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Zaid Hamid Sentenced to 8 years in Jail and 1200 Lashes

Short answer is no, except for marrying. I know two Pakistanis married to Arab girls though process is cumbersome. But thing is this law is not Pakistan specific, it is for everyone. For you and me it is the same. Now I might not like the law of a country but if I choose to travel to that country, I have to submit to its Law. That's a precondition. And law of a country is decided by its people. You don't like it, don't go there. Now you wouldn't like Saudis drawing up Indian constitution would you? Then why try to change their laws? And please replace Pakistani in your questions with 'other nationality or non Arab etc'

Saudi Men Banned From Marrying Bengali, Pakistani, Chadian, Burmese Women - Morocco World NewsMorocco World News

There are some laws which are Pakistan specific, with a few more Pakistan like countries.
problem/concern of saudies with zaid hamid was not "what he spoke" but "how dare he spoke" ;)
He was outspoken against yemen war--
I hate zaid hamid but I cant side with a theocratic mess Saudi Arabia either
He was outspoken against yemen war--
I hate zaid hamid but I cant side with a theocratic mess Saudi Arabia either
sir its not just arab war saudies see anyone with "close /good relations " with Iran as a threat and in his anthosiasm zaid hamid in more than one occassions went quite overboard..... but after this episode (if its true) most of pakistani "tazzia nigars" will watch there actions and emotional owt brusts on TV
I personally know Saudi wife to a Pakistani man. It's not usual but not unlawful either.

Personal anecdotes don't count unless you have evidence to back it up. Also it could be possible only in case the woman in question has given up Saudi citizenship for a Pakistani citizenship, which is generally speaking unlikely.
If Pakistani's have any brains (@Zarvan & Co), they'll cut Ummah's umbilical cord and be viciously anti Arab..... if this doesn't wake them up, then only a bullet in their forehead can bring them eternal peace! :D
Ummah is order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW traitors of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW talk against Ummah
If Pakistani's have any brains (@Zarvan & Co), they'll cut Ummah's umbilical cord and be viciously anti Arab..... if this doesn't wake them up, then only a bullet in their forehead can bring them eternal peace! :D

Just step back from his Gazwa Hind tirades, he is a very logical analyst and a fantastic orator. Probably the only person in the country who has such mastery in his delivery.

He was instrumental in bring PA ideology into line against TTP as it was confused and fragmented before. They didn't know whether to call TTP friend or foe within the ranks.

There is nothing wrong with him trying to promote brotherhood, he did what he could.

If he is indeed imprisoned then this is death for freedom of expression in Pakistan. So another person speaks against Saudi on tv in Pakistan and he is picked up during Umrah? This is dangerous territory.
what a pity the biggest vocal champion of ummah is bieng punished by the orignal custodians of ummah :(
Good for us...... if they carry out the punishment, we'll have a precedence.... maybe you don't understand the law, however, I do...... let them do it and see the long term consequences..... just one caveat, he must not have committed a crime while in Saudi....... if not, then see the fun that is about to unfold! :D

Given the spineless govt in place today, I don't think much will change at govt level.

But as far as the public sentiment go, that will be a huge disaster for Saudi for sure.

No support for Yemen, please for the start. And if they threaten us with deportation of our Pakistanis, I firmly believe we also hold some trump cards.

PS: I fail to understand why here are more Indians gloating on a thread which is strictly between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia? Just shows the level of sick obsession the Indians have with Pakistan.
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what if he doesnt comes back ? i wonder who will be the flagbearer of the baton he was holding i see no one in pakistan to be good enof :haha:

His India bashing technique is world class. Pakistan needs him for 4th, 5th, and 6th generation war.
A possible replacement?

sorry sir my video not working :hitwall:

koi foto ho to post it :)

His India bashing technique is world class. Pakistan needs him for 4th, 5th, and 6th generation war.
im not worried about pakistan or pakistanies but how will we paleed indians will keep updated with news regarding "gazwa e hind" :(
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