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Zardari got 'tame nudge' in India, told to work more: Pak media


Mar 21, 2010
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ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari's "private spiritual journey" to India ended with "a tame nudge" from the hosts who asked him to "work more to win their love," Pakistani media said on Monday, noting that the visit should set the stage for the two sides to tackle contentious issues like the 26/11 probe.

Photographs of a smiling Zardari shaking hands with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh adorned the front pages of all Pakistani dailies.

Reports of the President's meeting with Singh during his day-long trip to India on Sunday noted that the Indian leader had accepted his invitation to visit Pakistan as well as New Delhi's call for more action against terrorists based on the Pakistani soil.

"Under JuD's shadow, Singh accepts Pakistan invitation," read the headline in The Express Tribune, while the influential Dawn newspaper headlined its report: "Work to win love, Zardari told in Delhi."

The Dawn, in its report on Zardari's visit, said the President "enjoyed a sumptuous lunch... with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh before offering prayers at the shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer, but his day-long officially 'private' visit to India ended with a tame nudge from the hosts who effectively asked him...to work more to win their love."

The Express Tribune said in its report that Singh had accepted Zardari's invitation to visit Pakistan while renewing New Delhi's demand that "Islamabad prosecute the perpetrators of the 2008 Mumbai siege - a clear reference to Jamaat-ud-Dawah chief Hafiz Saeed."

The News, in an editorial titled "A 'private' visit," noted that this was the first visit by a Pakistani head of state to India in seven years and said it was not easy to arrange meetings between the two countries, whose leaders usually hold talks on the margins of international diplomatic events.

"This visit, although it was not explicitly stated, was about consolidating the confidence building measures that have been cautiously embarked upon by the business communities of both states in the last year," the editorial said, referring to Pakistan's plans to give India Most Favoured Nation-status by next year.

"Both India and Pakistan could benefit mutually from enhanced trade; we have much to sell to one another. A reciprocal, but probably not private, visit by Manmohan Singh should be in the near rather than the far future if momentum is to be maintained," it said.

The News and Pakistan Today, in their editorials, noted the criticism within Pakistan of the expenses on the visit by Zardari, who was accompanied by a sizeable entourage that included his son and Pakistan People's Party chief Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, who does not enjoy any state position.

The size of the Presidential delegation and the cost of transporting it had led some to question whether the visit was really a "private" one, the dailies said.

The Daily Times, in an editorial titled "A spiritual journey," said Zardari's visit should now set the stage for the two countries to tackle contentious issues like the probe into the Mumbai attacks and the sharing of river waters.

Pakistan Today, The Express Tribune and Daily Times noted that an avalanche had buried 135 people, including 124 Pakistani soldiers, on the Siachen glacier on the eve of Zardari's visit and called for steps to de-militarise the world's highest and coldest battlefield.

Zardari got 'tame nudge' in India, told to work more: Pak media - The Times of India

I don't care what was said to President. I just care about the last few lines. Lets hope that we achieve that ASAP without creating another Kargil.


If they want to demilitarise Siachen, and I also want to demilitarise Siachen and I'm sure our Army also wants to demilitarise Siachen, then why does the Pakistani Army have qualms about returning to the 1947 stand and recognise Indian troops' presence their in writing.

We do not trust Pakistan enough to make the same mistake we did in Kargil.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

There's just no guarantee that another miscreant General of the PA won't attempt something like Kargil.

If Pakistan wants India to give up from its position of strngth, Pakistan would have to make an offer India can't refuse.

In fact, if I were in charge, personally, I would not even take the Pakistanis' assurance in writing seriously.

The trust deficit is simple too large.

It's not our fault if IC 814, Kargil, Indian Parliament, 26/11, Hafiz Saeed, Dawood Ibrahim etc. have literally destroyed our faith in Pakistan.

Pakistan must, first of all, take a few steps to show that it is serious about its assurances.
If they want to demilitarise Siachen, and I also want to demilitarise Siachen and I'm sure our Army also wants to demilitarise Siachen, then why does the Pakistani Army have qualms about returning to the 1947 stand and recognise Indian troops' presence their in writing.

We do not trust Pakistan enough to make the same mistake we did in Kargil.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

There's just no guarantee that another miscreant General of the PA won't attempt something like Kargil.

If Pakistan wants India to give up from its position of strngth, Pakistan would have to make an offer India can't refuse.

In fact, if I were in charge, personally, I would not even take the Pakistanis' assurance in writing seriously.

The trust deficit is simple too large.

It's not our fault if IC 814, Kargil, Indian Parliament, 26/11, Hafiz Saeed, Dawood Ibrahim etc. have literally destroyed our faith in Pakistan.

Pakistan must, first of all, take a few steps to show that it is serious about its assurances.

What is the benefit in occupying Siachen for India?
Indian army is not leaving Siachen. No casualty on Indian side from the last 8 years. Plus its misleading again and again to say Pakistani forces on Siachen. The entire Siachen glacier is under Indian control


No military in the world unilaterally withdraws from the area it captures. Pakistan will have to sign the document saying - YES, THESE PLACES WERE UNDER INDIAN CONTROL and accept the AGPL or else keep occupyingn the ridges in front (BUT THAT IS NOT SIACHEN).

They are afraid of losing territory even if it is a barren wasteland.

Barren or not. A piece of my country's land is a piece of my country's land.

It's not for me or any General in the Indian Army to give away. We do not have the authority.

It belongs to the Indian people and the people shall decide what is to be done with it.
trust deficit, we had same agreement in kargil. in winters soldier return to base. in summer the goback to front. and world know how pakistan broke the agreement.

similarly there was a untold agreement on sia-chin. intelligence told pakistan was buying gears for cold weather from brits. india moved her forces before pakistan.

everyone wants demilitirization of peaks. but pakistan can not be trusted.

i am pakistan brothers, but tis is truth. unless kashmir issue solved nothing will happen.
Bl[i]tZ;2796763 said:
India army is not leaving Siachen. No casualty on Indian side from the last 8 years. Plus its misleading again and again to say Pakistan on Siachen. The entire Siachen glacier is under Indian control


No military in the world unilaterally withdraws from the area it captures. Pakistan will have to sign the document saying - YES, THESE PLACES WERE UNDER INDIAN CONTROL or else keep occupyingn the ridges in front (BUT THAT IS NOT SIACHEN).


...in fact that is a very important point.


Though I do agree that a mishap like Avalanche that happened on the Pakistani side can very well happen on the Indian Side as well. However, we have taken all the precautions we could have.
Siachin is Indian land. If Indian Army should stay there or not is totally Indian concern.
Pakistan asking India to solve the Siachen issue is basically asking India to unilaterally withdraw from Siachen. This as much likely to happen as much there are chances that India will concede Kashmir to Pakistan.

Let me explain the whole Siachen issue by putting another map

india cant afford to loose siachin and should never be.pakistan can sign an agreement accepting our positions or leave land.
Pakistan should launch an offensive to gain better positions.

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