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Featured In Pakistan, Paris attacker's family praise his actions

Never been the fan of violence because it solves anything hardly, modern world is to complicated and people are way more stubborn to change their ways for 1 or 2 attacks, today such attacks do nothing but encourage more to do the same, this dude is emotional and his action is reflective of his lack of knowledge about Islam in general , but thing is that not everyone is the same, we all have different ways on how to react on certain situations, some get too overwhelmed by emotions and some constrain themselves from the thoughts of doing something irrational .

I doubt this will end anytime soon , even if Muslims kill hundreds of such people, it will encourage thousands more, and than do we have kill thousands ? and it will go on , there has to be another way to solve this issue and no protesting will gain you Jack shit, anyone who is suggesting about protests in west about their beloved Freedom of speech, will be up for a rude awakening , no one will give a shit about some guy or gal insulting a man whom they despise ( Muhammad Pbuh ) , another reason for the world to not create a strict law against such provocation is that the world wants to provoke Muslims, they know if their citizens do such things eventually it will attract some violent reactions from them, and so they will get to cry crocodile tears of how evil Moslems are , how much they hate Western civilization and Freedom and all sort of BS ..

There has to be another way to deal with such situation, I am thinking of one which doesn't include violence nor licking the nasty Arses of West to stop doing it ..
Allah grant me place alongside those Muslims who fought against Blasphemers of Prophet P.B.U.H from Sahaba to Ilam ud Din.
Funny you chose your own place and then chose one for myself. Keep foaming at the mouth. Lol is this what @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan wanted that he visited your page in appreciation. Then let me add this too that you will only find your place amongst those that falsely accused Asia and wasted her life and Mumtaz Qadri -the man who took the law into his own hand. It is against my faith to wish someone ill and then say inshallah, so i'll leave it at that.

You don't have to hide in this forum, bring glory to PDF and be next in line to exact physical justice as per your belief. Imagine how many PDF posters will support you and bless you.

Why have you removed your comment -the barking one (or the mods?). Kindly append it now! So it stays as a matter of record. Let your character shine through your words:

"Mutakalim said:
........instead of barking......................................."

Mind your language! Is this standard way of conversation according to Islam?. Are you even a Muslim? I have already stated that I am unaware that such a notion exists in Islam. It is you that has to present that any form of evidence -of which you shall not find any in Quran or Hadith. The only thing you will find is my Prophet's Muhammad SAW's mercy be it for the people of Taif that threw rocks at him, the woman who littered her garbage at his doorstep and countless others. He is the paragon in Islam. How can one take a contrarian approach to his actions and then masquerade as a muslim?

You have yet to provide any material that says the following highlighted part which was the initial inquiry:

"The person who kills those who disrespect the prophet goes to heaven, and his whole family goes to heaven," Arshad said.

What? I have never heard this.....concocting innovations -isn't that blasphemy too?

Convenient of you to side skirt the issue and provide a rationale that was unsolicited, which is perhaps again a virtue of the Islam that you follow. Do not quote me unless you have specific verses or hadiths which states the emboldened and underlined remark.
Mind your language! Is this standard way of conversation according to Islam?. Are you even a Muslim? I have already stated that I am unaware that such a notion exists in Islam. It is you that has to present that any form of evidence -of which you shall not find any in Quran or Hadith. The only thing you will find is my Prophet's Muhammad SAW's mercy be it for the people of Taif that threw rocks at him, the woman who littered her garbage at his doorstep and countless others. He is the paragon in Islam. How can one take a contrarian approach to his actions and then masquerade as a muslim?

When people don't have answers to their claims they often resort to personal attacks. They have nothing else, you see.

You are correct. The Quran, Hadith, and Sunnah have no such command, implied or otherwise. In fact, the Quran does have aprox. 54 different instances of commanding the Muslims to ignore and walk away when faced with insults against Allah (S.W.T) himself. Then, as you rightly pointed out, the Prophet's (S.A.W) entire life stands directly opposed to this idea. He was physically assaulted and yet he forgave. Furthermore, according to Islam itself, religious minorities are not subject to Islamic religious laws. In fact, they can choose to have their own independent courts.

Where does this supposed law come from then? From emotions of those who know nothing of the religion and yet claim to be its thekedars, those who choose to twist established laws to further their own religious and political agendas. Observe,

A) During the Medani period it was decreed that if a Muslim commits apostasy he will be declared a "Murtad" and could be subjected to capital punishment. This was done in the background of the rampant danger posed by the "Munafiqeen" i.e. the law was administrative and not religious, but that is a separate debate. All the five officially recognized schools of thought (Fiqh) in Islam ascribe different implementation of the decree. E.g.

