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Zionist Israeli Apartheid Against People of Dark Skin (Viral Youtube Video)

No, They can not do what ever they want as we live in Global World and Human Rights charter clearly states that you cannot deport Asylum seekers or take away their Income generation Source also Jews invaded these lands and these lands do not belong to Jews but to Arabs and Muslims and we will come back what is ours!

No, They can not do what ever they want as we live in Global World and Human Rights charter clearly states that you cannot deport Asylum seekers or take away their Income generation Source also Jews invaded these lands and these lands do not belong to Jews but to Arabs and Muslims and we will come back what is ours!
Yes you are right jews never lived there before,they just invaded the Arab lands,but a question though:how come they are simetic people like the Arabs?

Yes I can compare them.

No it is not about israel being the problem and issue, whatever isreali government is thinking might not be the thoughts of isreali Judiciary, those african immigrants [legal ones] can approach Judiciary of the land for a probe, for the illegal lot there is no choice, everything must go the legal way. But I do hope you are not seriously going racist at africans for reasons unknown to us?. What is wrong if an african comes to Turkey gets a legal status and works just as a turk goes to Germany and gets a legal status, it has nothing to do with spending more years, USA can throw out any citizen out of US if found to be involved in activities regardless if he/she is British or Swedish or Turkish.
Im the anti racist,i have no problem with no one as long as he she obeys the rules of my country.
The problem i have is the anti jew stance,if a normal country(european)would do this there wouldnt be such a fuss about it,am i wright?
But when it comes to jews,there is this ANTI attitude.
Well i dont see the jews as my enemies(stated that before).
Fairness means fair to all.
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Not sure from where you concluded the above. So if a Turk was to get beat up by a gang of thugs (regardless of their race) and i defend the Turk and stand up to the thugs for their violent crime, then how does race or religion factor into my decision of sticking up for the Turk?? :undecided:
Again,dont know how you can compare both situations:what:

Not sure from where you concluded the above. So if a Turk was to get beat up by a gang of thugs (regardless of their race) and i defend the Turk and stand up to the thugs for their violent crime, then how does race or religion factor into my decision of sticking up for the Turk?? :undecided:

Now bring a proper counter argument and not a rant to my replies to your one liners and rants below.

What kind of a question is that? You can't be seriously asking such a dimwitted question!

The point of my post seems to have not stuck to your head. My point was the blatant hypocrisy of the Zionist gov.t of israel who's main backers in American are supporting the same illegal immigration into the Us and even Europe while kicking out immigrants from israel.

You're the one bringing up the accusation that certain Arab countries do the same, first provide the names of those Arab countries and i'll let you know if its a democracy or not.

I did not ask you what kind of immigrants Turks are. Because regardless of Turks being weak or not, you're still immigrants, and the Neo-"Nazis" have the right, as ethnic Germans/Europeans, to kick your people out of Germany and Europe if they so desired, and i'm sure that you would be very happy with that if one goes along with your argument on this thread! :-)
Do you have a problem with answering a simple question?
''First answer my question,do you hate them because they are jews?
And please dont come with the zionist bs.''
That was my question.
Again,dont know how you can compare both situations:what:

Yes you can. Turks are immigrants in Europe just like Africans are immigrants in Israel. Its a comparison of apples with apples.

Though, i'm appalled that such a simple comparison is difficult for you to comprehend.

Do you have a problem with answering a simple question?
''First answer my question,do you hate them because they are jews?
And please dont come with the zionist bs.''
That was my question.

Firstly, what brings you to the conclusion that anyone on this thread "hates" a people of a particular religion? Do you have any evidence that i or anyone else on this thread "hates" Jews??

And please don't come up with one liner bs. ;)
Yes you can. Turks are immigrants in Europe just like Africans are immigrants in Israel. Its a comparison of apples with apples.

Though, i'm appalled that such a simple comparison is difficult for you to comprehend.

Firstly, what brings you to the conclusion that anyone on this thread "hates" a people of a particular religion? Do you have any evidence that i or anyone else on this thread "hates" Jews??

And please don't come up with one liner bs. ;)
What kind of answer to a simple question was that?
You know what i think,i dont think we need to go further on the subject,have a good day
:lol: I expected this one. You just proved my point! Fleeing the subject because you can't bring up a proper counter argument? How cowardly! :rolleyes:
You talking about arguments?
You didnt even answer a simple question,come on?
You serious?
You know what,im the coward then,running now.
You talking about arguments?
You didnt even answer a simple question,come on?
You serious?
You know what,im the coward then,running now.

