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Zaid Hamid's take on the KLB.

Once again telling it as it is. The man's a great Pakistani. No doubts.

I want to see him in the same room as ghadari! The thieving wimp would start crying.
Woohoo! Great to see more and more people watching Zaid Hamid's videos and lectures!

Zaid Hamid is a true Pakistani patriot, and is one of the few in the Pak-media which speaks so truthfully and articulately!

Props for posting this!

He is a true patriotic person. I salute him on his day and night struggle to raise his nation's moral and boost the dignity, and encouraging youth by describing and exploring the rich history of Muslims. I would recommend you to watch the program 'Iqbal ka Pakistan' to just overview the caliber and potential of this man. You can reach all his programs, videos, books, Eye opening Topics by accessing his official web site. BrassTacks Official Website

May Allah bless him. Pakistan Zindabaad! :pakistan:


Mr. Zaid Hamid is a security consultant and strategic defense analyst. He is the founder of BrassTacks, a unique Pakistani Think Tank devoted to the study of regional and global political events and their implications for Pakistan's security and interests. As an expert on the subject, he is frequently invited to speak on national television networks, and runs his own dedicated program on the News1 channel, named "BrassTacks with Zaid Hamid". This program has pioneered a new trend in currents affairs programming in Pakistan, where he skillfully knits together the undercurrents of apparently disconnected global events, and builds a bigger perspective on the threats that we face and where our true national interests lie. Owing to the tremendous appreciation received by these educational program series, a number of people have expressed interest in learning more about Mr. Zaid. We present below a brief overview of his personal life, interests and expertise.

Early Life & Afghan War

Early in his youth, when Mr. Zaid started his graduate degree, the muslim ummah got challenged by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan – a landmark event that started Mr. Zaid’s career as a soldier and a mujahid. Staking his life and career, he signed up as a volunteer in the Afghan war, and actively participated in the jihad right up to the liberation of Kabul. Over all, Mr. Zaid has spent more than six years of active participation in the jihad. Being a black belt second dan of Shotokan martial art, coupled with his charismatic leadership qualities and in-depth familiarity with modern weapons, (which he inherited from his father, a distinguished veteran of the ‘65 war), Mr. Zaid quickly became a notable contributor in the Afghan jihad.

It was through this first hand participation in the finest guerilla operations of their time that he gained his valuable insights and expertise in Irregular Warfare, counter Insurgency, Low and High Intensity Conflicts and strategic war planning. His travels in Afghanistan allowed him to network with a number of key figures of the jihad from both Afghanistan and Pakistan, and gave him his unique insights into the psyche of the Afghan people, the political undercurrents of the region, the inside story of the whole operation, as well as the role of the CIA and other clandestine agencies in the great game.

To top all of that, he still managed to visit the university campus every now and then, and finished off on his Computer Systems Engineering degree.

Professional Profile

After the war, Mr. Zaid started his career as a security professional covering subjects like electronic security solutions, security systems design, and training of security personnel. His years in the war significantly contributed in sharpening his expertise of perceiving security threats and developing successful counter measures. After a successful stint as area head of Security Alarms Systems Division of an eminent security company, he launched his own private consulting company in the late 1990s, called BrassTacks Security. This company specializes in corporate security systems design, security systems audit, and security intelligence reporting. You can learn more about it on the corporate website, Welcome to BrassTacks.biz.

Education & Training

With his backpack full of books even in the barren hills of Afghanistan, Mr. Zaid has always lived by the Prophet’s saying to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. Even today he considers himself a student, and is ever willing to learn from others, as much as he is willing to teach of what he has learnt and experienced. As you converse with him (in your choice of five languages that he speaks), you can quickly realize the depth and breadth of his knowledge on topics related to religion, philosophy, world history and military subjects. In particular, he is passionate about Islam, and possesses in-depth knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah, as well as extensive study of Islamic political history, Islamic social and economic history, the mechanisms and foundations of Muslim’s economic and social achievements, as well as topics on contemporary issues of the Muslim world and the practical steps to reclaim our lost glory.

In his quest for learning from his elders, Mr. Zaid has had personal acquaintances with many eminent authors, thinkers and scholars of our time, and is strongly inspired by the thoughts of Wasif Ali Wasif and Ashfaq Ahmad. He has also travelled to many countries and places, including numerous visits to Hjiaz-e-muqaddas, turkey, and other friendly Muslim countries.