- The Hanafi school decrees death to an apostate only if he commits unlawful warfare against the state. If he does not, he is free to go.

- The Maliki and Shafi'i schools require 10 and 3 days, respectively, be given for the apostate to recant/repent before any measures can be taken against him/her. The Hanbali and Ja'fari schools do not require but do still allow a waiting period as well. During these waiting times the community is encouraged to convince the person to repent and recant. If he/she does, then he/she is free to go.

- The Ja'fari and Hanafi schools only ascribe the capital punishment to men.

- While the Hanafi, Maliki, and Jafri schools make capital punishment mandatory (as long as the prerequisites are met), the Shafi'i and Hanbali schools only consider it a recommendation.

- According to all these schools the apostate has to openly declare his/her apostasy in front of the judge and/or community. If he/she does not, they are free to go. In fact, if the judge asks him to re-confirm it and he/she denies it, he/she is free to go.

B) Later on, after the time of the Sahabah, a Muslim man insulted the Prophet (S.A.W) and people took him to the law. The jurists of the time agreed that he could not be punished for insulting the Prophet (S.A.W) but then also decided that since a believing Muslim could not ever insult the Prophet (S.A.W), the insult he had hurled meant that he was in fact not a Muslim anymore and hence had become an apostate. Therefore, he would be subject to the same law as above. This fatwa later became the standard punishment for all Muslims who would insult Allah (S.W.T), The Prophet (S.A.W), or Islam in general. Non-Muslims were not subject to this law since 1) it is an Islamic religious law, and 2) Non-Muslims by definition cannot commit apostasy from Islam.

C) Still, as time passed, the rabid Mullah and his followers, in their rabid emotions, hatred, and ignorance from the religion, decided that Blasphemy = Death for anyone and everyone. And not just death penalty "as per the law and by the law" but murder by the common man, which ironically does indeed carry the death penalty in Islam. A law that is only enforceable on Muslims as per Islamic Jurisprudence and common sense was now enforced on Non-Muslims as well. It was also enforced in ways contrary to the actual decrees; no waiting periods were allowed, no opportunity to repent/recant was given, in fact recanting and repenting did not save you at all, no confirmation or open declaration by the accused was required either. You can accuse your neighbor of blasphemy today, through him and his family in a brick kiln tomorrow, and be a religious hero the day after. People will even build a mausoleum where your putrid self will lay.

Result? A disgustingly morbid, unethical, and absolutely un-Islamic law made and enforced by those who know nothing of the religion. A law which goes contrary to everything The Book and The Prophet (S.A.W) stand for. A law these illiterate Mullahs and their sheep defend like rabid dogs. A law which is only an excuse to commit atrocities against Non-Muslims. A law which the Prophet (S.A.W) himself will testify against in the hereafter, as is his promise.
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Only a waste of a human being comes to a foreign land as a guest and does something like this.

Why do you feel the need to make a connection between the attackers foreign roots and the attack? There is no connection there.

There is only one connection. Charlie Hebdo drawing the cartoon and the agitated attackers retaliating.
Why do you feel the need to make a connectiom between the attackers foreign roots and the attack? There is no connection.

There is only one connection. Charlie Hebdo drawing the cartoon and the agitated attackers retaliating.

His own family made the connection, I didn’t. I don’t want me or my country to be represented by these types of people.
Not just on the planet, but it came from Loah Mehfooz, it is something laa-makan laa-zaman.

What Charlie hebdo said earlier that it will republish the cartoon is an act of provocation, So no one in their right mind will defend them, they are clear zionist hypocrites because in the same country one can face jail time if they said something against the Jewish genocide, so they are there just to provoke and are welcoming others to fight.
At the same time I can not condemn what this young man has done, and there surely would be consequences for other muslims living in france. We would have been glad if the govt of any muslim country (there is no islamic country on earth right now) , if any muslim govt would have opened their mouths against such provocations of charlie hebdo to "nip the evil in the bud".
Thank you for your rational remark. Have nations not challenged Allah and turned to dust. We as humans are not a reflection of his anger but his mercy. Through our deeds we enjoin others to turn towards him. There are countless videos of people on youtube that were against Islam and then converted only because the commentators engaged with that person positively.
Thorough back ground check is required for detection of such ideologies in individuals wanting to come to your country. Otherwise just out right ban entry for everyone belonging to that country.

