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33 Million Gods in India and Not ONE capable of producing Oxygen! Charlie Hebdo

Burning their own country and civil war, eh ?

Did I ask you flase flagger? What I said and what the trash you’re sh!t posting in reply?
Did I ask you flase flagger?

So anyone in India who doesn't agree with falsely nationalist, wrong-emotioned Hindutvad is a false flagger, eh ?

Then there are a few more such "false flaggers" on PDF.

What I said and what the trash you’re sh!t posting in reply?

You spoke of civil war and I posted a picture from the Delhi pogrom from early 2020 in which a mob of pseudo patriots are hitting a sulla / katua / laandya. He survived. And those Delhi events also involved other pseudo patriots burning alive other sullas / katyas / laandyas.

Am I wrong ?
So anyone in India who doesn't agree with falsely nationalist, wrong-emotioned Hindutvad is a false flagger, eh ?

Then there are a few more such "false flaggers" on PDF.
Was I talking about India? You expect India to be crime free that one gets lynched means one guy did religious violence? In India never rallies like Sar tan se juda rallies are done by Hindus Like you muslim biraders are doing against Narsinghanand for his remarks.
any killings ,mass protest yet from Hindus? where is that french ambassador i say kick him out /s

This is where Indian's are league years ahead of Pakistani's. Can you imagine if Charlie Hebdo took licence of covid deaths and then too a dig at Islam?

Half of Pakistan would be burning. Calls for war against France. Death to Macron. Those Rafale jets would be burnt down eetc etc. Wait a minute. It did happen!
Was I talking about India? You expect India to be crime free that one gets lynched means one guy did religious violence?

Turn India into a communist society and you will see most crimes vanished.

And the Delhi pogrom was religious violence. How can you dispute that ?

In India never rallies like Sar tan se juda rallies are done by Hindus Like you muslim biraders are doing against Narsinghanand for his remarks.

1. I believe that Kamlesh Tiwari should not have been killed for his remarks but debated by Muslims intellectuals like Shehla, Umar, MY Tarigami, Arfa and others. Unfortunately these intellectuals, journalists and leaders are not presented in front by the current Indian Muslim society. In the same way and I don't remember what Narsinghanand said, he should have been countered by intellectual debate. No need for this "sar tan se juda" business.

2. Did Narsinghanand condemn the act of one of his followers who almost lynched a Muslim boy who happened to go into a Hindu temple to drink water ? And then this lyncher later made up a story that the Muslim boy had gone to the temple with bad intentions one of which was to urinate on the idols. Narsinghanand and his followers are not good persons.
Turn India into a communist society and you will see most crimes vanished.

And the Delhi pogrom was religious violence. How can you dispute that ?

1. I believe that Kamlesh Tiwari should not have been killed for his remarks but debated by Muslims intellectuals like Shehla, Umar, MY Tarigami, Arfa and others. Unfortunately these intellectuals, journalists and leaders are not presented in front by the current Indian Muslim society. In the same way and I don't remember what Narsinghanand said, he should have been countered by intellectual debate. No need for this "sar tan se juda" business.

2. Did Narsinghanand condemn the act of one of his followers who almost lynched a Muslim boy who happened to go into a Hindu temple to drink water ? And then this lyncher later made up a story that the Muslim boy had gone to the temple with bad intentions one of which was to urinate on the idols. Narsinghanand and his followers are not good persons.
Narsinghanand went to Soviet Union for his studies, a communist country.
Narsinghanand went to Soviet Union for his studies, a communist country.

Even NR Narayana Murthy did so in the communist bloc but what are his views on employee unions and the working conditions in the Indian IT industry ?
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Secondly, those four were criticizing the spread and presence of Hindutvadis like Yogi Adityanath and Sadhvi Pragya. Won't you too want to criticize Yogi and Sadhvi Pragya ? Everyone should.
Why would I criticise Yogi Adityanath? Though I am not a fan of Pragya because I consider her unintelligent, I still see no reason to criticise her. However, the premise is irrelevant here as these people were abusing, not citicising. Also, they were abusing communities in addition to a few leaders
Why would I criticise Yogi Adityanath?

He is a right-wing thug, bigot, misogynist and caste oppressor who happens to have become a CM because of the unscientific and demagogueric nature of the Indian political system.

Like how I criticize the Taliban or FSA or Al Qaeda you should criticize Yogi.

Though I am not a fan of Pragya because I consider her unintelligent, I still see no reason to criticise her.

So you don't want to criticize her for things including the below ?

1. She saying that she believes she defeated cancer by eating "Panchgavya" ( cow's urine, dung, ghee, milk, curds ) ? Now she should defeat COVID by eating the same. Get her to tell her a few million Hindutvadi followers to eat Panchgavya and release the allopathic vaccines and medicine and also oxygen for other more sensible people to use.

