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Featured Pakistani experts warn of refugee influx from India

wrong, it was made for those who wanted a separate homeland free from hindu extremism, not for traitors who thought that Jinnah was wrong and didn't accept Two Nation Theory and stayed in their bharat mata.

Sorry but it was quite hard for me to decide my place of birth, otherwise I would have surely opted to be born in Laluketh.
Tell me, is the electricity in Delhi still free as promised by Kejriwal ? Or am I misinformed ?
It was never free absolutely, the scheme was only for people consuming less than 200k Watts per month. Above that, it gets costly very fast like you have to pay around 7 INR per 1k for above 600k consumption.
Kejriwal is a Sanghi as well. Just because he is in opposition to the BJP does not make him an angel.

Acha, maybe I don't know much about him. Why do you say this?

The real question that begets is why are Indian Muslims "expected" to be pro-Pakistan? Why not pro-Bangladesh or pro-Maldives or pro-Saudi Arabia.

When we live in India, we are accused of being pro-Pakistani. When we live abroad, the Pakistanis accuse us of being anti-Pakistani, and the Hindus accuse of us being pro-Pakistani because we attend the same mosques and generally move around in the same social circles. Seriously, when will this all end? Why can't we live our lives without being classified and consigned to some bucket of acceptance and non-acceptance.

Pakistanis are viewing this from a security perspective. For us, we judge others by their loyalty for Pakistan and Kashmir. For us, it is everything.

While I do not wish that Indian Muslims become refugees at all, it is mildly amusing that a self-avowed religious Muslim will discriminate against other Muslims owing to their national origin.

We are fighting a multi-generational war against the descendants of Marathas, Nehrus, Gandhis, RSS, etc.

Any space for weakness will be exploited by the enemy to the harm of Pakistani people. In our opinion, Indian Muslims and BD are too soft with Hindu majoritarianism, hence are left open to their propaganda and brainwashing.

Some fundamental shifts need to take place before that is rectified, but I am confident that things are moving in the correct direction.
No they don't! I've dozen of close relatives in India and I'm notunaware of the their identity evolution since decades..

There have been phases in the Indian Muslim identity.. from the early years after the Partition through the 80s where there was a strong pro Pakistan sentiment to the newer generations trying to feel like proud successful Indians when Pakistan was on a steep downhill path to now even the younger generation feeling threatened in India...

Having said that..as I said before in this forum.. it's best for the Indian Muslim to be a patriotic Indian.. but if the tide of the extreme form of Hindutva is more than a passing phase then the Indian Muslim should think about internal migration to consolidate their numbers in some areas..
@Imad.Khan is right ... Indian muslims has no mercy for Pakistani muslims, specially people of Hyderabad, India. Now they hate more after Modi action against Muslims.
Wth that is even supposed to mean? Like Indian Muslims are on a butchering spree of Pakistanis or what?
Means they never stand with Pakistani in North America on any issue. Plus, they hate the creation of Pakistan and think muslims of India are suffering because the creation of Pakistan...that is the most common perception among them. But, also point out unrest and terrorism in Pakistan on every platform.
If Pakistani organized any protest or seminar for Modi atrocities against Indian muslims , no Indian muslim takes part. PTI float the idea of organizing protest or seminar for Indian Muslim and planned to invite some of US Congressmen, but idea didn't work because Indian Muslim leadership stayed away. We Pakistani care about Indian Muslims, but they love to live like this ...then we have no problem.
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The real question that begets is why are Indian Muslims "expected" to be pro-Pakistan? Why not pro-Bangladesh or pro-Maldives or pro-Saudi Arabia.

When we live in India, we are accused of being pro-Pakistani. When we live abroad, the Pakistanis accuse us of being anti-Pakistani, and the Hindus accuse of us being pro-Pakistani because we attend the same mosques and generally move around in the same social circles. Seriously, when will this all end? Why can't we live our lives without being classified and consigned to some bucket of acceptance and non-acceptance.

