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Shaheen-3 Missiles 90 Seconds To Delhi

The Shaheen 3 would be roughly in equivalent range and capacity to the discontinued Soviet R-14 Chusovaya. Though even here in terms of megatons the warhead doesn't even come close. But that is the warhead not the missile.

Looking at the missile and warhead capabilities of the Soviet Union and the USA even 50-60 years back is a humbling experience.

Since the land and population mass of our enemy is several times ours, Pakistan must quickly develop boosted warheads into the megaton range and develop fusion technology .More Shahins and Ghauris MIRVEd are needed to swamp enemy defenses and for redundancy to survive a first strike.

Enemy target assessment based on population density, fire hazard, medical assets, need to be meticulously done .
A city closer to a water source such as a river or ocean has better firefighting capabilities than a city in a desert. In World War 2 during the Blitz of London, the firefighters were successful in fighting fires due to the abundance of water from the Thames river.
does india have thermonuclear?
Not as per available knowledge.
On our technical threads we keep getting derailed with emotions and politics. I understand the concerns and any normal person is disturbed by the prospect of seeing their loved ones horribly burnt and disfigured. Nuclear war is a serious reality and the threat is very real.

Yes I know the threat is very real. But I still consider it far better option then defeat or surrender and becoming slave of India.
see this is where you lose, till now replies were sane and there was a discussion going on. when you bring women's undergarments i know you have lost it.
you may think its cool to bring women's undergarments in discussion, but its utterly disrespectful.
hope you learn from your mistakes....
Can't you stick to the topic?
Can you go to the nuclear simulator ( link below) and input a 45 kT surface burst over Connaught Place Delhi, ( or maybe a surface burst over Jama Masjid Chandni Chowk? )
The simulator gives you the impact and destruction measures zones.
Here is the link.
this thread is not about Indian missiles, its about pakistan latest missile test and its success / failure report. Im simply asking you to show the proof and set the record straight. is that so difficult?

A verified terrorist account which was blessing by Indian Establishment through influence in Twitter India office; doesn't prove anything except that online propaganda. EU DisInfoLab has already exposed that in Indian Chronicle report. Only Modi gang will keep turning their backs. Don't troll here.
Yes I know the threat is very real. But I still consider it far better option then defeat or surrender and becoming slave of India.
( Am going off topic. But will let this one go).
Absolutely. Past enemy regimes knew, and acknowledged that. Which is why they kept their fingers off the nuclear trigger.

Unfortunately this fascist regime is driven by an Apocalyptic mindset based on obscure ancient mythology. We are not dealing with a rational (though completely uncompromising ) enemy like the adversaries in the Cold War.
The enmity between Cold War adversaries was not cultural, religious or based on a thirst for revenge on perceived wrongs 1000 years back. The differences were on the type of economic and social world order and wealth distribution. Otherwise either side was least interested in nuking the other side.
At the height of the Cold War the US orchestras visited Moscow and the Bolshoi ballet group toured Western Capitals . There was no hatred amongst the peoples. The Soviet Union despite its Asian landmass had a European culture and the West was comfortable with this.
Unfortunately that is not the case with Pakistan's prime enemy, We are at serious risk of nuclear annihilation by a preemptive nuclear strike by an enemy that hates us for who we are.

We can't predict or stop a nuclear strike but can only retaliate.
It is even more unfortunate that the enemy is delusional enough to believe that we can't retaliate.
( Note: The Cold War adversaries were realistic. The communists also knew there was no hereafter or heaven and this was the only world there was)
But this is not unusual, for an enemy that believes Radars don't work in cloudy weather and lemons and chillies applied on a fighter jet makes them more capable.
It is therefore safe to say that a nuclear strike is very likely. We can leave the retaliation to our armed forces. As individuals we must make sure some of us survive the nuclear attack. Which is why for civilians to prepare for a nuclear strike is as important as for our armed forces to retaliate against one.
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Such BS goes down well in Slumdog Street but then again you creatures prefer to live in a parallel universe.
Your pathetic Agni Pankh Patils couldn't even destroy even one of the grounded 11 F-86 Sabres what to say of them getting toasted in the air, we lost a few patrol boats but sinking of Kukri is considered as best kill since the second world war....just as well captain of the Kirpan ran away as if IN wife swapping party was in progress.
As for Muktis being just an auxiliary , just remember it's just a few hundred freedom fighters in IOK that are causing your Haldi Daal warriors to blow their brains out.
Dude even your air chief was our PoW when his sabre was shot down by an IAF gnat. Who you are bsing. Your frustration is showing through your posts. And one rickety WW2 era frigate was all that you could manage and lost half of your navy, great. And we sunk the pride of PN Gazi. It's still leaking oil somewhere near Vishakhapatnam port which you claim to have blown up yourselves. And as for your so called freedom fighters they are getting killed and surrendering in hordes. Bad investment on your part I must say.
Well not everyone is braindead like bakht to run back to 70s when we were fighting a civil war. 27 '19 is the most recent conflict. It's logical to use it as base to judge capabilities of virat hindus.

