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Pakistan tests Ghauri Missile

Ghauri might be a testbed to test some stuff for 3rd stage of Ababeel ? As it is speculated, 3rd stage is liquid fuel a ? It's been 2 years since Ababeel was tested. Perhaps it is difficult to master MIRV technology on its own ?
All stages will be solid fueled. That's the whole point of having a solid fueled missile, that is not to spend 30 mins fueling the missile like you do in a liquid fueled missile.
Ghauri might be a testbed to test some stuff for 3rd stage of Ababeel ? As it is speculated, 3rd stage is liquid fuel a ? It's been 2 years since Ababeel was tested. Perhaps it is difficult to master MIRV technology on its own ?
Very interesting point!!
and this also means that our missiles are worthy enough for you to purchase s-400 sort of system for your defence and as your plan is already leaked that 4 out of batteries of the system will be deployed on our side of border and 1 to China's border.

To shoot down even a toy drone, some SAM is required. SAM is a very critical technology to realize and master. We have mastered it but S 400 is very special. Once we deploy it, No plane shall be able to fly in Pakistan sky. Meanwhile have the plan to Make EX SAM from LR sam having a range above 250 KM which shall be even more lethal than S400 for that range like LRSAM which is a leading missile of upto 100 Km of range.
To shoot down even a toy drone, some SAM is required. SAM is a very critical technology to realize and master. We have mastered it but S 400 is very special. Once we deploy it, No plane shall be able to fly in Pakistan sky. Meanwhile have the plan to Make EX SAM from LR sam having a range above 250 KM which shall be even more lethal than S400 for that range like LRSAM which is a leading missile of upto 100 Km of range.
Xr Sam is cost effective as indigenous. Not better than s-400
I believe Ababeel's third stage is not liquid but solid as well.

@The Deterrent

All stages will be solid fueled. That's the whole point of having a solid fueled missile, that is not to spend 30 mins fueling the missile like you do in a liquid fueled missile.

You can't use Solid fuel with MIRV bus because you wont be able to control the MIRV bus speed to insert multiple warheads at different orbits. Solid fuels doesn't give you an ability to throttle up or down the speed. Fuel liquids does that. Some technical explanations below from web


Many of the rockets use both solid and liquid propellant stages.

Generally solid propellant is used in lower stages.The reason is rocket requires higher thrust during lift off due to high atmospheric pressure which is easily given by a solid motor compared to a liquid engine for the same mass and size.

And liquid propellant in upper stages because it offers fine control for precise injection of satellites into the orbit.

Solid-fuel advantages:

  1. More thrust for a similar size rocket
  2. solid motors are easier to manufacture, store and handle a year before.
Solid-fuel disadvantages:

  1. Can't be turned off- once the burn starts, it goes until fuel is used up
  2. Lower specific impulse.274.5 sec.
Liquid-fuel advantages:

  1. Variable thrust- the amount of fuel and rate of burn can be changed in flight i.e.more control
  3. Higher specific impulse:
  • earth storable propellants(UH25+N2O4): around 340sec
  • Semi-cryogenic (Kerosene - LOX) : 350s - 360sec
  • Cryogenic (LH2 - LOX) : around 450sec
Liquid-fuel disadvantages:

  1. Difficult to store, maintain and service the propellant to liquid tanks.
  2. So many complex parts making it difficult to design and fabricate the engines (Cryogenic engine took 20 years for INDIA to design making it 6th in the world to have the technology)


Due to high propellant density, solid rocket motors produce high amount of thrust, but it has lower specific impulse i.e. it will burn out very fast.
Liquid propellant has higher specific impulse but they produce lower thrust, that means it can burn continuously for longer duration but will provide lower thrust amount. So, to produce more thrust more no of engines will be required.
Due to presence of high atmospheric pressure, lower stages of rockets are designed to give very high thrust, so that the rocket could climb to high altitude very fast where atmospheric pressure will be low. To do that either solid rocket engines or multiple stages of liquid or cryogenic engines are used.

Solid boosters suck in a number of ways. First, they can’t be stopped, started, or throttled up and down. This is bad for accuracy and makes them bad for most deep space missions, which often need many burns.

Second, their specific impulse (essentially, mpg for rocketry) is meh compared to most liquid propellants. Thirdly, when they fail, there’s rarely any warning, unlike liquid propellant systems, in which many failure modes give warnings and at least a slight chance of shutting down or aborting. And if you do want to escape from a failing solid it’s hard, since acceleration can’t be shut off, so you’d need an even stronger solid escape motor to pull you away from the still-accelerating rocket.