2. She saying on a public stage that she is surprised that Shudras and other Lower Castes dislike their Manusmriti-assigned categories and station in life.

However, the premise is irrelevant here as these people were abusing, not citicising. Also, they were abusing communities in addition to a few leaders

What do you mean ?
Sure are, countries that have no religion or banned religion is getting prosperous. Take European countries, for example, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, China the first three have reached saturation in terms of development and the fourth one is quickly reaching developed status. All these countries have either banned religion like China or have public with more than 60%+ being irreligious. Deeply religious countries are mostly at the bottom of the rung. The best example is South Asia.

So basically what you're saying is irreligious is correlated to a nation's wealth.

But this theory begs the question, does irreligious lead to wealth or wealth lead to irreligious?
Repeated Violations
So basically what you're saying is irreligious is correlated to a nation's wealth.

But this theory begs the question, does irreligious lead to wealth or wealth lead to irreligious?
Being irreligious has its benefits for sure. For example, the countries that have more irreligious people tend to have more scientific temper than the rest. Being a wealthy country doesn't make someone irreligious, if that was the case Emiratis and Luxumbrg must be mostly irreligious which isn't the case and quite the contrary.

The point I am making is countries with more irreligious people tend to be doing better in terms of economy, social security, and development than the ones that are deeply religious.
Religion / God stands for specific things in society.
if religious people were more moral, by this logic Saudia and Pakistan would be the epitome of morality and UK and Norway, Finland a den of immorality with everything from murder to rampant corruption. but many such cases of the religious fleeing their strongholds to establish themselves in immoral irreligious strongholds that curiously appear to have much more value for things like human life and dignity.

I think your problem is seeing some nude women protesting as more immoral than one man beating his wife or daughter for going out of home. while the religious accuse the irreligious of having a "twisted" morality, it's pretty clear to a rational observer if a few nude protests are more or less twisted than rampant rape cases.
Under what metrics is he not a just god
even if I grant that, I still doubt a just God can throw people in hell for rejecting a believe system and acting otherwise justly. you may argue one cannot be just without being religious, but obvious I reject that. and this is not to even the count that "religiously just" people who do sanctioned things like enslaving the wives of their enemies and using them as sex slaves and don't even have to ask for forgiveness for these things to go to heaven. you can do apologetics all day on how slavery wasn't like that American system or how in that time enslaving widows was good, but no sane person is going to believe that.
Well, religion is just a vehicle or a tool.

To serve or transport us from point A to point B.

From a sinner to be a holy person, from a bad person to become a good person.

There's no point if you are worshipping billions of idols, following billions of religions, but you never learn and do what is suggested, not even one from billions.

It's better to just worship just one, even the simplest teaching, but you do it right.

Somehow, a stupid person but diligently do the right thing can be much successful than a smart person but he does nothing or the opposite.

One person is doing right, another one too, the others too.

If the majority of people do everything right, the entire country will be good.

The economy is prosperous, no poverty, and the crime rate is very low, it's like heaven on earth, despite they don't even mention anything about religion.

They actually already do what all religions are teaching, no wonder if they get all the blessing and good things.

One person is wrong and the majority of people are also wrong.

The country is poor, the crime rate is extremely high, corruption, etc.

And they say they are a very religious people, worshipping billions of religions.

I call it BS!
He is a right-wing thug, bigot, misogynist and caste oppressor who happens to have become a CM because of the unscientific and demagogueric nature of the Indian political system.

Like how I criticize the Taliban or FSA or Al Qaeda you should criticize Yogi.
You are arbitrarily accusing Yogi of things in your fantasy. You criticising Taliban or Al Qaeda is irrelevant. Yogi is not an organisation but an individual. Will you criticise Tipu Sultan, Muhammad Ghori, Muhammad Ghazni, Akbar, Jahangir, Humayun of the past? Or people of the present like Mohammad Bin Salman, Ayatollah, Bajwa, Erdogan, Imran Khan, Mahathir etc? Giving false analogy is your specialty.

So you don't want to criticize her for things including the below ?

1. She saying that she believes she defeated cancer by eating "Panchgavya" ( cow's urine, dung, ghee, milk, curds ) ? Now she should defeat COVID by eating the same. Get her to tell her a few million Hindutvadi followers to eat Panchgavya and release the allopathic vaccines and medicine and also oxygen for other more sensible people to use.

2. She saying on a public stage that she is surprised that Shudras and other Lower Castes dislike their Manusmriti-assigned categories and station in life.
I said clearly that she is unintelligent and hence I don't consider her as worthy of my time. This is a form of criticism - calling her stupid or unintelligent. I thought it was obvious.

What do you mean ?
I meant that the people whom you quoted were abusive, not criticising. Abusing is when you call names or make up terms to give false analogies. Moreover, they were abusing communities in addition. So, naturally, there will be anger. I don't see why anyone should be allowed to live only to cause noise pollution
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