That is not good enough.

This is a war between civilisations as many experts have pointed out since the 9/11 attacks.

What your white supremacist friends need to do is entirely ban Muslims and cut diplomatic relations with Muslim and developing nations. The real question is whether Western nations have the ability to sever ties with Islamic and developing nations around the world. Since Western nations continue to blame and accuse Muslims for all the wrongdoings the onus is on them to follow through.

Western nations have conflicts with many countries around the world. Islamic nations just happen to be one of many.

His own family made the connection, I didn’t. I don’t want me or my country to be represented by these types of people.

Whether you like it or not, France continues to make the connection. You know as well as I do, the French are irritated when PM Imran Khan condemns Charlie Hebdo for drawing cartoons of the prophet. France wants to hate and ridicule Muslims with a clear intent to agitate. France has a history of killing and colonising brown Muslim nations. It wants to keep up the tradition of ridiculing and hating Muslims. Any brown Muslim leader criticising arrogant French is at the receiving end.

Besides, there were many others who participated in this attack. Yet French media continues to highlight the Pakistani attacker. We are not stupid. We understand why France is doing this. It has beef with Imran Khan using UN platform to highlight Charlie Hebdo's hate cartoons. It is not a coincidence that France propagated the background of the Pakistani attacker right after Imran Khan's UN speech.
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Funny you chose your own place and then chose one for myself.

You yourself have chosen your side, the side of Blasphemers.

Then let me add this too that you will only find your place amongst those that falsely accused Asia and wasted her life and Mumtaz Qadri -the man who took the law into his own hand. It is against my faith to wish someone ill and then say inshallah, so i'll leave it at that.

I always wished to be with Mumtaz Qadri and I am proud of it. Can you say the same about Salman Taseer? Do you want to be with Salman Taseer?

Why have you removed your comment -the barking one (or the mods?). Kindly append it now! So it stays as a matter of record. Let your character shine through your words:

I didnt removed those words and I still stand by those words.

Convenient of you to side skirt the issue and provide a rationale that was unsolicited, which is perhaps again a virtue of the Islam that you follow. Do not quote me unless you have specific verses or hadiths which states the emboldened and underlined remark.

"The person who kills those who disrespect the prophet goes to heaven"

These words are justified and the arguments were already presented. Do I have to paste them again?
Never been the fan of violence because it solves anything hardly, modern world is to complicated and people are way more stubborn to change their ways for 1 or 2 attacks, today such attacks do nothing but encourage more to do the same, this dude is emotional and his action is reflective of his lack of knowledge about Islam in general , but thing is that not everyone is the same, we all have different ways on how to react on certain situations, some get too overwhelmed by emotions and some constrain themselves from the thoughts of doing something irrational .

I doubt this will end anytime soon , even if Muslims kill hundreds of such people, it will encourage thousands more, and than do we have kill thousands ? and it will go on , there has to be another way to solve this issue and no protesting will gain you Jack shit, anyone who is suggesting about protests in west about their beloved Freedom of speech, will be up for a rude awakening , no one will give a shit about some guy or gal insulting a man whom they despise ( Muhammad Pbuh ) , another reason for the world to not create a strict law against such provocation is that the world wants to provoke Muslims, they know if their citizens do such things eventually it will attract some violent reactions from them, and so they will get to cry crocodile tears of how evil Moslems are , how much they hate Western civilization and Freedom and all sort of BS ..

There has to be another way to deal with such situation, I am thinking of one which doesn't include violence nor licking the nasty Arses of West to stop doing it ..

We could say the same for terrorist attacks carried out by white terrorists against people of color in general. Yet you won't hear any Indian or Western member say a word on that on this forum. The sole focus would be Muslims and Pakistanis. For Indians it makes perfect sense to single out Pakistanis. After all, we are their archrivals.

The reality is that right now the Muslims are at the very top of the receiving end. Before Muslims it were Communists and people of color. Pakistan is often identified by Western capitals as the main Islamic hub. A nuclear power and an Islamic nation that prides itself due to its religious roots and existence. This makes perfect sense for certain crusaders who already hold hatred for Muslims to also hate Pakistan with a passion. This hate is amplified when Pakistan is also accused of many other crimes such as WoT blah blah.

Although France continually highlighting the background of the Pakistani attacker serves one goal. It is to malign and hurt Pakistan and specifically Imran Khan. France has a personal issue with Imran Khan due to Charlie Hebdo.
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We could say the same for terrorist attacks carried out by white terrorists against people of color in general. Yet you won't hear any Indian or Western member say a word on that on this forum.