Mr. Zaid is himself a prolific writer and author of dozens of published articles and handbooks on various defense and security related issues and appears regularly on mainstream media as Analyst on various security and defense matters. His views on security issues especially are taken as authority by clients including multinationals, Government of Pakistan and embassies of friendly countries.

Religious Affiliations

A number of people question us about the religious affiliations of Mr. Zaid. As a true muslim, ofcourse, the ideal role model of us all is the Prophet(sm).

After him, in order to understand Zaid Hamid's religious view points, if there is any other person about whom we can say that Mr. Zaid believes and follows his ideology, then it is Hz. Allama Iqbal. Mr. Zaid has extensively read the revolutionary philosophy of Iqbal and his message of Islamic unity and Muslim renaissance, and strongly believes in practically following Iqbals message of Ishq-e-Rasool and Khudi. Like Iqbal, Mr. Zaid, dismisses the factional and sectarian divions among Muslims, and advocates for the Ummah to rise above its differences and meet the bigger challenges that we collectively face.

Butaan-e-rang o khoon koe tore kar millat mein gum hoe ja
Na toorani rahe baqi, na irani, na afghani

Other than following the pristine message of Islam as brought by the Prophet (sm), Mr. Zaid has absolutely no affiliations with any political, sectarian or religious group or party.

BrassTacks Think Tank

Through out his life of jihad, self-development, and learning, the issue of Islamic renaissance, and resurgence of Pakistan as a prosperous and strong Muslim country, has been a personal passion of Mr. Zaid. The creation of BrassTacks think tank is a culmination of his life long efforts and aspirations.

The mission of Brasstacks Think Tank is exactly what the mission of mr. Zaid himself has always been: to strive for creation of a stronger Pakistan, by creating awareness and providing education on issues of strategic national importance, and providing guidance to the people on how to develop a comprehensive strategy for safeguarding our national interests, and ideological frontiers. You can learn more about BrassTacks on our About us page.

BrassTacks is a private venture of mr. Zaid, and some close like-minded friends who all share the common cause of commitment and patriotism to Pakistan. BrassTacks accepts no funding from any outward source, and is not affiliated with any political party or institution. However, brasstacks maintains a friendly and advisory role to key institutions of Pakistan including the government of Pakistan, the foreign office, Pakistan army, and embassies of friendly Islamic countries.

BrassTacks think tank has attracted a lot of talent from the youth of Pakistan, and is already playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of pakistan’s domestic and foreign policy.

Mr. Zaid welcomes all of you to join hands with BrassTacks and play our role in Islamic Renaissance and Muslim unity through the agency of this God gifted country of Pakistan.
Education & Training

With his backpack full of books even in the barren hills of Afghanistan, Mr. Zaid has always lived by the Prophet’s saying to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. Even today he considers himself a student, and is ever willing to learn from others, as much as he is willing to teach of what he has learnt and experienced. As you converse with him (in your choice of five languages that he speaks), you can quickly realize the depth and breadth of his knowledge on topics related to religion, philosophy, world history and military subjects. In particular, he is passionate about Islam, and possesses in-depth knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah, as well as extensive study of Islamic political history, Islamic social and economic history, the mechanisms and foundations of Muslim’s economic and social achievements, as well as topics on contemporary issues of the Muslim world and the practical steps to reclaim our lost glory.

In his quest for learning from his elders, Mr. Zaid has had personal acquaintances with many eminent authors, thinkers and scholars of our time, and is strongly inspired by the thoughts of Wasif Ali Wasif and Ashfaq Ahmad. He has also travelled to many countries and places, including numerous visits to Hjiaz-e-muqaddas, turkey, and other friendly Muslim countries.

Mr. Zaid is himself a prolific writer and author of dozens of published articles and handbooks on various defense and security related issues and appears regularly on mainstream media as Analyst on various security and defense matters. His views on security issues especially are taken as authority by clients including multinationals, Government of Pakistan and embassies of friendly countries.

You call this an education? Where's his college? Any Degrees? Nope. He's just like Glenn Beck, a self-taught moron who does nothing besides come up with insane conspiracy theories that the right of the political spectrum of Paksitan buy in to. Nothing but a con artist. Or should i say closet Taliban? :disagree:
You call this an education? Where's his college? Any Degrees? Nope.

U cannot judge one's intelligence by its degrees and if this is the case then what about Thomas Alva Edison? the most renowned inventor till today (1500+ inventions, including light bulb and motion camera), did not even complete his schooling, Einstein is basically a mathematician and his participation in science was in physics. From which University Mahatma Gandhi learned politics?