Not our fault if your drunk generals were incompetent enough to send a mig to fend off falcons, is it? Besides there were Sukhois and mirages too but they chickened out after losing a Sukhoi.

Clutching at straws, are we?
World runs on empirical claims not bollywood filmsy claims.

We don't have to mention 71 war every time as you have lost every single war to us be it the 65 or the Kargil. And if you want to judge capability always remember how your generals legs shake and forehead sweat.

Sukhois were more than 100 km away and pat in nervousness fired their amraam missiles from this distance to avoid coming in their range and ran for it. As a result those missiles were dodged easily. And what you think was a Sukhoi was actually your own f16 b.

And as for the evidence you yourself declared that you admitted the second Indian pilot in your military hospital but later after finding out that he was in fact a Pakistani backtracked.
We don't have to mention 71 war every time as you have lost every single war to us be it the 65 or the Kargil. And if you want to judge capability always remember how your generals legs shake and forehead sweat.

Sukhois were more than 100 km away and pat in nervousness fired their amraam missiles from this distance to avoid coming in their range and ran for it. As a result those missiles were dodged easily. And what you think was a Sukhoi was actually your own f16 b.

And as for the evidence you yourself declared that you admitted the second Indian pilot in your military hospital but later after finding out that he was in fact a Pakistani backtracked.
Please educate yourself.
Dude even your air chief was our PoW when his sabre was shot down by an IAF gnat. Who you are bsing. Your frustration is showing through your posts. And one rickety WW2 era frigate was all that you could manage and lost half of your navy, great. And we sunk the pride of PN Gazi. It's still leaking oil somewhere near Vishakhapatnam port which you claim to have blown up yourselves. And as for your so called freedom fighters they are getting killed and surrendering in hordes. Bad investment on your part I must say.
Just look at your pathetic nonsense talking like a true moron.
Just to burst your Bharti bubble, was he an airchief when he was shot down.
For that matter a loser Brij Pal Sikand became an Air Marshal even after surrendering his perfect working Gnat fighter. At least our man went down fighting. Your wife swapping navy couldn't even stop a boat sailing down your throat into India Gate never mind facing a navy rest of your post is usual self loathing BS just to remain relevant.
Please educate yourself.
Watch the video yourself first.
Just look at your pathetic nonsense talking like a true moron.
Just to burst your Bharti bubble, was he an airchief when he was shot down.
For that matter a loser Brij Pal Sikand became an Air Marshal even after surrendering his perfect working Gnat fighter. At least our man went down fighting. Your wife swapping navy couldn't even stop a boat sailing down your throat into India Gate never mind facing a navy rest of your post is usual self loathing BS just to remain relevant.
Seriously dude I am laughing at every post of yours you seem to be quite unsettled. Stop being ridiculous and remember karachi attack. Your boastfulness is making you sound like a fool. And when did you reach India gate I don't know. Was it some insignificant touch and run operation by the pakistani navy?
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Watch the video yourself first.

Seriously dude I am laughing at every post of yours you seem to be quite unsettled. Stop being ridiculous and remember karachi attack. Your boastfulness is making you sound like a fool. And when did you reach India gate I don't know. Was it some insignificant touch and run operation by the pakistani navy?
It discredits your claim that missiles were were fired from max range. It should be no brainer that Sameer being ex-iaf will defend incompetence of his comrades.
It discredits your claim that missiles were were fired from max range. It should be no brainer that Sameer being ex-iaf will defend incompetence of his comrades.
Yeah just like Gafura hiding PAF casualties to defend yours. Lucky for you your f16 fell inside territory controlled by you. Just wait patiently and you will know the identity of your second pilot for sure just like you knew the actual number of PA killed in Kargil only in 2008.
Yeah just like Gafura hiding PAF casualties to defend yours. Lucky for you your f16 fell inside territory controlled by you. Just wait patiently and you will know the identity of your second pilot for sure just like you knew the actual number of PA killed in Kargil only in 2008.
And where those casualties might have happened?
Yeah just like Gafura hiding PAF casualties to defend yours. Lucky for you your f16 fell inside territory controlled by you. Just wait patiently and you will know the identity of your second pilot for sure just like you knew the actual number of PA killed in Kargil only in 2008.
If you are so convinced then what are you here for? After all, Pakistanis all think you are a worthless lying nation with zero value and dehumanize you and you do the same.. what are you here for?
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