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Your Favourite Sam Missile Systems

Super Falcon

Jul 3, 2008
Reaction score
United Arab Emirates
well i opened this thread that im sick of talking of what is our favourite fighter jets and we almost forget the deadliest weapon of air which is radars and sam Missiles hell for any fighter jet oncle lock you can't hide lets know what we like in Sam systems

Some members will say that this thread should be posted to Missile Thread but i consider this Sam System is part of Airforce

My Personal Favourite is

S-300 (Russia)
S-400 (Russia)
Spada (Italy)
My favourite SAM missile system, actuly its combined missile/artillery system is the russian Pantsir S1, the UAE version built on German MAN SX 45 8x8 truck:





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Im Waiting for Barak 8 SAMs For Indian Navy and Long Range- SAMs of Barak 8 Missiles for Indian Army :cheers:
Russian Sam Systems are 2 genration ahead of the world Sam systems yaar they are awsome nothing come close to russian technology in Anti Aircraft Misssiles and guns
Hmm... the one that shoots missiles and blows up jets real good!

Who agrees?
Im Also waiting for SPYDER Air Defence missiles for IAF to Arrive
What has Happened to SYPDER Deal.. Contract was signed 2 or 3 years back..Any Progress on Deal till now :blink: ?????
What has Happened to SYPDER Deal.. Contract was signed 2 or 3 years back..Any Progress on Deal till now ?????
Boss will u post something relevant?
The Russians make the most complicated SAMs... S-300 is my fav.
well this pantsir is hell of a defence against low and medium flying fighter jets i hope we will have hundreds of these better buy and make systems similar to this if not this
Boss will u post something relevant?
The Russians make the most complicated SAMs... S-300 is my fav.

What was irrelevant in My Posts ???:blink: I asked a query that what is the Progress regarding SPYDER Air Defence Deal ...thts it..!!
yaaar please lets talk what is best stop talking on deals here yaar israeli sam are amazing too but only probleum with them they all are medium range sam system
Now I know . . .Why until now. . . India can not rely on itself in military industries :disagree:

Ahemn, they said this Because Akash Sam worth 4 B US $ have already been ordered, for which Army by itself has ordered Akash System worth 12,500 crore ($2.8 billion), Now Shall we Have a Peaceful Debate sir If You dont really Mind???
Read some where that India evaluated S300 but did not go for it. May was cost or the fact that umbrella of protection provided by S300 was too small given size of our country and it was simply not possible to provide s300 for each Indian city.
And also could be possible that India bought some S300 and is it the case that S300 are good against Fighter not against ballistic missiles . SAM Gurus please shed some light.
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