He's just like Glenn Beck, a self-taught moron who does nothing besides come up with insane conspiracy theories that the right of the political spectrum of Paksitan buy in to. Nothing but a con artist. Or should i say closet Taliban? :disagree:

For others he might be a conspiracy theorist, but for those who listen to him he is a person who is unfolding the conspiracy theories. What other explanation do u have regarding the current global situation?, at least he gave u some explanations.

Talib is an Arabic word meaning "one who is seeking" but the word has evolved to mean "someone who is seeking religious knowledge." In Pushto Taliban mean “student”. By this, we all are Taliban………
U cannot judge one's intelligence by its degrees and if this is the case then what about Thomas Alva Edison? the most renowned inventor till today (1500+ inventions, including light bulb and motion camera), did not even complete his schooling, Einstein is basically a mathematician and his participation in science was in physics. From which University Mahatma Gandhi learned politics?

Degrees do not prove intelligence, but they prove that you are certified in what you do, and that people, to some extent, should have an easier time trusting in what you do. Why should someone trust the words of a snake like Zaid Hamid? Oh and by the way, Mahatma Gandhi was one of South Africa's most prominent lawyers before all of his independence drama.

For others he might be a conspiracy theorist, but for those who listen to him he is a person who is unfolding the conspiracy theories. What other explanation do u have regarding the current global situation?, at least he gave u some explanations.

Talib is an Arabic word meaning "one who is seeking" but the word has evolved to mean "someone who is seeking religious knowledge." In Pushto Taliban mean “student”. By this, we all are Taliban………[/QUOTE]

You seriously think that Zaid Hamid is right in his analysis of world events? Haven't you noticed how he puts a anti-semitic, anti-hindu tilt on everything that he comes across? And too bad due to idiots like him, Taliban has come to describe someone with an archaic mindset, who brings shame to Muslims around the globe, who believes that his caveman ideology accurately represents the islam that Allah gave to us. Which is deaddead wrong, my friend.
Degrees do not prove intelligence, but they prove that you are certified in what you do, and that people, to some extent, should have an easier time trusting in what you do.

Yes this is one case, means degrees can help, but we cannot use degrees as standard for anyone’s intelligence.

Why should someone trust the words of a snake like Zaid Hamid?

“The feeble, pale and poor labor in diamond mine did not influence the cost of it.”

The point is what Zaid Hamid looks like, what he wears, what degrees he posses is not important, the important thing is what he is saying.

Oh and by the way, Mahatma Gandhi was one of South Africa's most prominent lawyers before all of his independence drama

I know he was a lawyer. I said he possessed no degree of politics and I think there is a difference between being a lawyer and a politician.

You seriously think that Zaid Hamid is right in his analysis of world events? Haven't you noticed how he puts a anti-semitic, anti-hindu tilt on everything that he comes across? And too bad due to idiots like him, Taliban has come to describe someone with an archaic mindset, who brings shame to Muslims around the globe, who believes that his caveman ideology accurately represents the islam that Allah gave to us. Which is deaddead wrong, my friend

Okay, according to our view point what he is doing is a great job and what great job he is doing is a motivation. It is a same motivation that in 1965 Noor Jahan gave to Pakistan Army against the far superior army and our soldiers died by laying down under tanks with bombs on their chests, means a motivated person can cross any hurdle, which is, in other circumstances is not possible, so he is giving the nation a motivation to wake up and solve the problems, which we are facing just because of our carelessness.

Secondly, he is not against Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism etc. he is against the ideology of them, what they are doing with Muslims and how by holding the largest amount of natural reverses they still controlling the Muslims he is against all of these things.

And my dear what he is saying is not 100%, but 99% is correct. Zaid is not the first person who unfolded conspiracy theories. U can listens J. F. Kennedy’s speech just before his murder and go to youtube and search Kabala, Illuminati, secret society….u will get ur answer.

In my opinion this is war and on our side Zaid Hamid single-handedly is fighting it. The difference is, he is speaking openly and his opponents are doing it secretly.
@ alirulesall123

You sound more like a con then Zaid :woot: There are a few elements like you wandering over inter-net speaking shyte about everything expect themselves.

Have fun :usflag: No body is paying attention to you :cheesy:

Secondly, he is not against Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism etc. he is against the ideology of them, what they are doing with Muslims and how by holding the largest amount of natural reverses they still controlling the Muslims he is against all of these things.

