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China commissions new-generation "artificial sun"

"Once giving technology to Vietnamese all products are same as making shoes."
Basically it is begging countries to give Vietnam technologies. He denied begging China but when i quote him that he did beg he turned silent.
I look forward to the following:

Tianwen-1 Mars mission completed.
Exascale supercomputer.
EUV lithography.
Tianhe space station launched.
H-20 stealth bomber.
Type 003 aircraft carrier.

We need to create a separate thread to post China’s achievements in 2020. Everyone can list and the OP can add it to the opening post list.
DBC filled with salt. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
He is a PDF think tank. He knows everything by clicking on Indian edited wikipedia.

He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you're been bad or good so be good for goodness sake.
You better watch out, better not cry, better not make fun of him I'm telling you why. DBC is think tank alright!
May be - is God Chinese also?
God is fairytale. Jesus Christ is actually Korean.
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Understand the difference between what's here now and what's still in the drawing board. Don't start boasting until sparc actually achieved first plasma like the HL-M2.

LAMAO the MIT SPARC predecessor Alcator has been running in the MIT basement since 1991..
..hasn't achieved plasma ... :lol: nice joke you earned 4 ha ha

LAMAO the MIT SPARC predecessor Alcator has been running in the MIT basement since 1991..
..hasn't achieved plasma ... :lol: nice joke you earned 4 ha ha

So compare the alcator to the HL-M2. Alcator achieved max power with pressure of 2 atm at 35 million degrees for 2 seconds. This isn't even half of HL-M2 output of 150 million degrees.
That's not enough, we need more. This is a result driven country, I will not be satisfied until I see a Chinese Euv and a Chinese nuke carrier. We still have a long way to go.

Until the day the first Chinese steps on the moon, my anger shall not subside, the world owes us our rightful place on earth.

China should secretly plan to go to the moon before the US mission. China has 3 years, be prepared for the Van Allen Belt.

First send a monkey to the moon to make sure you can make you there safe and back.

China can be first.
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So compare the alcator to the HL-M2. Alcator achieved max power with pressure of 2 atm at 35 million degrees for 2 seconds. This isn't even half of HL-M2 output of 150 million degrees.

Nice shift of the goal post - first no plasma (still laughing BTW)
now some other perhaps equally preposterous objection. Alcator was decommissioned in 2016 it was a research reactor to prove some important concepts.
Data was shared with ITER and others including the Chinese the endeavor spawned several start ups as well.

When I debunk your latest objection you will shift the goal post again - I don't have time to play this game.

Those interested can review the materials I shared and make up their own minds.
Have a nice weekend.
As a friend of China I give you a advise:
You develop a COVID-19 vaccine and sell it for $1 per injection. Or better: you give vaccine technology to others like Vietnam.
The move would increase China greatness one hundred times more than spending one billion dollars in technology for empty bragging.

China already gave Vietnam writing, agriculture, centralized government and religion and yet your country has always been a cunt to all of its neighbors.
Nice shift of the goal post - first no plasma (still laughing BTW)
now some other perhaps equally preposterous objection. Alcator was decommissioned in 2016 it was a research reactor to prove some important concepts.
Data was shared with ITER and others including the Chinese the endeavor spawned several start ups as well.

When I debunk your latest objection you will shift the goal post again - I don't have time to play this game.

Those interested can review the materials I shared and make up their own minds.
Have a nice weekend.
Hey numb numb, you are bullying others again? You have no idea how fusion and keep spurting nonsense. Told you ten friggin times, it's sustaining fusion to produce net positive power. Get it? Temperature is key and time is key.

Guys just ignore this troll.
So compare the alcator to the HL-M2. Alcator achieved max power with pressure of 2 atm at 35 million degrees for 2 seconds. This isn't even half of HL-M2 output of 150 million degrees.
FYI, the world record is 100mil deg for a minute plus for China. The best record so far.
Hey numb numb, you are bullying others again? You have no idea how fusion and keep spurting nonsense. Told you ten friggin times, it's sustaining fusion to produce net positive power. Get it? Temperature is key and time is key.

Guys just ignore this troll.

FYI, the world record is 100mil deg for a minute plus for China. The best record so far.

SPARC validated by Cambridge and ITER to attain Q10. While you claim China is making a fusion toaster :lol: ...go on keep calling me numb numb.. if it makes you happy.

The SPARC design, with BT = 12.2 T, IP = 8.7 MA, R = 1.85 m, a = 0.57 m and Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Heating (ICRF) power up to 25 MW available for heating, targets a minimum fusion gain, Q > 2 and fusion power, P FUS > 50 MW. In fact with these parameters, under ITER physics rules, SPARC would attain Q > 10

SPARC validated by Cambridge and ITER to attain Q10. While you claim China is making a fusion toaster :lol: ...go on keep calling me numb numb.. if it makes you happy.

The SPARC design, with BT = 12.2 T, IP = 8.7 MA, R = 1.85 m, a = 0.57 m and Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Heating (ICRF) power up to 25 MW available for heating, targets a minimum fusion gain, Q > 2 and fusion power, P FUS > 50 MW. In fact with these parameters, under ITER physics rules, SPARC would attain Q > 10

Sparc is not the same as Alcator. Sparc won't even be finished until 2025 at the earliest. By then, ITER will be here and it is vastly superior then SPARC can ever hope to be.
Numb numb stop copy pasting, do you understand what you pasted? Lol. No right? So start understanding what is fusion and how to produce net power. Heat is the one producing power understand numb numb. Will can shall remains to be seen, even the definition of Q is controversial. Understand?

