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Reincarnation in Bharat

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Interesting anthropological differences between those natives and those presenting/visiting indeed. I'm convinced the North-South India divide is bull.

On the subject of rats, it looks unhealthy. They carry diseases. Just because they claim noone has ever got one, is just an indication of poor record keeping. Criminal negligence.
I bet every few days, one of these people wake up and think "what the ****!! I'm worshipping rats!!"

Interestingly, It shows to what extent Indians are capable of minding their own business!!
I definitely didn't see any of the outsiders saying "this is bullshit...close the temple down". Instead, they say, "oh well, if it makes 'em happy".

Dont you think they are doing the right thing because the are following Hinduism. As per by them (Hinduism).. they are to be blessed (have all the sins erased). They are suppose to be the most religious and the elite of the caste system by doing this.

Plus, reincarnation can of course be happened in rats. It is part of the Hinduism and there is nothing wrong with it, if that is your religion.
Dont you think they are doing the right thing because the are following Hinduism.

How is Hinduism related to worshipping Rats??

As per by them (Hinduism).. they are to be blessed (have all the sins erased).

I have never heard of this...
Hinduism like other Karmic Religions believes in Law of Cause and Effect.. and only by grace of a realized soul or grace of GOd can you be granted Moksha or liberation from Life and Death...

otherwise you will only spend more time in Heaven or Hell and then be reborn in a form of life dependent upon the remaining actions and further storehouse of Karma...

They are suppose to be the most religious and the elite of the caste system by doing this.

THis temple is unique to a small town of Rajasthan.. and is no doubt a tourist attraction... Rats not migrating etc will be though of as divinity by believers and ignorance by non believers.. yet no one will try to assert their superiority and both respect each other...

Plus, reincarnation can of course be happened in rats.

Reincarnation I don't know!!
Rebirth as a r at is possible...

It is part of the Hinduism and there is nothing wrong with it, if that is your religion.

as we have seen from the previous thread there is no conclusive definition of who is a Hindu.. and what is the definition of Hinduism.. :coffee:

Such peculiarities exist in quite a few places..
Hussain Tikri in Jaora, MP is a place where one has to see to believe supernatural happenings and exorcisims
and similar is Balaji Temple in Salasar, Rajasthan famous for exorcisms...

And there is a Dargah of the Scorpion Pir.. where the scorpions never bite in the Dargah complex but if the scorpion crosses the Dargah's boundary it starts biting again... :angel:

Devotees claim divinity, non believers are usually too shell shocked ;)
How is Hinduism related to worshipping Rats??

Listen to the clip dude. The rats are symbolic.

You should also know the vahana of Ganesha is a r-at. Worshipping Ganesha also means worshipping his chosen vehicle..the r-at.
Listen to the clip dude. The rats are symbolic.

White Rats are symbolic of re-incarnation of a deity's kids.. there are 330,000,000 deities in Hinduism.. and ~329,999,834 are not given importance...
this is a tribal/regional diety or something and this phenomenon is relegated to that particular temple and/or region and its people...

for an analogy --> The same way Malangs at badi imam festival.. are known for their strange beliefs and actions.. yet no one disturbs.. similary this is a strange belief and relegated to a small following.. for others it is a tourist attraction..

You should also know the vahana of Ganesha is a r-at. Worshipping Ganesha also means worshipping his chosen vehicle..the r-at.

by the same logic since the Gods and idols of tribal Arabs are there in Kabaa .. worshipping/bowing/circumabulating Kabaa is also worshipping stones and other gods and godesses of the tribal arabs...
There is no tribal Arab worship in Islam. Be more specific?

The Ganesh/r-at thing is something this specific group of Hindus find important to worship. Perhaps it's not mainstream. But there is a basis in Hinduism for it..that it is Ganesh's vehicle. Some people will choose cow worship. Others may choose monkey worship. All have a basis within Hinduism. Some sects in Islam find some things more important than others. There is perhaps an Islamic basis to these acts (though a lot of the times there are weak Hadith that might be used).
There is no tribal Arab worship in Islam. Be more specific?

Who is saying in Islam?? Arabs pre-Islam worshipped Gods and Goddesses..
Kabba is the remain of those stones.. so by your logic.. Muslims are polytheist..