And my dear what he is saying is not 100%, but 99% is correct.
u r pretty much beating around the bush and claiming it to be accurate.... U say Zaid isn't against hinduism/christianity/Judaism but then again say that he is against the ideology of them !! -- U deny and in a way politically accept the argument.. Religion is all abt ideology :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

then again u throw ur beliefs in %s like 99% accuracy which is like saying 100% common does that make difference even to mention

that sbdy isn't 100% right but only poor 99% :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
u r pretty much beating around the bush and claiming it to be accurate.... U say Zaid isn't against hinduism/christianity/Judaism but then again say that he is against the ideology of them !! -- U deny and in a way politically accept the argument. Religion is all abt ideology

U mean ideology and religion is a same thing? if a Hindu kills an innocent person than it is in its religion to kill innocent person……….?????

According to the dictionary “the body of ideas reflecting the social needs and aspirations of an individual, a group, a class, or a culture” …….this is ideology.

The primary focus of ideologies is the group, whereas that of religions is the individual. Zaid is not against what is written in Hindu religion he is against what Hindus people are doing. Hope this time u understand better.

then again u throw ur beliefs in %s like 99% accuracy which is like saying 100% common does that make difference even to mention that sbdy isn't 100% right but only poor 99%

What I said earlier, have u just understand these sentences only………!!!! and don’t catch words my dear.............I gave him 99% just because of people like u don’t mind otherwise for me he is 100% correct…….
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I have been watching Syed Zaid hamid closely for a long time here is his Introduction before i talk about him :

Age: 45 son of a 1965 war Soldier
Education: Computer systems Engineer/Black belt Karate
Nationality: Pakistani
Career: Writer/author/ Defence analyst ,Owns and runs a multi million dollor self started Electronic security solutions Company named 'Brasstacks".
Providing solutions /Think tank and suggessions on strategic affiars to the GOVT of Pakistan & many friendly nations.
Website: http://www.brasstacks.pk/
sectarian Affiliations: None
Role model: Allama Iqbal & his Doctrine
Background: Fought against USSR with Afghan Mujahedeen

Most famous topis/programes: CIA threat to pakistan , Neocons , US grand stategic objectives , Economic terrorism , Hindu zionism ,Heros of islam , Iqbal the mysterious , Pakistan ik ishq ik junoon ,Khilafat e rashida , quroon e Aula , Swat operation , State of sharia and Famous debate with Bharat warma on Express channel.:smitten:

Friends , everyone has his/her own role in Nation building , this man to me cannot do anything more than Posting a message to the Nation and Prompt them before a threat comes as he did for Kerry lugar bill and on many occasions it proves that he is not just a Person who likes to Speak aloud but he is a Practical one as his Track record proves.
But what makes me happy is that his every Speech revolves arround one Orbit , the PAKISTAN:pakistan::pakistan:
He is a Critic who talks about whatever goes wrong in the country and the Ummah, i understand that his Petriotism prevails all of his Lectures , but it makes me a bit more happier because we need people with energy and with karazmatic power of words:
He follows IQBAL and he is doing the same work , I do not get offended by the pople against him , because the opposition is always there on every mattr and it is good for a healty debate hence more Lucrative for having a solution.
The bottom line is that I think this is guy will become a National asset one day .
Evey one is free to contradict with my point of view .
:undecided::undecided: i wonder why those feeling pissed off by Zaid Hamid always try to discuss him instead of discussing the Kerry Lugar Bill which even our traitor interior minister Rehman Malik today acceoted that it was against Pakistan.

He even said that even US accepted there are some points which are against Pakistan.

Now please mods fix the members to discuss the issue at hands not Zaid Hamid.

Whatever he said about Kerry Lugar anti-Pakistan bill, is true and thats why US have to issue clarifications.
Sorry brother for diverting from original topic, but I have to reply to some of my Indian friends as I cannot bear insulting Zaid Hamid..........and what u said I am agree with u........
Zaid makes sense. What is need of America to prepare an aid-package for Pakistan when its own economy is rusting and collapsing? It needs money more than any other thing for its own sustainability and still it is eager to stuff money in the mouth's of Pakistani Leadership? When Americans are not able to achieve their objectives with gun, they are looking for beggers to do what they couldn't do themselves.

I support change of leadership. In tilon me tail nahi hai and they dont have capacity and reasons to deliver this country. They better live in yet another flat in Central England along with the previous proclaimer of Pakistan First.

Lol - have any idea of the American economy and the amount of the money they are giving i Pakistan - it less than 0.001 % of their total economy - their economy is arnd 14 trillion dollars - and they ardly give u 10 billion dollars -

On the other hand they are giving u that money hope for a better Pakistan (obviously favoring USA)

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