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Zaid Hamid's take on the KLB.



New Recruit

Aug 20, 2009
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I know a lot of people are against's this man's way of thinking, most of his view points are hard to swallow but I am a firm believer of the fact that "truth is stranger then fiction", I respect this man's passion and patriotism and his guts to come on national television and share his rather controversial thoughts on our global issues.

here is a very recent... infact its an episode that aired just yesternight talking about the bill.

part 1

part 2

part 3

now there is no clear solution given in this episode, he only wanted to express his anger and views on what is happening, to each there own but I personally have great respect for Zaid Hamid.

:pakistan: Zindabaad!.
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What do u expect from him to do?, he can just aware the people's and he is doing this...........thats it!!!!!
Ah. So THIS is what happens to the average anti-semitic conspiracy theorist after snorting 6 kilos of crack in one day.

So called educated forward thinking self proclaimed moderates living in foreign lands who have no stake in Pakistan whatsoever can call anyone who does not agree with them a conspiracy theorist or a terrorist. While on the other hand they support Barak Cocain Obama and Baby Killing Bush.:pakistan:
So called educated forward thinking self proclaimed moderates living in foreign lands who have no stake in Pakistan whatsoever can call anyone who does not agree with them a conspiracy theorist or a terrorist. While on the other hand they support Barak Cocain Obama and Baby Killing Bush.:pakistan:
We call such people 'liberal fascists' who are as dangerous as are the religious extremists if not more.
So called educated forward thinking self proclaimed moderates living in foreign lands who have no stake in Pakistan whatsoever can call anyone who does not agree with them a conspiracy theorist or a terrorist. While on the other hand they support Barak Cocain Obama and Baby Killing Bush.:pakistan:

What the hell are you talking about? The man is a conspriacy theorist, and wishes for the destruction of both Israel and Palestine, as well as America. He is an extremist, simple as that. And really, when have i ever called someone i don't agree with a terrorist?
These are all the baseless acquisitions on him, he is just a motivator and showing us the other side of the picture. Do anyone of u have any explanation about what is going on globally and why? how all the muslims have became terrorist?. Go to J. F. kennedy's speech jut before his murder, hope that will help u to understand what he is saying to us......
Zaid makes sense. What is need of America to prepare an aid-package for Pakistan when its own economy is rusting and collapsing? It needs money more than any other thing for its own sustainability and still it is eager to stuff money in the mouth's of Pakistani Leadership? When Americans are not able to achieve their objectives with gun, they are looking for beggers to do what they couldn't do themselves.

I support change of leadership. In tilon me tail nahi hai and they dont have capacity and reasons to deliver this country. They better live in yet another flat in Central England along with the previous proclaimer of Pakistan First.
What the hell are you talking about? The man is a conspriacy theorist, and wishes for the destruction of both Israel and Palestine, as well as America. He is an extremist, simple as that. And really, when have i ever called someone i don't agree with a terrorist?

How is he against Palestine? Do you even listen to him before commenting on him?

Regarding your love for Israel and America, you need to understand these countries are looking to incapacitate Pakistan every means possible. Israel offers India its best technology not because it should be used against China (China has friendlier relations with Israel) but against Pakistan.. and whenever temperature between India and Pakistan rises, Israel is the first country to support India. Are you aware who is BLA and where in the world they have their Head-Office? Guess what.. in Israel. And you want to tell Pakistan that USA is well-wisher and such a friend to be proud of?

Please check in yourself if you have few Patriotic bones in your body. Without them you will only throw out what you just did.
the thing is, its not good to assume whatever , he is thinking , he is allright, instead, he is opening up, a dialoge, from which pakistan can be benefited.:azn::tup:
also this guy, has his roots in INTELL services of pakistan, as he was fighting RUSSIA in afghanistan, so he has the frist hand experinceses of all!:azn:
its a pleasure to listen, to him !:cheers:

sory to say, but if he was a extermist, thn he should had formed his own "LASHKAR" or a political party , which he didnt!
he could be wrong few times, but most of the times, he is on the mark!:smitten::pakistan:
I love this guy and his work for Pakistan, There is a saying, Think BIG! this is what this poor guy is doing where al lot of people have problem with him since he wants to think BIG..... Everyone has a rite to act and think in peaceful maners. Which he has been doing for years. I have high regards for Zaid Hamid

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