Ok, i'll be the man here and answer your silly little question (which has no basis at all):

No, i do not hate Jews. If you want to accuse me of hating Jews, then bring up your evidence to support your accusation.

Now your turn!

Bring up a proper counter argument to all of my replies to your previous one liners and rants:

First answer my question,do you hate them because they are jews?
And please dont come with the zionist bs.

Not sure from where you concluded the above. So if a Turk was to get beat up by a gang of thugs (regardless of their race) and i defend the Turk and stand up to the thugs for their violent crime, then how does race or religion factor into my decision of sticking up for the Turk?? :undecided:

Again,dont know how you can compare both situations:what:

Yes you can. Turks are immigrants in Europe just like Africans are immigrants in Israel. Its a comparison of apples with apples.

Though, i'm appalled that such a simple comparison is difficult for you to comprehend.

Now bring a proper counter argument and not a rant to my replies to your one liners and rants below.

Zionist lobby?
So all of Israel is a zionist lobby?

What kind of a question is that? You can't be seriously asking such a dimwitted question!

The point of my post seems to have not stuck to your head. My point was the blatant hypocrisy of the Zionist gov.t of israel who's main backers in American are supporting the same illegal immigration into the Us and even Europe while kicking out immigrants from israel.

Dont pretend what again?
Yeah right.
You're the one bringing up the accusation that certain Arab countries do the same, first provide the names of those Arab countries and i'll let you know if its a democracy or not.

You are comparing apples to pears,and different situations.
We(Turks)are not weak imigrants,you think in germany or the rest of Europe they can fucxk with us?
Dont compare us to them,impossible.:what::what::what:

I did not ask you what kind of immigrants Turks are. Because regardless of Turks being weak or not, you're still immigrants, and the Neo-"Nazis" have the right, as ethnic Germans/Europeans, to kick your people out of Germany and Europe if they so desired, and i'm sure that you would be very happy with that if one goes along with your argument on this thread! :-)
1-how do you know its a Turk,i would help anybody in that situation.
2-Turks are members of the German society,as i told you 50 years in germany and you are comparing
south-Sudanese,ivory coast imigrants(at best 20 years)to Turks.
3-the US has a fkd up imigration law,south americans entering the US or even those living there for many years have allmost no chance of becoming legal.
4-there was a thread about a certain Arab country,i believe it was Qatar,deporting many imigrants from a certain country and replacing them with others.I'm sure @Yzd Khalifa could provide some info on that.
5-And how are the Neo Nazi's gonna kick the Turks out of Europe(allmost 10 milion),in their dreams?
See now,i answered all your questions,if not satisfied let me know.
Ill do my best to answer accordingly.
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This is not a surprise. It goes on daily basis, and this behavior is considered normal in Israel.
Hell, Israel discriminates even against its own Jewish citizens. They give birth control to Ethiopian Jews, so they cant reproduce.

What you all need to realize is that Israel is governed by an apartheid government, where European Ashkenazi pigs stands on top of the hierarchy
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@Desert Fox -while some leftist activists in Europe are indeed jews i have a problem with the theory that Israel/majority of jews support immigration in Europe.In another thread you've said that they want Europe to become Islamic but using logic here:Why in the world would they want to do that ?? If Europe becomes Islamic,it's "bye bye Israel" for sure.Why would the jews sign their own death sentence?

White people are
Curse and Children of Cain

Typical Jewish subhumans, in particular, I meant Zionist Jews. A Jew being racist to a Jew :lol:

What's the definition of normal Jews themselves?

@Desert Fox -while some leftist activists in Europe are indeed jews i have a problem with the theory that Israel/majority of jews support immigration in Europe.In another thread you've said that they want Europe to become Islamic but using logic here:Why in the world would they want to do that ?? If Europe becomes Islamic,it's "bye bye Israel" for sure.Why would the jews sign their own death sentence?


If you hadn't noticed in the video, some of the very Jews who cursing and abusing the Blacks (the "right" wingers) also yelled in the same sentences that they (the immigrants) should be deported to Europe. Israel's Jewish identity must be preserved, but other nations' should be destroyed.

The Zionists don't fear a Muslim dominated multicultural Europe because in the end it would end up in the same state as that of the Middle East where divided and weak Arab countries can only fight one another or Iran and not israel.

Here is a conservative non-Liberal Rabbi of israel, look at what he supports:


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so can we creat a new section for israeli regime ?

i mean we almost have daily reports of assassination and murder of people by the zionists so ........

i think we should make a "zionist terrorism" section
@Yzd Khalifa.... which arab country is doing the same?? Not saudi i think because ive seen so many black people there..
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