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Zardari offers Pak warm waters to Chinese

well dont know if china take over pakistan in future i want to ask a question why not a pakistan a (muslim nation) help chinise muslim

why pakistani muslim are not supporting govt or army

Well if China takes over Pakistan, it will be much better than india taking over Pakistan.

And I personally believe it will benefit Pakistan if there is a Pakistan-China confederation.

Then Karachi and Gwadar can look like this:


By the way, most Chinese Muslims are Han Chinese and they are very happy being part of China.

Long Live Pakistan-China Friendship!!!

Death to the enemies of Pakistan and China.
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What does Zardari offered new to China?
China built Gawadar and has been historically investing in Pakistan market.
At the same time Pakistan has been unfair to all local and foreign investors in Pakistan by allowing tax free smuggling of Indian goods.
Whole Pakistan knows containers full of Indian goods are offloaded at Pakistan ports without any record.
On legal side Pakistan extend free transit facilities to US and Afghanistan.
Like I said, in any case, China can not be forced, yes, China has interests in Gawadar, I think Pakistan has an interest, so we can co-happy, but it was consensual, forced not to bring friendship, if Pakistan is opposed to, please stop, I will say to china.

Long-term relationships are different with short-term. To short-term interests, you take yours, then leave, who cares what happens to your partner and the region. Long-term relationships need friendship, trust, respect, peace, stability, and that there are too many things to do. China and Pakistan will not only be limited to the port cooperation, with a long look at the relationship between China and Pakistan. In fact the port is not can not be replaced.

China will not hurt Pakistan, it may even affect Chinese values, since the Government has a long-term propaganda, we all also know that is true, the Pakistani people are very friendly to China. At the same time every country in the world know that Pakistan is China's best friend. If China hurt Pakistan, China's credit will be badly hit in the world, we will not be trusted in the world, it is a too big blow to China interests. Please take a trust China. We value the relationship and Pakistan, the long term.
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Like I said, in any case, China can not be forced, yes, China has interests in Zardari, I think Pakistan has an interest, so we can co-happy, but it was consensual, forced not to bring friendship, if Pakistan is opposed to, please stop, I will say to china.

Long-term relationships are different with short-term. To short-term interests, you take yours, then leave, who cares what happens to your partner and the region. Long-term relationships need friendship, trust, respect, peace, stability, and that there are too many things to do. China and Pakistan will not only be limited to the port cooperation, with a long look at the relationship between China and Pakistan. In fact the port is not can not be replaced.

China will not hurt Pakistan, it may even affect Chinese values, since the Government has a long-term propaganda, we all also know that is true, the Pakistani people are very friendly to China. At the same time every country in the world know that Pakistan is China's best friend. If China hurt Pakistan, China's credit will be badly hit in the world, we will not be trusted in the world, it is a too big blow to China interests. Please take a trust China. We value the relationship and Pakistan, the long term.

Dont worry brother. Those Pakistanis who are nationalists (like me) and care about Pakistan's strategic and national interests know how valuable Pakistan's friendship is with China.

Dont get too serious about people making political discussions on the internet because anyone can be hiding behind a computer and claim they are Pakistani. Also indians know how to speak our language so please be careful about what you read on the internet. You know as much as I do that some people want to destroy Pakistan-China friendship but they will never succeed.

Every political party in Pakistan is Pro-China even Islamic political parties in Pakistan.

How many times Zardari going to offer Warm waters to China? I have read this too many times before
How many times Zardari going to offer Warm waters to China? I have read this too many times before

We all know eventually China will have access to Pakistan's warm waters. No nation spends that much money on an another country's port and fishing town as charity.

Its in Pakistan's national and strategic interests to rather have China in the Arabian Sea near Pakistan than have india or even USA there.
All may have access to Pakistani ports - What Mr. Zardari has called for is the setting up of manufacturing and warehousing and the development of transport facilities for Chinese business to reduce costs while creating jobs in Pakistan -- The suggestion that Mr. Zardari called for the stationing of military assets is just mischief.
Come on now - no need to go there, it's beneath your dignity.
Yes, but very rapidly, your country is becoming totally irrelevant. It is far better for India if we have to deal with the Chinese instead of the Pakistanis when dealing with matters related to the Arabian Sea, Central Asia, Afghanistan or even Pakistan itself.

:what: when will you stop poking your nose where its not supposed to be poked ?

Its about Pakistan and China please keep bharat out of it
This is the economy, I forgot to say? As for the military, it is too uncertain, depending on the situation, at least the reality is uncertain.
I donot know whether it is right thread to post a question or not but i want to ask regarding china investment in developing basic infrastructure from china territories to pakistan territories .(i am talking gawdar to chinse province offffffffff. i forget the name :hitwall:)

my question is china developing land infrastructure only or its developing railway infrastructure also.

if its railway then would be high speed rail or normal one

rest question after

thanks in advance
The Sino-Pak brotherhood is not based upon fear of India, or mutual feelings against India, it's much deeper than that.

I welcome Chinese development in Pakistan! :pakistan::china:

Exactly right. :tup:

Even if India did not exist, China would still be trying to get access to the Persian gulf through Gwadar port in Pakistan. In terms of geopolitics, Pakistan would still be absolutely vital.

Sino-Pak friendship is not all about India. It's a matter between China and Pakistan.
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