There is no point producing net positive for 2 seconds. Gosh stupidity

let's see ..name calling ...check
lots of lolz ...check
..completely ignoring evidence check....

yup congratulations you won the argument.
Sparc is not the same as Alcator. Sparc won't even be finished until 2025 at the earliest. By then, ITER will be here and it is vastly superior then SPARC can ever hope to be.

Yes because you say so..you are the last word on Fusion

no never mind the science behind fusion,
...never mind the more powerful SPARC magnet
...never mind the VIPER super conducting coils...
..never mind that ITER themselves validated the SPARC Q output
...never mind the Russian nuclear physicists that said ITER design is obsolete
....never mind investors like Bill Gates and large energy conglomerates that are investing in SPARC

Mr. Causal has spoken... FINI...KAPUT...END OF STORY
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let's see ..name calling ...check
lots of lolz ...check
..completely ignoring evidence check....

yup congratulations you won the argument.

Yes because you say so..you are the last word on Fusion

no never mind the science behind fusion,
...never mind the more powerful SPARC magnet
...never mind the VIPER super conducting coils...
..never mind that ITER themselves validated the SPARC Q output
...never mind the Russian nuclear physicists that said ITER design is obsolete
....never mind investors like Bill Gates and large energy conglomerates that are investing in SPARC

Mr. Causal has spoken... FINI...KAPUT...END OF STORY
What evidence check, fusion is still in its infancy, and ItER is supposed to test if mass net power can be produced and sustained. Man, are you really that thick,?

:omghaha: :omghaha::omghaha:

And again Murican go around thumping on chest as to how mighty they are and how they will smithe their enemies . Ignoring that goat and sheep herders kicked their pants so hard that they disappear from Somalia and going to disappear from Afghan and Iraq and Syria.

(originally written in Sinodefence forum https://www.sinodefenceforum.com/t/chinese-laser-weapon-development.3790/page-59)

Just a bit of background as to the extent Xi Dada got into laser.
To the point that China is going to use laser to rip apart vacuum and fabric of space time.
And Muricans still intent on phony FONOPs and thinking that Muricans still holding the big stick
and can decide to Murican satisfaction what they deemed as right and proper.

I think we all can agree it is much easier to scale down from there to something usable on planes and tanks and ships and carriers than to scale that even further up.

And that was written in Oct 2018.
:D I wonder what stage are they at now?:rolleyes:

China’s “Station of Extreme Light” –‘A New Physics That Can Tear Apart the Fabric of Spacetime’


[ QUOTE= "ougoah " ]
As cool as all this sounds and actually is! This news is more than three years old and deals with theoretical stuff. It's not exactly possible to weaponise such a thing and test it as some sort of world destroyer.

I agree that ripping apart fabric of space time is theoretical and in the future. When the Chinese team hoped to achieve output 100 million-billion-watts.
That they hope to do by 2023, the not so distant future. Note The U.S. Navy's new aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford might not be able to deploy until 2024.

So that meant we should not even talk of USS Gerald R. Ford ?:yay:

in the meanwhile, in 2016, Chinese team acheived this. At the heart of the Shanghai Superintense Ultrafast Laser Facility (SULF), is a single cylinder of titanium-doped sapphire about the width of a Frisbee. After kindling light in the crystal and shunting it through a system of lenses and mirrors, the SULF distills it into pulses of mind-boggling power, achieving an unprecedented 5.3 million billion watts, or petawatts (PW) reported Science. (https://dailygalaxy.com/2018/10/chi...-the-fabric-of-spacetime-todays-most-popular/)

That was the reality , more than 3 years old. Where is that team now? Your guess as good as mine, but far far ahead of Muricans.:enjoy:

You note in the last ten pages of this thread, folks here going ape over Murican 3 30-kilowatt Laser Weapons System (LaWS) aboard the USS Ponce in the Persian Gulf. Or even 100 kilowatt Silent Hunter. Or even US Miracl produced over 1MW.

How is that 30 kilowatt, or 100 kilowatt or even 1MW. going to compare against 5.3 million billion watts ? Which was 3 over years ago?
While that full 5.3 million billion watts might not be weaponisable, how about just only 0.1% or 0.01% of 5.3 million billion watts ?
How big is a single cylinder of titanium-doped sapphire about the width of a Frisbee.? For output of only 0.1% or 0.01% of 5.3 million billion watts should even be smaller I assume?
Not doable at all?:pleasantry:

Again your guess as good as mine.

China's Airborne Laser Weapon Would Change Dogfighting Forever


China's Airborne Laser Weapon Would Change Dogfighting Forever
Airborne lasers can be used offensively or defensively.

Ha ha ha!

I plagiarise only! I did not write that.

And yes, according to Western writers, China got only a couple of handful of nukes. Max of 200++ nukes
No match for the Great US of A!

Using laser to cut tree branches, not a laser weapon per se, but it looks a littler bit terrifying, if you ignore the fact that it probably takes quite awhile to actually burn through the branches:
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