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Zidane and Mohamed: a potential French presidential candidate slips


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Zidane and Mohamed: a potential French presidential candidate slips

International By: Riyad Hamadi Sep 15, 2021 at 10:11 AM


Eric Zemmour, the French polemicist, now thinks bigger. He intends to run in the French presidential election in the spring of 2022. Becoming President of the Republic is the shortest way to carry out the threats he has been making for several years on the television channels whose audience he has boosted.

Why continue to speak when politicians have all the levers to act? Of course, he does not count on Arabs and all immigrants from France to get elected.

They are in his sights and he doesn't hide it. His project is to save France from the "great replacement", to understand the mass settlement of Arab and Muslim immigrants to the point of outnumbering the indigenous population. So far, he has neither confirmed nor ruled out his candidacy. But the idea is catching on.

"I want to run because I think that France is in an absolutely lamentable state, that the France that I love, that I loved, is disappearing, and I don't want that at all », He said in his last visit to French TV France2.

In recent days, he has hardened his rhetoric and increased provocations. The latest one is particularly funny. With Zemmour at the Elysee Presidential Palace, no French will ever be called Mohammed, the first name most commonly used by Muslims.

"To call your child Mohamed is to colonize France," he said. That's why he promises to ban it. The legal solution is all found: re-establish a law of 1803 which, according to him, banned the first names not very French, therefore that of the prophet of Islam.

Zidane must have been called Jean and not Zinedine

With these kinds of statements, it's guaranteed buzz and visibility on social networks and media. Especially since the Superior Audiovisual Council, the gendarme of the French PAF, is already considering reducing his time on television if he confirms his candidacy. As long as the recipe works, why not abuse it.

Following the same logic, he deduces that Zinedine Zidane, the best French footballer of all time and the French favorite for many years, should never have had the first name his Algerian parents gave him.

He should have been called "Jean" instead of Zinedine, according to Eric Zemmour. Fortunately, he does not intend to extend the rule to surnames, at the risk of hearing himself mean that he should never have worn the one he inherited from his ancestors. Zemmour, as Jean-Luc Mélenchon recalled, "means olive in Arabic".

The President of France Insoumise confuses Arab and Kabyle, but that does not change anything. Eric Zemmour remains a descendant of Jewish-Algerian immigrants who resents those who are of the same lineage as him.

It is true that several TV channels, which do not watch much when it comes to increasing their audience, are breaking up. But does he really have a chance of becoming president of France and banishing the first name of Mohamed there?

For the moment, he's entertaining the gallery, nothing more. He's not taken very seriously. On the contrary, those he attacks daily fervently want him to announce his candidacy. This will make it disappear - at least for a time - from TV sets as promised by the CSA and will crumble the voices of those who hold racist and xenophobic discourse ...


Zinedine Zidane: Muslim Coach of Real Madrid, Former Captain of French National Football Team

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