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China's Navy Carrier Strike Group

Maybe Vietnam should plant some sharpened stakes under water and try to bait the PLAN into them. Much more economical and saves money for Vietnamese kids.
Ok I worry of my kids, you don’t worry about your kids if you have any if a war breaks out?
Planting sharpened stakes on the sea beds? It is almost thousand year ago. No it is outdated tactic. You chinese know too well that tactic.
Seriously I am very concerned. Xi Jingping can listen to fanatics like you.
Ok I worry of my kids, you don’t worry about your kids if you have any if a war breaks out?
Planting sharpened stakes on the sea beds? It is almost thousand year ago. No it is outdated tactic. You chinese know too well that tactic.
Seriously I am very concerned. Xi Jingping can listen to fanatics like you.

You are safe in Europe -- if Russia does not come get you.
Ok I worry of my kids, you don’t worry about your kids if you have any if a war breaks out?
Planting sharpened stakes on the sea beds? It is almost thousand year ago. No it is outdated tactic. You chinese know too well that tactic.
Seriously I am very concerned. Xi Jingping can listen to fanatics like you.

I’m concerned that you have kids.
now you listen and you listen good you piece of fu$king filth

you even dream of such a thing and you and your people will face Armageddon

many have dreamt of this over 1,400 years and all faced sudden death in the most brutal ways

so go ahead and sign your own death warrant you imbecile

You are 24x7 anti-China spewing Western lies about China and now you pretend to be "angry" at a pro-Israel post when you know perfectly well that your masters allow Israel to have as many nukes as Israel likes. Who and where do you think Israeli nukes, funded and protected by your Western masters, are intended for? Don't feign surprise and fake anger and pretend you don't know.
Just don't talk nonsense about Iran, and i will leave you alone. Actually, it is beneath me to talk to you. I do not consider you or your kind as humans.

That definitely scares the shit out of me, specially coming from a sub-species of invertebrates.
Because there is nothing to destroy about a failed country. US can feck up Iran if they wanted in a blink. Why start another meaningless war which has no value for US? Afganistan is same before US came, same even now after 2 decades of US occupation.

If US attacks Iran with full force, can Iran even destroy a single US jet? I bet US can take out entire Iran air force and navy without a single casualty.
If the US invaded Iran, it will be another Vietnam. If Iran was so easy to defeat, the zog beasts would’ve already invaded it right after Iraq. There is a reason they didn’t, because they knew there would be unacceptable amounts of casualties, israrl could be badly hurt and Iran could not be occupied. You’re talking out of your ***.
You are 24x7 anti-China spewing Western lies about China and now you pretend to be "angry" at a pro-Israel post when you know perfectly well that your masters allow Israel to have as many nukes as Israel likes. Who and where do you think Israeli nukes, funded and protected by your Western masters, are intended for? Don't feign surprise and fake anger and pretend you don't know.
I am convinced he is writing to us from an mental asylum somewhere. Dude is not right in the head and gives off creepy vibes. He’s probably a 43 year old virgin.
I am not interested in Indian fantasy stories of their aunties turning into uncle. Keep your Hindu or Tamil behavior for yourself. You did not even face proper sanctions. Wait until you have a total block on all your national banks, unable to trade even 1$ with others. Or the other hundreds of sanctions. India would collapse like a wet tissue.
If India faced one tenth of the hostility that China is facing from their Anglo masters, the country would be in utter chaos and near collapse. Their neoliberal elites would be screaming at the top of their lungs against their own govt for daring to defy their Zio Anglo gods, spouting off all kinds of propaganda from the New York times and the BBC. Different regions would be breaking off and fighting guerilla wars. Meanwhile the govt would have police on the streets beating poor people with sticks in a vain attempt to keep things in order.
Israel is also an important ally of the U.S. and the country Iran has been trying to destroy since its inception. Israel can counter Iran in the ME.
Israel is an ally of the US like a tapeworm is an ally of a mammal host.
If the US invaded Iran, it will be another Vietnam. If Iran was so easy to defeat, the zog beasts would’ve already invaded it right after Iraq. There is a reason they didn’t, because they knew there would be unacceptable amounts of casualties, israrl could be badly hurt and Iran could not be occupied. You’re talking out of your ***.

I am convinced he is writing to us from an mental asylum somewhere. Dude is not right in the head and gives off creepy vibes. He’s probably a 43 year old virgin.

That or he is actually an Indian using a false flag.
Faked emotion to increase his creds. If he were real he wouldn't be so pro-Western after the actual slaughter in the invasions of Iraq and Aghanistan.
Don’t assume everyone is logical. He definitely acts insane.
Don’t assume everyone is logical. He definitely acts insane.

He acts insane but his insanity fits like an insane Indian not an insane Pakistani or muslim. Look, this is a Chinese Carrier thread and he's here to troll (like an Indian.) The over the top "threat" seems nothing more than comic book rhetoric thrown in increase to his street creds as a muslim. Any muslim would know that Israeli nukes are sanctioned by the West and those nukes are intended for muslims so for an actual muslim to make that reply he would have instinctively explain/complain why Israel was allowed nukes -- but not Iran or even Western allies like Saudi Arabia were allowed nukes or ICBMs (which SA had to buy from China ignoring American warnings.)
He acts insane but his insanity somehow fits like an Indian Indian. Look this is a Chinese Carrier thread and he's here to troll. The over the top "threat" seems nothing more than comic book rhetoric and thrown in increase to his street creds as a muslim. Any muslim would know that Israeli nukes are sanctioned by the West and those nukes are intended for muslims so for an actual muslim to make that reply he would have instinctively explain/complain why Israel was allowed nukes but not Iran nor even Western allies like Saudi Arabia were allowed nukes or ICBMs (which SA had to buy from China ignoring American warnings.)
Don’t assume everyone is logical. I live in the US, I meet illogical people every day.
Don’t assume everyone is logical. I live in the US, I meet illogical people every day.

Perhaps but Indians we meet in internet forums are insane (delusional and paranoid over China.) And they have been massive false-flaggers in many forums.

Everything points to aziqbal as an Indian false-flagging as a Pakistani. He can be insane but he is insane in an Indian way in my educated opinion.
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