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China's Navy Carrier Strike Group

Try. You will see us storming your country like uncontrollable zombies. And we are in billions. Don't bring mecca and madina in your fights kid
Would you have done the same to Iran if they have done it?
That's the dirty work of your propaganda media inside Arab.

Houthi already denied it.

And yes it's very ridiculous to believe. How can you wants to destroy your own holy site

Houthi denies it but we know they did it. They launch missiles at civilian sites all the time.
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A Task Force that can Invade any Medium country to submission in single picture

2x40,000 Tonnes Type 075 Assault Carrier (LHD), 1x25,000 Tonnes Type 071 LPD, 1x13,000 Tonnes Type 055 Cruiser, 4x7,500 Tonnes Type 052D Destroyer.

150,000 Tonnes Diplomacy on the way :tup:


Nice pics of China’s Third Type 075 Assault Carriers (LHD-33) PLANS Anhui Southern Fleet Theater (SSF) :smokin:
(Images via wb/lejiahaozi)

Will be Commissioned soon
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While Iran is facing the entire Western front in economic and intel warfare. Indians would collapse in like 1 week if there was full fledged sanctions and intel warfare imposed.

Difference is nobody will sanction India unlike Iran. Also sanctions after nuclear tests didn't do much at all against India. So your if and but has no meaning. If your aunt had balls she’d be your uncle..
Difference is nobody will sanction India unlike Iran. Also sanctions after nuclear tests didn't do much at all against India. So your if and but has no meaning. If your aunt had balls she’d be your uncle..
I am not interested in Indian fantasy stories of their aunties turning into uncle. Keep your Hindu or Tamil behavior for yourself. You did not even face proper sanctions. Wait until you have a total block on all your national banks, unable to trade even 1$ with others. Or the other hundreds of sanctions. India would collapse like a wet tissue.
Difference is nobody will sanction India unlike Iran. Also sanctions after nuclear tests didn't do much at all against India. So your if and but has no meaning. If your aunt had balls she’d be your uncle..

With a slight lack of access to vaccines and oxygen, your rivers begun to get clogged by corpses thrown out. So, better stop being an Indian and brag how resilient you would be against crippling sanctions.

Even without sanctions, you are no 1 in the world in terms of military aircraft crashes and death. I think it would be Modi's turn if India were subject to 1/10th of sanctions Iran have been dealing with for decades.
With a slight lack of access to vaccines and oxygen, your rivers begun to get clogged by corpses thrown out. So, better stop being an Indian and brag how resilient you would be against crippling sanctions.

Even without sanctions, you are no 1 in the world in terms of military aircraft crashes and death. I think it would be Modi's turn if India were subject to 1/10th of sanctions Iran have been dealing with for decades.

If you're from Russia you should know your military idiots are experts in crashes. In fact Russia (USSR) is the only country to kill almost it's entire top ranking officers of pacific fleet in one go.

When the Soviet Navy Lost 16 Admirals in a Single Accident: The Tu-104 Crash at Pushkin - YouTube
1981 Pushkin Tu-104 crash - Wikipedia

Not to mention how many Russian accidents happened in recent times.
Aeroflot Flight 1492 - Wikipedia

Then there was recent cargo flight crash. I could go on and on. I mean you guys are responsible for the worst nuclear disaster in the world by a huge margin.
Russia is just a gas station mafia with nuclear weapons. Selling gas to europe and somehow surviving. All you have is gas, oil and some minerals. The country is basically pointless other than having shit ton of nuclear weapons. Even a tiny country like Italy has more GDP than Russia. Covid deaths are piling on Russia itself, not looking great are you? It's always easy to hide dead bodies in Russia, they always had that skill.
I am not interested in Indian fantasy stories of their aunties turning into uncle. Keep your Hindu or Tamil behavior for yourself. You did not even face proper sanctions. Wait until you have a total block on all your national banks, unable to trade even 1$ with others. Or the other hundreds of sanctions. India would collapse like a wet tissue.

Nor am I interested in some iranian idiot's stories as well. BTW, I'm not tamil you buffoon.
Nor am I interested in some iranian idiot's stories as well. BTW, I'm not tamil you buffoon.
Just don't talk nonsense about Iran, and i will leave you alone. Actually, it is beneath me to talk to you. I do not consider you or your kind as humans.
I love this thread. Keep updating this thread @Daniel808

Many more of these military assets will be constructed and deployed to establish full spectrum dominance in the Asia-Pacific region.

Only with an extremely powerful military can we remove the cancerous tumour known as the Anglos from our region. This cancer has invaded the Asian region and it is up to China to remove it.
Sounds more like imperial Japan. Why didn't you guys join Japan's greater east asia co-prosperity sphere and be part of it? Lol they also wanted to get rid of the white man/anglos in Asia, but you Asians were fighting against them with all you had for the "white man". :lol: In some ways we can also use your logic to claim like the Japanese did that you guys were traitors to the Asian cause :rofl:
If Israel did that stupid mistake then there will nothing be left of the Israel. So shut your mouth and don't spread hate on this forum.

Would you have done the same for Iran if they did it?
Looks nice however useless in South sea and north seas. VN has land cruise missiles. JP and TW have similar capabilities.
Fuel is expensive today. There are millions of hungry kids why spend money on such things.

Maybe Vietnam should plant some sharpened stakes under water and try to bait the PLAN into them. Much more economical and saves money for Vietnamese kids.
Israel will nuke Mecca and Medina.

now you listen and you listen good you piece of fu$king filth

you even dream of such a thing and you and your people will face Armageddon

many have dreamt of this over 1,400 years and all faced sudden death in the most brutal ways

so go ahead and sign your own death warrant you imbecile

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