The reality is that right now the Muslims are at the very top of the receiving end. Before Muslims it were Communists and people of color. Pakistan is often identified as the main Islamic hub. A nuclear power and a nation that prides itself due to its religious roots. This makes perfect sense for certain crusaders who already hold hatred for Muslims to also hate Pakistan with a passion.

that is why you will always find a Fcuking Sanghi in the lead .. these low life Indians will never miss a opportunity to hurt Pakistan or its image ..
people arguing like they have spent their life in the study of Quran and authentic hadees, I invite all of you to write here the number of hours you have spent to read and looked in this matter, not listening but reading, ok come on debators provide me with the number of hours you have spent to read the references ? Impressed though, Must be very knowledgeful people
You have an exact measure of time that you have spent in studying the Quran/Hadith/fiqh in hours? that you have the audacity to ask others of the same. If so I am highly impressed but as a muslim you must provide proof -complete accountable and auditable proof. If you have some understanding of Islam than you would know that Islam is not a novel that you read before bed time. When a muslim is confounded with a problem he seek answers pertaining to that issue. It is quite possible that one dies on faith yet might not come across certain issues for various reasons. Reading is a small part but acting on it one that defines us as muslims.

Take this anecdotal evidence: There is video from BBC in which a pakistani muslim women in USA or UK proclaims that she recently found out that Islam is a "sexy" religion -guess what no one told her that Islam talks about sexuality in much graphic detail than any of the other Abrahamic religions.
that is why you will always find a Fcuking Sanghi in the lead .. these low life Indians will never miss a opportunity to hurt Pakistan or its image ..

There is very little France or India can do against Pakistan. Such blackmail propaganda might have some impact for the domestic audience. For Pakistan French relations it is detrimental. At the end of the day, when relations deteriorate, diplomatic relations will come to an abrupt end. The Western world is right now in a war with China. It cannot afford to alienate Pakistan despite hating its existence. If France had one iota of respect it would immediately halt relations with Pakistan after so many accusations. Yet, here we are. On the diplomatic front, France hasn't taken any action. It continues to rant about one Pakistani attacker despite so many attackers of different nationalities.

Let them resort to cheap propaganda tactics. In the end, France is dealing with homegrown radicalism. It is easy to blame others for your own problems. I don't need to say anything about India making world headlines with lynching Muslims and raping Dalits.
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You yourself have chosen your side, the side of Blasphemers.

I always wished to be with Mumtaz Qadri and I am proud of it. Can you say the same about Salman Taseer? Do you want to be with Salman Taseer?

I didnt removed those words and I still stand by those words. (then append it! post it again so it remains not hidden)

"The person who kills those who disrespect the prophet goes to heaven"

These words are justified and the arguments were already presented. Do I have to paste them again?
It is not in my character to find other peoples flaws. I live in Karachi and have had no conversation on Salman Taseer even in passing. I had heard that he claimed blasphemy laws as a black law with regards to the case of Asia Bibi. I have no problem with the statement because for me the woman has been denied justice and her time stolen with no recompense. How can this injustice be from Allah?

You have not present any facts -no hadith nor verse that you can kill someone as a "blasphemer" and go to heaven with your family and are now twisting words that it is justified. Once again I cannot ridicule you enjoy your blessing that Allah has given time for you to repent even though you have taken someone else chance of seeking that same redemption.
"The person who kills those who disrespect the prophet goes to heaven, and his whole family goes to heaven," Arshad said.

What? I have never heard this.....concocting innovations -isn't that blasphemy too?

You know that white supremacists believe in being rewarded with Valhalla for attacking people of color and Muslims? Read white attackers manifestos.
There is very little France or India can do against Pakistan. Such blackmail propaganda might have some impact for the domestic audience. For Pakistan French relations it is detrimental. At the end of the day, when relations deteriorate, diplomatic relations will come to an abrupt end.

Let them resort to cheap propaganda tactics. In the end, France is dealing with homegrown radicalism. I don't need to sa anyhting about India making headlines with lynching Muslims and raping Dalits.
This is nothing brother it will only grow worse. I asked one of my foreign friends (who I had help alot that even his mother used to thank me on Skype) that there will come a day that you have to chose between the truth and the words of your kin (nation) what will you chose and he said his kin. This was the time when Golden Dawn was rising (he was against them).

Considering that similar sentiments arose during the Great Depression. Today's inequality does not need much of trigger.

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