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3 militants killed in encounter

Not quite, we're Muslim just like him, use a language script similar to what he would have used, have many loanwords from his language, many of us are descended from migrants during his (and other) Islamic conquests, and our very nation exists because of Islamic conquerors like him. He is quite literally regarded as one of our founding fathers, with many referring to him as the first Pakistani. He also hired many indigenous people into his army and administration, most of us despised Dahir and the other rulers across Pakistan at the time. Those who sided against Qasim either died or fled to Hindustan, just like those in Pakistan who sided against Pakistan during partition.
Looks like you are so proud of your so called heritage,
Do you have any slight idea about what happened after the fall of Sindh?
Women children sold as slaves ,forced conversions on the pain of death, destruction of temples and places of worship, destruction of your very identity and language,and the way of life

No wonder Pakistanis have a identity crisis ,
You sound like you know a lot about ancient history ,try not twisting history as per your convenience

We did manage to snatch roughly 40% of it from you, which remains under our control.
I don't think that's 40 percent,
And the area you are holding has no economic value ,
Plus Pakistani has not been able to gain a single inch after first Kashmir war
Looks like you are so proud of your so called heritage,
Do you have any slight idea about what happened after the fall of Sindh?
Women children sold as slaves ,forced conversions on the pain of death, destruction of temples and places of worship, destruction of your very identity and language,and the way of life

No wonder Pakistanis have a identity crisis ,
You sound like you know a lot about ancient history ,try not twisting history as per your convenience

I don't think that's 40 percent,
And the area you are holding has no economic value ,
Plus Pakistani has not been able to gain a single inch after first Kashmir war

I'm a Muslim first and foremost, I primarily identify with Islam and Muslims.

We have a pre-Islamic heritage as well as an Islamic one. We are descended from both these Islamic conquerors and the people of the Indus. We also had many people from our land actually doing the conquering. For more information and evidence, see my positively rated posts.

Forced conversions are a mythical unicorn invented by idiots like you who can't fathom being defeated, so you have to pull out some fable just to prevent your PTSD from kicking in, it's a rather funny coping mechanism. There is no proof of forced conversions and there is most certainly no possibility of any Muslim alive today being the product of a forced conversion. Think about it, don't you think that person would go back to their old faith once they are no longer under pressure? You cannot force someone to change their beliefs, they do that out of their own free will.

As for the other acts of aggression, again, those were done to the supporters of Dahir and the enemies of the Muslims, who I consider my people, unlike the Dahir loyalists.

The only ones with an identity crisis are you guys, claiming everything from the Indus whilst most of you are related to none of it. IVC, Gandhara, Panini, Porus, Hinduism, even your damn nation's names come from our land (both Hindustan and India).

It is, you can Google it. 37% to be exact, I was giving a rough estimate and including the Siachen and that bit of Kashmir we gave to China since we also took those parts during the first war.

Yes we did, we took and currently own Point 5353 (highest peak in Kargil as well as it's dominating feature as per your own military), and outside of Kashmir we've taken Chamb sector and some of the Rann of Kutch. Combine that with the 37% of Kashmir we currently hold, and we hold more Hindustani territory than vice versa.
Allah pak Shahdat qabool farmai Ameen ..... Rest in peace brothers u have done your part for freedom of Kashmir.............
Army need to start burning their bodies after killing them. that would be disaster for future suicides bombers.

What would get the Kashmiri freedom fighters more infuriated is to give those deal freedom fighters the last rites through Hindu practices - get a brahman to chant vedic mantras , burn their bodies in a bed of firewood and empty their ashes into one of the rivers. That would enrage them like rabid dogs !! :cheesy::flame::rofl:
What would get the Kashmiri freedom fighters more infuriated is to give those deal freedom fighters the last rites through Hindu practices - get a brahman to chant vedic mantras , burn their bodies in a bed of firewood and empty their ashes into one of the rivers. That would enrage them like rabid dogs !! :cheesy::flame::rofl:

True...alas this happens. Its waste killing them if they will be receiving proper islamic burial afterward.

Be as ruthless as they are to kafirs.
Meanwhile in Nagaland :lol:
Indian Army Continues to Bleed, 4 Assam Rifles Soldiers Killed in Nagaland

death to indian veggie terrorist army

may you indian soldiers and your families rot in hell
You are callingbthe Indian army terrorists right
What would get the Kashmiri freedom fighters more infuriated is to give those deal freedom fighters the last rites through Hindu practices - get a brahman to chant vedic mantras , burn their bodies in a bed of firewood and empty their ashes into one of the rivers. That would enrage them like rabid dogs !! :cheesy::flame::rofl:
No Brahmin will chant vedic mantras for them and they don't deserve a antim sanskaar like hindus
Just let them rot ,birds and beasts need to eat too

I'm a Muslim first and foremost, I primarily identify with Islam and Muslims.
Nobody is calling you a non Muslim , whatever suits you mate

We have a pre-Islamic heritage as well as an Islamic one. We are descended from both these Islamic conquerors and the people of the Indus. We also had many people from our land actually doing the conquering. For more information and evidence, see my positively rated posts.
Your pre Islamic identity is lost so is your culture and your identity,
You were provided with a new identity ,after Arabs destroyed yours Hindu/Buddhist heritage
Now you guys are wannabe Arabs !

Forced conversions are a mythical unicorn invented by idiots like you who can't fathom being defeated, so you have to pull out some fable just to prevent your PTSD from kicking in, it's a rather funny coping mechanism. There is no proof of forced conversions and there is most certainly no possibility of any Muslim alive today being the product of a forced conversion
This is just funny how easily you are denying facts !
I mean it's clear proof that forced conversions happened in Arabia itself ! And you are in denial mode ,
Forced conversions happened in Persia , mesopotamia,Egypt ,and everywhere the Arabs went
Temples were broken to make way for the mosques, women distributed as war booty ,and the families of soldiers who fought against Arabs were captured and sold as slaves
A man is not defeated until he loses his culture and identity,my identity is the same since the first recital of rigveda ,let's talk about yours ?
I can't fathom being defeated? And I have PTSD? What kind of idiot are you buddy?
I can't help if you have an identity crisis!
You are creating facts from thin air, looks like you are trying hard to create a new identity
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Think about it, don't you think that person would go back to their old faith once they are no longer under pressure? You cannot force someone to change their beliefs, they do that out of their own free will.
Islam only spread by the sword unlike Christianity
Only conquered countries have significant muslim population,they destroyed their subject's identity to make them stick to Islam
How do you explain the fact that Islam only spread to those countries which were conquered?

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