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Zaid Hamid in Islamabad: Wake up Pakistan

Fair enough. I do not deny who I am or try to sound politically correct. I say it like how it is.
just wanted to know if people of Pak really follow him. Thanks anyways.


Well from what we can see he seems to have a fair number of followers, educated people included, since he is drawing so many people to universities and auditoriums. I do think he goes way too far sometimes to prove his points but his basic message is very important.
We do have a lot of Educated Idiots in this country .. I am glad someone came out and said what the main problem for this country really is. A lot of gungho Pakistanis living abroad "talking" about how they love this country, while the majority of kids living here are lining up outside immigration agencies. Its a sad state of affairs when the only people who proclaim they would really want to see a prosperous country are sitting and working in some other country.
Zaid Hamid should stick to this type of stuff. Although, a little less religion and a little more Pakistaniat would be appreciated otherwise we'll just go round and round and come back to the same situation - Mullahs, suppression of fundamental rights, extremism and finally terrorism.

Jeziya Tax is no longer applicable since we have something called Income tax applied upon all of the nation. Yes there are examples where the Jeziya tax was implemented fairly in Islamic history but a lot more examples where it was used for the subjugation of the minorities and this will ultimately happen when you have things loosely defined.

The emphasis, or the debate of are we Pakistani first or Muslim first is wrong. We're Pakistanis, with different religion with ever Pakistani an equal Pakistani and everyone can live out their lives according to their beliefs. This fundamental reality needs to be accepted. Only then will we have complete communal harmony.

Bicharay Christians and Hindus have don't even say anything and are still living as Patriotic Pakistanis. The bigger problems exist within Muslims. Because once you say Muslims are superior to non-Muslim Pakistanis, then you're also saying the ones who are More Islamic are more superior to those that are less Islamic and the determination of who is more and who is less is with the individual and that creates disharmony.

The problem is not that Pakistanis have forgotten their Islamic pasts glories. The bigger problem is that they're unclear as to what to learn from history. Everything is romanticized, everything is glorified - even the mistakes and the nations that won't learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat it.

Another problem with this speech of Zaid Hamid, even though for the most part it was intended to be just inspirational is that he equates Ghairat - honor - with fanaticism. There's another subject to be learned from the Sultan who threatened was upon Britain and France over a few stage dramas. The Sultan could've used them to show Britain and France's bigotry and intolerance. Rather he chose be aggressive and almost took his country to war over mere theatrics.
batain islam ki magar she is not even covering her hair!!

and this ali azmat sucks

refering part 1: the true soul has long gone only drama bazi is left now see for urself
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It appears like NAZI regime and its stooges sitting and cursing each other for being unable to do what a totalitarian regime under the disguise of religion (this time) could have done better to achieve there superfluous supremacy on other human beings.
Why there is a need for such staged and scripted drama when any human who is blessed by almighty Allah's gift of wisdom and intellect can achieve any of his aim of life and ultimately serve his religion and humanity. (khudi (self) ko kar buland itna ke har .....................)
Why you would create a group of organised people and risk the whole group to be disorganized one day and potentially deleterious for each other.

When Muslims were blessed by great prophet that one day they will be in a number equal to the sand particles of a desert then why you guys would make bricks of those particles and distrust his blessing. The number equal to those sand particles was a symbolic message to spread stretch and proliferate the Islam, not to become concentrate and act like a group of narrow, unidirectional and preoccupied agenda.
PAKISTAN ZINDA BAD !!! this guy has to be our forign affairs diplomat

What he stated is true the reason why we are being b slapped around is because we have lost our self respect , and we have forgotten , why Pakistan was created in frist place.

Every day we hear civilias being attacked by uninvited guests and curruption enough is enough and ppl have to stand up against , and specially the youth of nation and make a stance.
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