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I like your posts a great deal. Please stop antagonizing me. I've generally been polite to you and if there any instances of me replying harshly, my sincere apologies. That aside, I don't wish to be policed by you. Thank you.
I have requested for my username to be changed. This is for personal and security reasons. I have contacted the Webmaster to do this but your intervention would help. This is really a matter of safety for me and is important to me. Could you kindly do the needful. Thanks.
I have requested for my username to be changed. This is for personal and security reasons. I have contacted the Webmaster to do this but your intervention would help. This is really a matter of safety for me and is important to me. Could you kindly do the needful. Thanks.
I have requested for my username to be changed. This is for personal and security reasons. Could you kindly do the needful. Thanks.
@VCheng How are you doing sir? I wanted to ask you why you left Pakistan and what your feelings were when you left. If my questions feel too personal then I apologize.
How many times do I have to ask politely and peacefully to permanently ban or delete my profile?
Hi bro
Is it possible that you delete my profile completely or ban me permanently?
I have decided to finally leave PDF.
@waz, @Irfan Baloch
Do you guys really need me to insult people to ban me permanently?
Would it work better if I start insulting Pakistanis?
I can get myself banned like that for sure, but I don't want to insult anybody to get banned.
So, kindly ban me permanently or delete my profile permanently before I start trolling and insulting every Arab and Pakistani here.
Poste jadidesho bekhoon. dar thread Iranian UAV. Alan dige nemige screenshot mige cache internet archive :rofl:
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