremely handicap but I don't think Pakistan can rollover them that is impossible from a logistical point of view with that kind of terrain and the armements they have make them logistically nightmare. I am not saying they are stronger then Pakistan but they are a mountain both literally and figuretively as in the terrain.

But stragetically it would be a big gaf because Pakistan needs these fukers more then people tend to realize and our policy is opposite we need to sign defense treaties with them and military cooperation here soon it's going to happen in my opinion before this year ends mark my words. Pakistan will slowly start to arm them post that period ethbalishing good relations with them.

As bad as they may seem there is something good about them and their pros outwheigh their cons. Example look what Turkey achieved with the Syrian rebels they know how to yield them and that is exactly the approach we are going by signing defense treaties with them almost short of a confederation like Azerbaijan and Turkey.. If Turkey could have changed the Afghans with Azerbaijan they would have despite the Azeris being good fighters and advanced society their only handicap is they are 11m hence Turkey would have preferred 40m strong nation on it's left side that is renowned fighters to use as shield and yield them.

Hence it is easy advancing the countries interior sectors etc etc but the crucial element is that they have that fire in their belly that is exactly what Pakistan needs from them and the hour of truth they will come thru. They were just created for this kind of things. We shouldn't be in competitive nature with them but act as responsible big brother to them because there is alot of benefits and good in them..

Once someone gets stupid and miscalculates against you then you unleash them on that foe that has miscalculated against you.. They will be of the regretful trust me... Nothing on God's earth can stop a well mechanized Afghan forces on the offensive.. We need to be the handlers which is why security treaties and defense treaties will have to be signed with them that bonds us forever.
Yes you are right. We can put Afghans to a very good use. But how can we do that?

First, we have to use soft power and spread our infuence. Huge part of their population hate us to their core. I know this because my own family came from there. Hard Power on these type of People is useless. Use soft image, spread positive influence and put them to a good use.

We can have both Economic and Strategic benefits bu establishing our proper hold their.
Yes you are right. We can put Afghans to a very good use. But how can we do that?

First, we have to use soft power and spread our infuence. Huge part of their population hate us to their core. I know this because my own family came from there. Hard Power on these type of People is useless. Use soft image, spread positive influence and put them to a good use.

We can have both Economic and Strategic benefits bu establishing our proper hold their.

The good part about them is that they ain't secular because that hate is basically limited to the seculars whereas the IEA has more of a globalist view and don't really see difference between the one in Islamabad and Kabul because they just view them as another kin. Hence they don't suffer from the nationalistic diesease that normally is within the liberals and seculars which was western propaganda. IEA may be skeptical of certain things regarding Pakistan but it is definitely not from nationalistic or racial point of view this is not who they are.. They have welcomed thousands of Pakistanis thru out there conflict who were volunteers and welcomed them to join them hence they understand there is technically no difference between the one in Lahore and Kabul just the same shxt.. There leaders aren't unreasonable either they seem to understand the geo-political landscape better then most.

Example there is also another thing I wanna highlight due to the current world landscape being somewhat of a treacherous place where not only India is there also Quad, NATO and other like coalition could also attempt to miscalculate against Pakistan at some point hence the landscape is a place where everyone could turn into a potential foe because nobody can control where miscalculation against you can emerge from it is outside of our control hence they are the closest thing to us to grant us a permanent stragetic depth which will go a long way for us.. Hence ethablishing economic cooperation which we have already ethablished with them was key and now adding to defense cooperation and especially making a combined security alliance in the form of a defense treaty would be the next move and I could see it happening this year.

But what is in our control is staying prepared for all eventuality by reinforcing ourselves and strengthening ties with them and reinforcing them also so that our rear end is strong.

Most think that Pakistan is a loved country outside of very few countries? But the truth is that many people view Pakistan negatively in the world hence nobody really wishes any good on Pakistan hence most people don't view things from this point of view which is the correct POV to see things from and it is more like surviving in a world where you are unwanted but if you fail to see that then your calculations will be far off..

Pakistan shouldn't be here to make people who have chosen to write her off as enemy decades ago change their minds or please them in any form because it is fruitless but Pakistan just has to make the arrangement to secure her continuity at all costs making the right alliances and right security moves which makes us stronger and lasting
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Yes you are right. We can put Afghans to a very good use. But how can we do that?

First, we have to use soft power and spread our infuence. Huge part of their population hate us to their core. I know this because my own family came from there. Hard Power on these type of People is useless. Use soft image, spread positive influence and put them to a good use.

We can have both Economic and Strategic benefits bu establishing our proper hold their.
Wait you're Afghan refugee? Or your family was?
Since the Afghan Taliban hosted TTP, we should hand in glove with India as well Northern Alliance to destroy Afghanistan!
Since the Afghan Taliban hosted TTP, we should hand in glove with India as well Northern Alliance to destroy Afghanistan!

