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India starts "Break up Pakistan" project in Washington.

There are some things worse than death. (Example: torture) The Muslims of Hindustan are treated like trash which is a form of mental torture. So what's worse, a quick painless death or a long painful death?
3rd degree burns and radiation poisoning are neither quick nor painless.
Also, I'm ready to bet the Muslims of India don't share your enthusiasm in you deciding their fates for them. They are after all 'Indian Muslims', not 'what Pakistan imagines us to be Muslims'.
Yes, at present. However, this is the agenda for the future. It shows intent and the directions things will be going in.

I've said it before, a conflict with the US is inevitable.

Agreed. A war with the US is inevitable. Many nations in this region will join hands to confront US warmongering. In fact it this is already happening in Afghanistan.
A nuclear armed Pakistan is a threat to Israel. All the movers of the anti-Pakistani legislature are Zionists. The Indians simply tap into this lobby group. If the yid allom plan is aimed at all the Arab countires, do you think they will ignore the largest muslim country in the area? The recent suport for the 'Baluchi people' and now the call for 'Sindhi freedom' are just an expansion of this plan.
Mate, try to read in between the lines...for overt enemy, overt moves ...for covert..the covert moves..
3rd degree burns and radiation poisoning are neither quick nor painless.
Also, I'm ready to bet the Muslims of India don't share your enthusiasm in you deciding their fates for them. They are after all 'Indian Muslims', not 'what Pakistan imagines us to be Muslims'.

We all know the Muslims of Hindustan will be punished (example: Kashmir) if they speak up against the "sacred cow" so you can take your BS bet else where.
کتے بھونکیں ہزار ھاتھی چلے بازار
کتے بھونکتیں رہتے ہیں اور قافلے چلتے رہتے ہیں
These scums are surviving and thriving on our attention.How Altaf the fat toad and his rehortics have died,after state has banned it's coverage.
We should stop giving them any attention.
I was once worried about these bastards and there rehortics,but one day i visited a premier counter terrorism school situated in Punjab,there were all most 80% Sindhi and Pashtun Instructors.That has strengthened my faith on unity of state.
Move On,plz don't provide them coverage,that's there life line.If they wouldn't be in head lines,there handlers would face disappointment.
P.S:This is weakness of state,that every bastard is able to bark on Pakistan,without fear ofbacklash.
I concur sir , the majority of our most courageous fighters are pashtun especially concentrated in the SSG and in that in the zarrar company, the country's most elite ct wing
We all know the Muslims of Hindustan will be punished (example: Kashmir) if they speak up against the "sacred cow" so you can take your BS bet else where.
Kashmir is handled differently due to different circumstances. The rest of the Muslim population are full citizens and enjoy the same rights as everybody else.
Kashmir is handled differently due to different circumstances. The rest of the Muslim population are full citizens and enjoy the same rights as everybody else.

How is it different? When Kashmiris protest, Hindustan commits genocide. So than, why would the rest of Hindustan's Muslims protest when they see the genocide of Kashmiris? Muslims & Christians are murdered by Hindus for eating cow meat and you say they are full citizens? LOL you Hindus and your shameful lies. :omghaha:

You can pay the white powers that control the U.N. to keep quite but when their empires fall. Justice will prevail. :butcher:
How is it different? When Kashmiris protest, Hindustan commits genocide. So than, why would the rest of Hindustan's Muslims protest when they see the genocide of Kashmiris? Muslims & Christians are murdered by Hindus for eating cow meat and you say they are full citizens? LOL you Hindus and your shameful lies. :omghaha:

You can pay the white powers that control the U.N. to keep quite but when their empires fall. Justice will prevail. :butcher:
Correction, when Kashmiri separatists terrorize, Indians put them down. Regardless of religion.
And since the rest of your argument is based on the assumption that I'm Hindu, I'll debunk them by tell you I'm one of the minorities.
Now try to come up with a debate that doesn't hinge on your assumption of my religion :coffee:
Correction. Kashmir is only part of Hindustan because you cowards have no honor. It has everything to do with religion. That's why the entire Indo-Pak partition took place in the first place. Free Kashmir and they will have no reason to fight the mother of terrorism (India). But nope, not India you guys are hell bent on taking over all of South Asia.
Correction. Kashmir is only part of Hindustan because you cowards have no honor. It has everything to do with religion. That's why the entire Indo-Pak partition took place in the first place. Free Kashmir and they will have no reason to fight the mother of terrorism (India). But nope, not India you guys are hell bent on taking over all of South Asia.
If it has everything to do with religion, then why doesn't Pakistan accept those who are unwilling to stay with India because of its Hindu majority?
After all, it is people who have religion, not a piece of land. And religion is not restricted by terrain.
India only can dare it in massive civil war,that too when she can have numerical advantage of 1:25.

Pakistan Army is man behind the Gun in case of Nukes.
Write what makes sense.
I was referring to the fact that many Pakistanis started talking about nuclear war just because a twitter handle tweeted something (which may or may not have been sponsored by India) !!!!

This attitude - or a lack of it - only shows that these Pakistanis have no faith in Pakistan Army.

Now - why do I think that these Pakistanis don't have faith in Pak Army ? May be because Pakistan army failed to protect Pakistan's integrity (whatever the circumstances) in 1971. So these Pakistanis have a "fear of disintegration" already.

They feel that Indian army had done it once so they might do it again. These people (read war mongers) are actually scared (and convinced) that Pakistan will break up eventually in case of war with India.

So all they can think of is "Atom Bum." A nuclear war seems their last and only option.

Does that make sense to you ?

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