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Featured In Pakistan, Paris attacker's family praise his actions

Now imagine a muslim head of state saying the same for Hinduism or Christianity and then imagine the outrage

They could not tolerate Turkey turning Aya Sofya from a museum to a Masjid, forget about if we insult their religion directly.

Muslims built a masjid few blocks from WTC and they (half the US) started calling it "911 victory mosque." Muslims had to change it to a public facility instead, open to Non-Muslims as well as Muslims, and it was no longer a prayer house.

They feel no pain when Islam is mocked but can blow up even minor issues to beat Muslims in the head.
Sheikh Yasir Qadhi, a Muslim scholar who lives in Tennessee, said Islamic law draws a distinction between making graven images, a statute that is not binding on non-Muslims, and portraying Mohammed in a vulgar or disrespectful manner, which is considered blasphemy.

For you, religion might just be a simple matter, but for me, my religion Islam is my identity.
Now before you comment further, Please research about Aqidah, Fiqh. Also read about the sources of Sharia, Quran > Hadith > IJtehad/Ijma > Qiyas

In September 2012, the newspaper published a series of satirical cartoons of Muhammad[PBUH], some of which feature nude caricatures of him.

I see that you did not get adequately informed about the matter and jumped to opine.

For Muslims , drawing living creatures generally such as humans e.t.c is forbidden. While for blasphemy, certain conditions must be matched. And it is not just limited to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). For us, All Prophets are beloved. Blasphemy also involves Burning of Quran and other disgusting acts.

I will advise you to please study adequately first before comenting on sensitive matters and on religion which you have ill-resourced knowledge and neither a follower of it.

Belief in Quran is must but so is belief in Hadiths. Now Hadiths also have different levels (Sahih, Zaeef etc) but I hope that you rather then commenting further on Islam without proper knowledge, will rather spend the time and energy to understand and research all these parts of Islam.

Let me also give you an example. Suppose, you hate Muslims alot. You want to kill all Muslims etc. That won't allow me to act against you in anyway. But suppose you destroy a Mosque and burn it down. Now, that is something I will act against.
Merely, not following my religious teachings or Islam or believing in Allah, Quran e.t.c is fine. You have every right to believe in your own ideology and principles/religion. But, you (Nauzubillah ) peeing on Quran or creating nudes or making mockery of the person who is someone we cherish more than ourselves, our money, our parents, our children... sorry, for us, that is unbearable. Call it Terrorism, Extremism, but for us, it is rather you who is terrorizing, acting extremely hurtful.

Note: here 'you' is used generally.
Bro I think we should not try to argue with Indian Hindus. Their hearts and minds are full of hatred and disrespect for our beloved Prophet P.B.U.H. Non Muslims should be banned from this thread.
Well this family needs to get their heads right. Is it good to defend anybody's honour in this way? The Prophet's (pbuh) sanctity and message should be defended rationally, proportionally and certainly within the rule of law, not by praising attacks on civilians.

Having said that, surely it's hypocritical for folks to defend ABSOLUTE freedom of speech and then complain about this? The original cartoon was specifically libellous and defamatory.

Deja Chu


so many apologetic Pakistanis on this thread

well f*ck France from me

It is the same country that colonized and killed millions of Muslims and now officially wants to "reform" Islam. One of the most islamophobic scumbags in the world where islamophobia is an official policy

No you sissies who surrendered to Nazis. I am not sorry for what this Pakistani did. My only concern is that he didn't kill any of those Charlie Hebdo cartoonists
french are bloody rascals !!!!!!!!! never really liked them!
He P.BU.H also fought battles for His cause. Why you people forgot that?
As a last resort. Why did you forget he hated violence. Here mad people with no understanding pick violence as the 1st option. When he was stoned did he fight? When rubbish was thrown on him did he fight. When people abused him did he fight. Please learn Islam then preach. Thats why Islam means peace...you people want war only yet its the very last option
What happens when someone else's ideology/religion just by it's fundamental nature is blasphemous to islam?
Every atheist in the world completely denies the existence of god as a concept including the Islamic version... Would you go around knifing all of them? Similarly, other Abrahamic religions are not that accepting of the Islamic prophet, as Islam is of them.
Which part is blasphemous though?
I don't think Charlie Hebgo denied the existence of god/prophet of islam.... They drew a cartoon of the prophet of islam. Does that constitute as blasphemy per Quran or is it just forbidden?
If it is forbidden per Quran then doesn't it only applies to Muslims?

You're missing the point, what is and what should be considered blasphemy is layed down in the Quran, Sunnah and Ijma and it all boils down to being insulting or provocative towards matters pertaining to religion (that too has different levels and scopes into it), the mere act of drinking or smoking or practicing your religion isn't considered blasphemy in the diameter of those 3 parameters i previously mentioned

If it is forbidden per Quran then doesn't it only applies to Muslims?

Muslims must follow the law of the land.... but it applies to everyone in a land ruled by the Sharia
........instead of barking.......................................
Mind your language! Is this standard way of conversation according to Islam?. Are you even a Muslim? I have already stated that I am unaware that such a notion exists in Islam. It is you that has to present that any form of evidence -of which you shall not find any in Quran or Hadith. The only thing you will find is my Prophet's Muhammad SAW's mercy be it for the people of Taif that threw rocks at him, the woman who littered her garbage at his doorstep and countless others. He is the paragon in Islam. How can one take a contrarian approach to his actions and then masquerade as a muslim?
Mind your language! Is this standard way of conversation according to Islam?. Are you even a Muslim?

I will not mind my language against Blasphemers of Prophet P.B.U.H and their supporters. Will you mind your language if someone abuses your mother?

I have already stated that I am unaware that such a notion exists in Islam.

If you are unaware then you should ask someone who is aware about sensitivity of the issue.

It is you that has to present that any form of evidence -of which you shall not find any in Quran or Hadith

Please read and the give your counter arguments.

the woman who littered her garbage at his doorstep
Where is the reference of this claim?

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