You lack brain.. feed them with the flesh of Rss extremists simple solution. We are at open conflict with India since this Rss extremists hence we are already at one front we need them only as an booster nothing more.. We have apparently a score to settled in Hindustan first and foremost... We have to offer India as sacrificial lamb to the heavens in order for destiny to take hold.. Besides they are hell-bent on their own demise..
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I have been saying for so long, look at this thread, future predicted it - Pakistan should support Anti-Taliban forces, just like Afghan Taliban are not doing anything, Pakistan should never accept Taliban government in Afghanistan!

Pakistan should also start supporting Anti Taliban Groups in Afghanistan to always keep them in check. The best solution would be to create a buffer zone between Afghanistan and Pakistan by concentrating Pro-Pakistani Pukhtoons along the international border.

Afghan Taliban should always be kept in check. The good thing is with the Cave Man Era Laws they will never be able to compete with us at any economic or military level so we can always use economic leverage against them until we break their backbone.
I have been saying for so long, look at this thread, future predicted it - Pakistan should support Anti-Taliban forces, just like Afghan Taliban are not doing anything, Pakistan should never accept Taliban government in Afghanistan!

Pakistan should also start supporting Anti Taliban Groups in Afghanistan to always keep them in check. The best solution would be to create a buffer zone between Afghanistan and Pakistan by concentrating Pro-Pakistani Pukhtoons along the international border.

Afghan Taliban should always be kept in check. The good thing is with the Cave Man Era Laws they will never be able to compete with us at any economic or military level so we can always use economic leverage against them until we break their backbone.
I’m really glad to see this interview, this shows that our policy makers (not civilians) understand that pubic support in Pakistan for the Taliban needs to be changed. This interview is just a stepping stone. Watch the media become more a more hostile to Taliban and more accepting of NA.

The biggest challenge Pakistan faces is not the lack of will or ability to act against IEA but the lack of public support because over the past 20 years a public narrative hasn’t been built that good Taliban are our friends. People like Hameed Gul played a big role in this unfortunately without foresight to its consequences.

Pakistan needs NA to play a role in Afghan gov, because a Taliban lead govt left unchecked by a effective opposition, is a danger to the regional stability.

Also no one is going to recognise Afghanistan. Taliban broke all promises to the Americans and all global jihadist are grouping in Afghanistan. The Americans are not calling out Afghanistan on this because that would mean that the Taliban have broken the peace agreement and Americans twenty years in Afghanistan was for nothing after all. If the Americans acknowledged that the peace treaty has been broken they would also have to take action against IEA, they just want to forget Afghanistan.
Pakistanis all over the world must start expose Afghan Taliban openly now on twitter, discussion forums, media and speak the truth of the issues to tackle Afghan Taliban or TTP head on.
Pakistanis all over the world must start expose Afghan Taliban openly now on twitter, discussion forums, media and speak the truth of the issues to tackle Afghan Taliban or TTP head on.
Also in the mass media and social media , the Afghan border needs to stop being called the Durand line, on this forum I also see people calling it the Durand Line as well. It’s no line it’s the internationally recognised border.

We don’t call the border with India the Radcliffe line.

The TTP and the Taliban are trying to promote a mix of Pashtun nationalism with political Islamism. We shouldn’t try to underestimate the appeal of that in Pakistan. A massive Counter intel opps is needed to subdue such attempts. The politics in KPK and Baluchistan should also be watched. TBH IK as the PM is a blessing, it’s hard for Afghan to call Pakistan Punjabi dominated, when the PM himself is Pashtun (or descendant thereof) and their governance in KPK over the past ten years, dealt a death blow to Pashtun Nationalist parties whether of the left or the right. If only their governance was better, I hope it improves.
Pakistanis all over the world must start expose Afghan Taliban openly now on twitter, discussion forums, media and speak the truth of the issues to tackle Afghan Taliban or TTP head on.

Seems like u would love to see Pakistan caught up in terrorism again. Thankfully what u want and what is happening are totally opposite. IEA is an ally and will remain so, hidden pajeets or iranian rats can burn.
No not at all, But are you happy keep having terrorism in Pakistan, keep killing our soldiers on borders, keep having our Pakistani civilians at Afghan-Pak border regions getting killed. Something has to be done quick and a strong lesson has to be given not just messaging.

Do you want Peshaware, KPK to go back to stone age era, people now are happy with progress and economic uplift as well as free practice of Islam. Far ahead than anything in Afghanistan. Do you want it all destroyed?

So i suppose if i dont want everything destroyed then ur solution is to ally with hindu india and destroy muslim Afghanistan? So u suggest we fall to the lowest level of humanity and morality? And if all the might of NATO couldnt destroy Afghanistan, what makes u think Pakistan allied with cowpiss drinking hindus can destroy it??
Its infact u that cannot see the peace and prosperity on its way and want us to get involved in a new unending war that will destroy us. People like u are wither dumb or intentionally hate the country.

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