The Ganesh/r-at thing is something this specific group of Hindus find important to worship.

this temple is not related to Ganesha worship.. and in Ganesha worship rats are never worshipped...

Ganesha's vahan is *** and also

Vishnu's vahan is Garuda,Durga;s is a Lion, Shiv's is a bull, Bhairon's is a dog, Dhumvati's is a crow..

I don't see eagles or lions or bulls or Dogs been worshipped

Perhaps it's not mainstream.

Of course it is not.. this is from ripley's believe it or not.. or somehting..

But there is a basis in Hinduism for it..

Because Hinduism's one of the defintions will encompass it...
much the same way stupid RSS people claim Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism as a part of Hinduism.. :hitwall:

that it is Ganesh's vehicle.

Yes.. it is supposed to be the vahana of Ganesha but at the same time shouldn't they be worshipping elephants instead since Ganesha is elephant faced??

Some people will choose cow worship.

Most do not.. cow are revered and worthy of worship as per Mahabharata.. but I have only seeing cows being worshipped on TV.. living in Delhi for a quarter century plus I have never seen cows being worshipped.. no one says anything to 'em and they are a big nuisance on the streets but most die from eating garbage (aluminium foils, plastics) or if a vehicle hits 'em(my advice don't stop and run)

Others may choose monkey worship.

Monkey worship how come???

All have a basis within Hinduism.

All kind by considered sub-of a perpipheral part of hinduism.. worshipping trees, water, rivers, animals, the stars, constellations, earth, etc.. but in all those the aim is to bow to the divine in all..

I shall look through the Gita I am reminded of a very important verse from Gita, supporting this but at the same time calling it unnecessary..

Some sects in Islam find some things more important than others.

the main aim is the main aim for eg in Islam..it is to submit wholly to God no free will no ego...

mythology is their to give a crutch, security to the beliefs,

injunctions, rituals, do's and don'ts are there to help create an order and a means to follow the morals and ethics to help you achieve teh ultimate aim.. they are but accessories.. and aids.. and supplements...

There is perhaps an Islamic basis to these acts (though a lot of the times there are weak Hadith that might be used).

???dunno??? but then again.. even in the Kabbaa.. if you imagine God to be present then I would not call worshipping a stone a blasphesmy.. (hope you understand what I am trying to say;-))
There is a reason why they are worshiping rats. Hinduism is a religion which now i believe allows the rats to be worshiped. It doesn't matter if some people in other parts of India or the world dont worship rats, but the fact is there... In Hinduism you may worship rats.

People of other religions dont necessarily worship which they are suppose to (in this case rats) nonetheless they are suppose to if they are true believers (in this case Hindus).

Same goes with cows, monkeys, and ants.

By the way, how are the cows worshiped?
There is a reason why they are worshiping rats.

Because they believe..

Hinduism is a religion which now i believe allows the rats to be worshiped.

it even laws worship of the dead etc... in teh form of sraadh and certain aghori and tantric practises...

It doesn't matter if some people in other parts of India or the world dont worship rats, but the fact is there... In Hinduism you may worship rats.

You may.. you can.. but I think authoritative texts.. very explicity state you should not.. a Hindu can even worship allah.. IMO.. and offer 5 times of prayers.. and can also technically be atheist(Manduknya Upanishad)

People of other religions dont necessarily worship which they are suppose to (in this case rats) nonetheless they are suppose to if they are true believers (in this case Hindus).

huh :confused:

Same goes with cows, monkeys, and ants.

and lots of other animate and inanimate stuff.. when must look for the symbolic meaning.. it is all about the symbolism..

By the way, how are the cows worshiped?

dunno... try googling it perhaps..
I have seen people feed 'em food or something.. nothing special...
You may.. you can.. but I think authoritative texts.. very explicity state you should not

I dont believe it. Hindus. Especially the priests are encouraging such *** worships. I simply dont understand what you mean. Aren't you Sikh?
I dont believe it.

what and why??

Hindus. Especially the priests are encouraging such *** worships.

Cause priests get money.. go to any big Hindu pilgrimage centre.. the pundits will fleece you for money and fake pujas.. :hitwall: they literally sorround you.. and start begging/demanding..

