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Taiwan spokewoman: China hid the Wuhan virus and caused 18M sick and 700k death

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Firstly CCP didn't hide the number. Secondly, is the number really important for other countries? China failed in stopping the virus spread. So did US and other country. So every country should be responsible for the spread. Actually it's more difficult for the virus firstly found country to stop the spread because by then nobody knew what the virus was.

I agree with you in most regards. Esp. about how tough it was for China in the initial stages. We all know that China has done a great job in controlling the spread in the later months.

But you are misunderstanding why the world is so angry at the CCP now. It is due to their secrecy in hiding the scale of the problem. It was Taiwan who used their intimate knowledge of China to learn the real damage.

Tragedy is that no one listened to Taiwan !
I agree with you in most regards. Esp. about how tough it was for China in the initial stages. We all know that China has done a great job in controlling the spread in the later months.

But you are misunderstanding why the world is so angry at the CCP now. It is due to their secrecy in hiding the scale of the problem. It was Taiwan who used their intimate knowledge of China to learn the real damage.

Tragedy is that no one listened to Taiwan !
Watch #5 video. Taiwan did nothing. It just cooperated with US government to defame China and attribute all fault to CCP. This is very mean act in fact. I despise Taiwan even more after this disgusting show from Taiwan.
I guess you don't know many people from Taiwan. “外省人” mostly are for reunification.

Taiwan pro PRC demonstration
Then explain why Tsai Ing Wen won the election then?

Most of Taiwanese doesn't even have anything nice to say to the mainland.
Then explain why Tsai Ing Wen won the election then?

Most of Taiwanese doesn't even have anything nice to say to the mainland.
I was talking about someone's claim that not even one person from Taiwan think they are Chinese, I met many Taiwanese in US who also believe they are Chinese, that false claim is just ridiculous.
Firstly CCP didn't hide the number. Secondly, is the number really important for other countries? China failed in stopping the virus spread. So did US and other country. So every country should be responsible for the spread. Actually it's more difficult for the virus firstly found country to stop the spread because by then nobody knew what the virus was.

The world should not blame Chinia's mistakes which were made in fog of war. Those who failed to control the virus with all known information about the virus are the ones should be blamed.
2 months! The politburo knows about the Wuhan virus for 2 months & they did Jack all even going as far as punishing whistleblowers for putting out informations about the virus.
"According to statistics released by the government (Executive Yuan), up to 55 percent of Taiwan young graduateswork in China, including Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, and Suzhou."
Then explain why Tsai Ing Wen won the election then?

Most of Taiwanese doesn't even have anything nice to say to the mainland.
Mainland Chinese and Taiwanese, like or hate each other. It doesn't matter. The most important thing is, who is living in a real world and who is living in politicians(inside and outside Taiwan) fabricated world. If your hatred is based on lies, the hatred itself is a result of cheating. Why would we care about their hatred?
Mainland Chinese and Taiwanese, like or hate each other. It doesn't matter. The most important thing is, who is living in a real world and who is living in politicians(inside and outside Taiwan) fabricated world. If your hatred is based on lies, the hatred itself is a result of cheating. Why would we care about their hatred?
The point of the comment is that most mainland Chinese are poorer than most Taiwanese.

If you think that's hate then you need to grow a thicker skin.
2 months! The politburo knows about the Wuhan virus for 2 months & they did Jack all even going as far as punishing whistleblowers for putting out informations about the virus.
Who told the "2 months"? What benefit the CCP would gain from hiding the virus information for 2 months? Did you see the video or not? The socalled whistleblowers caused millions of people fled Wuhan before lockdown. Which accelerated the spread.
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