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Zhuhai Airshow 13th Edition - September 28, 2021 to 3rd October, 2021

Live streaming through a Taiwanese news outlet (China Times Network).

Obviously the J-20 pilot who flies the demo is now allowed to use the afterburners more often 😊. The nozzles are not burning bright though but the demo itself is good enough.
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Live streaming through a Taiwanese news outlet (China Times Network).

Obviously the J-20 pilot who flies the demo is now allowed to use the afterburners more often 😊. The nozzles are not burning bright though but the demo itself is good enough.
The K-8 and J-10 display teams were very good. The J-20 is probably limited from flying high performance aerobatics for now. It doesn't always have to be about not showing the full potential regarding performance and maneuverability of the aircraft, that is not the purpose of the airshow.
Not in the short term. A PLAF‘s photographer said commanders have clear restrictions on the J20, which forbids public displays of true performance. The publicity department he belongs to is the lowest priority department in PLAF. All work must follow other department's work plan.
Or perhaps the PLAAF are not fully well versed on displaying the J-20 to the world yet.
The K-8 and J-10 display teams were very good. The J-20 is probably limited from flying high performance aerobatics for now. It doesn't always have to be about not showing the full potential regarding performance and maneuverability of the aircraft, that is not the purpose of the airshow.

Or perhaps the PLAAF are not fully well versed on displaying the J-20 to the world yet.

It’s quite easy. Let the planes takeoff from Zhuhai airport directly instead of forcing them to fly hundreds of kilometers from Foshan, perform for 10-15 minutes, and fly back.
The Chinese WS-10 Engine in Hall 2 of the show.

There are at least 7 different variants and they are equipping more and more calls: J-10C, J-11B, J-16 and now the J-20. That is to say almost all of the programs now


AEP500. First Major Turboprop engine for China. another milestone


The VTOL UAV might be good for the small PN FACs and corvettes to get over the horizon targeting information or check out suspected criminal activity

This last picture looks like a Loyal wingman concept, possibly for ground strike considering the AI enabled drone swarm around it. Any indication of the price?
I am surprised PAC hasn’t showcased JF-17 block III at the Zhuhai Air Show @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Maybe they are holding back, and want to showcase it at next years Ideas 2022, sometime in November 2022. Make it the star of the Pakistani show versus a relatively minor showpiece at Zhuhai 2021. Even without a major presence at this show, it seems the Block 3 isn’t having a hard time attracting buyers.

By the end of Next year, they should have operational planes ready to show the public, along with public cockpit simulators. It’s best if the concentrate on getting the birds built and up and running instead of showing it mid -production, IMHO.
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LOL All respected senior/professional Chinese said WS-10 based on ( CFM-56) civilian engine ànd relatively high bypass ratio of all indigenous engines ànd by the way its a first successful turbofan of China
It is based on the core of CFM56, but that does not mean it shares the same bypass ratio. WS-10 is somewhere in the 0.75:1 ratio whereas the CFM56's bypass ratio is greater than 6:1. The first successful Chinese turbofan was the WS-9, based on Rolls-Royce Spey. So far you're getting everything wrong.
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