Pundits,these guys are not authority.. they are ****.. and mostly not even Brahmins.. they are about as big an authority on Hinduism as OBL is on Islam.. :hitwall:

RSS and VHP included.. they are there for the politics.. I mean how can a Sadhu sang be constituted.. Sadhus are supposed to be renunciates, ascetics and often celibates.. Hindu Texts explicity tells them to not be involved in mundane activities..

It is the cow belt guys who vote for 'em.. they are ****, ignorant but gullible people.. they have simple beliefs and fall for these petty politics..
Just like those people who believe everything that a Mullah says.. irresp whether he is fit for hadiths/fatwas or not..

I simply dont understand what you mean.

that if one actually reads the Hindu texts.. you will be shocked to see so many similarities with not only your religion but other religions as well...

they strictly adovocate monotheism but not in the way Islam proclaims.. but they are monotheist!! read gita, Mahabharata, ramayana, upanishads, the various philosophical texts, shankaracharya's works, the various commentaries and sutras etc.. The Puranic texts are the ones which have actually been exploited massively...

Aren't you Sikh?

yep!! why???:azn:

Dont you think they are doing the right thing because the are following Hinduism. As per by them (Hinduism).. they are to be blessed (have all the sins erased). They are suppose to be the most religious and the elite of the caste system by doing this.

Plus, reincarnation can of course be happened in rats. It is part of the Hinduism and there is nothing wrong with it, if that is your religion.

They are definitely not doing the right thing according to me. There are several different ways to interpret Hindus scriptures.

Some people tend to interpret them in the most literal sense, others tend to seek the philosophical meaning behind those texts, and still others seek only moral guidance from them.

So there are several different ways practicing Hinduism. You must have heard that recently some village girl was born with 8 arms, and people began to worship her as the goddess Lakshmi?
Each arm carries an attribute of goddess lakshmi, and the "highest" way of looking at that, is to understand the symbolism behind the idol and imbibe the qualities in one's daily life.

I don't think any hindu scripture states that your sins are erased by touching white rats. This *** worship is just an amalgamation of local beliefs and hindu scriptures, along with some frivolous additions.

This variety and sometimes weird practices are a result of the lack of central control in Hinduism. There is no worldwide authority that tells you how to interpret the texts or what rules to follow.
There is a reason why they are worshiping rats. Hinduism is a religion which now i believe allows the rats to be worshiped. It doesn't matter if some people in other parts of India or the world dont worship rats, but the fact is there... In Hinduism you may worship rats.

People of other religions dont necessarily worship which they are suppose to (in this case rats) nonetheless they are suppose to if they are true believers (in this case Hindus).

Same goes with cows, monkeys, and ants.

By the way, how are the cows worshiped?

Dude, there are no "have tos" in Hinduism. Arguing with Hindus here for what must be 2 years, you must have learnt this by now.

Hindu texts range from the Vedas, to the Upanishads, Puranas, the Gita. If you want to study Hinduism, you will have to study how Hinduism evolved to take its present form, not quote random verses from obscure texts that most hindus haven't even heard of.

The biggest mistake you can make is look at Hinduism from the monotheistic point of view as a "set of rules that every hindu must follow". There is nothing like that.

the Upanishads are famous for the depth of philosophical thinking, the Puranas are a vast corpus of legends, mythology, dynastic histories, moral fables, jain and buddhist rules, etc etc.
The Dharmashastras detail most of the laws of varna, dietary laws, laws of worship, rites such as birth and funeral, pilgrimage, karma etc. etc.
The Gita is pehaps the most famous hindu book, where krishna gives his philosophical discourse to Arjuna on the battlefield, and details the various yogas...karmayog, bhaktiyog, jyanayog..etc etc....
Of course, on top of that you have the Mahabharat and Ramayana.
Then theres the Tevaram from Tamil Nadu...
Then there are thousands of minor texts that have everything from mythology, to history, to mathematics, sciences,...

Now within these texts, which can be perhaps called the collective memory of this civilization, are philosophies, mathematical formulations, linguistics, histories, geographies, medicine, surgery, travelogues, etc etc., along with ideas that can be used to justify atheism, monotheism, polytheism, deism.
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