Being 'pro Pakistani' is a natural label: It were the people of 'Pakistan' and a chunk of the Indian Muslims who, despite the huge odds, voted for Pakistan and carved out a separate country for Muslims. The BD, and the Saudis, and the Maldivians or any other country had very little, if any 'say' in that. The animus of the Partition is rightly against the Muslims of the Subcontinent and nowhere the sentiments are strongest than in modern Pakistan and northern India.

After all said and done: This is essentially a Great Sibling Rivalry between the north Indian Hindus and the modern Pakistanis!

As to the Indian Muslims... I think, despite some horrific Hindu-Muslim riots throughout the Indian history, there was some success under the Congress rule till only a few years ago to assimilate the Indian Muslims. That was the wise course of action. The Muslims retained their identity but they even started to talk like the non-Muslims Indians did: The fine Urdu as spoken in Pakistan has become rarer and rarer in the modern India with some pockets here and there. I know the dozens of relatives I have in India speak like a 'SaRak Chaap' version of Urdu. The use of Urdu language and even Urdu titles as intro to Indian movies gradually diminished. But that was an evolving Indian identity. So be it if that had continued.
He has shifted towards right-wing majoritarianism, most probably because of political opportunism.

Does he still publicly visit Hanuman and other temples ?

As you indicated, during the election some months ago his must have been political opportunism.
Being 'pro Pakistani' is a natural label: It were the people of 'Pakistan' and a chunk of the Indian Muslims who, despite the huge odds, voted for Pakistan and carved out a separate country for Muslims. The BD, and the Saudis, and the Maldivians or any other country had very little, if any 'say' in that. The animus of the Partition is rightly against the Muslims of the Subcontinent and nowhere the sentiments are strongest than in modern Pakistan and northern India.

After all said and done: This is essentially a Great Sibling Rivalry between the north Indian Hindus and the modern Pakistanis!

As to the Indian Muslims... I think, despite some horrific Hindu-Muslim riots throughout the Indian history, there was some success under the Congress rule till only a few years ago to assimilate the Indian Muslims. That was the wise course of action. The Muslims retained their identity but they even started to talk like the non-Muslims Indians did: The fine Urdu as spoken in Pakistan has become rarer and rarer in the modern India with some pockets here and there. I know the dozens of relatives I have in India speak like a 'SaRak Chaap' version of Urdu. The use of Urdu language and even Urdu titles as intro to Indian movies gradually diminished. But that was an evolving Indian identity. So be it if that had continued.

Sir just two cents from my side:

A news article appearing in a Turkish news paper, quoting a half literate mullah and posted by a bengali that is a very interesting recipe don't you think.

We are so consumed by the stupid notion of Umma Chumma and always in search of idols to worship, be it the saudis, the gaddafi, the saddam, the iranians, gamal abdul naser, ikhwan, and now the turks cant we have our own identity, cant we start writing our own history or is it necessary to find some dubious genetic relationship to our idols or for that matter some stupid notion of guidance.

Every one who needs to know knows that now Turkey is trying to become the leader of the Islamic world and after the saudi mullah shoving their propaganda down our guts it is now the turn of the Turkish.

A half literate mulla talking about experts what experts, the mullas hate everything about knowledge, education. Mullas who couldn't even understand the scientific base for moon sighting talking about "experts" must be the same experts who once said "every Muslim who believes in man landing on moon will have his Nikah annulled with his wife"

And posted by a bengali, bengalis who hate everything about Pakistan and now they have another new hate item India, what better way to start a fight between two nations who hate each other and hated by the third, wow, I can just say wow, 4 pages taking it out on each other just wow.

At the time of partition those Muslims who chose to stay back chose it at their own volition, they are Indians they don't hold any fealty to Pakistan and it shouldn't be expected of them the way we don't have any for them or their national heroes.
Hindus are trying to speak for you brothers. Please clarify from an Indian Muslim persepective.

@jamahir @xeuss @Mad Scientist 2.0

People will tell many things but that doesn't change the ground reality that is in India happening towards muslims. They are lost in every sense they neither have the voice to assert their will or the means , most accepted it as their is nothing left to do. And few ones who wanted to prove holier than thou kind of reminded me about a character in the movie Django Unchained.

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