What solids are really good for is the ability to store then and fire them at a moment’s notice, which is why our missiles are all solids. But neither of these is a huge priority for NASA’s application, since NASA rarely has to deal with surprise launch needs. They also have a lower development cost, which is good for political/programmatic reasons. But in the long term, they are more expensive than liquids, especially if we make the liquid boosters reusable. So still a bad idea.

Now _hybrid_ rockets, which usually pair solid fuel with liquid oxidizer, and which are throttleable, are another story, and are worth some consideration. I suspect they still lose out, however, because they are probably harder to make reusable.

Solid fuel Pros

  • Can achieve very high thrust (each of the Shuttle’s SRBs produced more than twice as much thrust as the three Shuttle main engines combined).
  • Much simpler (they’re basically a long tube with solid fuel inside and a simpler metal skirt as nozzle at the end), thus in general more reliable.
  • Because of their simplicity they’re cheaper to develop/test/build.
  • Very easily storable fully-fueled for very long times.

  • Horrible Isp (mass/thrust efficiency) compared to liquid-fueled engines: the Shuttle’s RS-25 has an Isp of 366 seconds a sea-level, while the SRBs had an Isp of 242 seconds — that +100 s difference is huge in rocketry
  • Can’t be throttled or shut down once they’re lit, so they’re one-time affairs. That means they’re no good if you need the ability to perform multiple burns, if you want launch abort capability after lighting, if you need precise real-time throttle control (like for soft-landing a rocket stage), etc. (Note that their thrust does not have to be constant, but the thrust profile is determined at design time and can’t be changed during flight.)
For very small rockets (think hobbyist or missiles) and “light-lift” orbital rockets (like the Minotaur-C , a four-stage all-solid launch vehicle with a 1320 kg capacity to LEO) their simplicity and low cost makes them the preferred choice. In such mission profiles you don’t need throttling capacity, and the light payloads mean the low Isp isn’t too much of a problem.

For launching heavier payloads into orbit their low Isp really starts to hurt, so the extra cost and complexity of liquid-fueled engines becomes justified. Still, building very large liquid-fueled engines is difficult, so many past and current launch systems use a combination of both solid- and liquid-fueled engines in an attempt to balance each’s advantages and disadvantages.
@Zarvan a few days back you were asking about no new tests happening right?

The most interesting thing for me in this new test was that it was the liquid fueled missile (Ghauri series) while the focus have shifted to solid fuel (shaheen series) for some years.
Also the fact that this was test fired from Tilla, meaning that test range is operation again. Good news.
Many thought Ghauri was dead but I am also curious why Ghauri is being brought back. And also I would love to see ABABEEL test and also need more range Cruise Missiles and also time to go for ICBM.
You can't use Solid fuel with MIRV bus because you wont be able to control the MIRV bus speed to insert multiple warheads at different orbits. Solid fuels doesn't give you an ability to throttle up or down the speed. Fuel liquids does that. Some technical explanations below from web
Sir I am talking about third stage not talking about MiRV bus or individual R.V thrusters.
@Zarvan a few days back you were asking about no new tests happening right?

The most interesting thing for me in this new test was that it was the liquid fueled missile (Ghauri series) while the focus have shifted to solid fuel (shaheen series) for some years.
Also the fact that this was test fired from Tilla, meaning that test range is operation again. Good news.
The ghauri is also a testbed for new tech at times. So if you want to test out a new evasive system, put it on the Ghauri and send it.
Ghauri was designed in 1990's. First test fired in 1998, then successful tests fires conducted in 2010, 2012 and 2015(TEL). Which means its fired every 2-3 years probably for testing any new system.

Ghauri-II was test fired in 1999 and has extended range. Shaheen-II has more range than Ghauri series.

You are right, the launcher in the background looks different than the one from the past!
The ghauri is also a testbed for new tech at times. So if you want to test out a new evasive system, put it on the Ghauri and send it.

Any particular evasive system which is under development or testing phase in Pakistan you can disclose ?
To shoot down even a toy drone, some SAM is required. SAM is a very critical technology to realize and master. We have mastered it but S 400 is very special. Once we deploy it, No plane shall be able to fly in Pakistan sky. Meanwhile have the plan to Make EX SAM from LR sam having a range above 250 KM which shall be even more lethal than S400 for that range like LRSAM which is a leading missile of upto 100 Km of range.
what's new in that?
the point is that you knew that your SAMs and israeli junk isn't reliable enough against our arsenal that's why you choosed s-400 for your defence and that proves the capability of our missiles that the most best current system is required to put them down and not junks like akash,barak,AAD,prithvi air defence.
Our missiles are not of the sort yemen fires over Saudi Arabia and they intercept by patriot sys. but are far more lethal,accurate then them.
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