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Zaid Hamid criticizes Imran Khan and PTI followers


Dec 7, 2006
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Zaid Hamid


Zaid Hamid’s open letter to Imran Khan and PTI followers
By: Maliha, Uploaded: 13th December 2012

Syed Zaiduzzaman Hamid a.k.a Zaid Hamid, a controversial security consultant and political commentator, who has actively been criticized for his absurd claims and theories has recently come up with yet another issue by writing a letter to Imran Khan with respect to his interview in India a few days ago.

Hamid, who as per his statements is a strong opponent of India, claims that the 26/11/2008 were all part of a huge propaganda carried out by strong affiliation between the Intelligence agencies RAW, Mossad and the CIA.

Hamid, with his “Open Letter” has severely criticized Imran Khan for his interview stating that his remarks with respect to reducing military budget within Pakistan seemed childish and that Imran Khan’s so called Tsunami would destroy Pakistan rather than providing any benefit to the nation.

Hamid’s Letter is as follows:

Open letter to Imran Khan: Zaid Hamid


I am horrified to hear your interview in front of our arch enemies and your analysis of the crisis that Pakistan face today. If this is your vision and plan, then may Allah protect Pakistan from the Tsunami you want to bring with the help of “Three Foreign Ministers’ you so proudly own. Your entire analysis of TTP, militancy, Jihad, terrorism is so dammed confused that I could not understand what are you trying to say. You took the total blame upon Pakistan, completely ignoring the ground realities of Indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan even right now.
Every insult, every humiliation, even allegation and every lie that Indian anchor threw towards Pakistan, army and ISI, you accepted without objection without defending Pakistan’s position. There is a reason why Indians are so comfortable with you.

We knew you would destroy Pakistan by your inexperience, lack of knowledge, personal arrogance and bad advisers. Now our worst fears have materialized. You have not learnt anything since you arrogant and infamous speech at the world cup in 1992, Astaghfurullah. Your nature is still the same — unwise and arrogant, even if you well meaning.

You have no idea why Pakistan was created, what Indians have done and are doing. have you ever heard about Objectives resolution, Rule of Shariat in Pakistan, Ghazwa e Hind?

You want us to make a fresh start with India?????

Do you know that Kashmir dispute was to be sold to the Indians by your party leaders, former Foreign Ministers, and India would never have vacated IOK?? you want us to forget 5 million shaheeds of Pakistan movement and 1 million shaheeds of east Pakistan at the hands of Mukti and Indian army? You want us to ignore Indian role in creating TTP and BLA and their ongoing 4th Generation war to dismember Pakistan even now??

Do you even know that is 4th GW????????????

You want to reduce the defense budgets and destroy all ****** groups fighting against Indian occupation of Kashmir? You are totally confused between Afghan Taliban, TTP, Kashmir ****** groups ?? Are the Indians only threat we have??? Do you have any idea what the US is doing to Muslim countries in Middle East ??? Are you also going to De-nuclearalize Pakistan after “peace” with India, as you say you will reduce the defense budget?????

We pray to Allah that elections are cancelled and a patriotic caretaker setup is brought in place by the army for at least 3 years. It is obvious even to the blind that this Tsunami will drown and destroy Pakistan, just as earlier revenge of democracy has done.

We have no vested interest with you. We are not paid by any of your opponents or enemies to say this. Our loyalty is to Rasul Allah (sm) and we are bound by that sacred trust. You have a blind following and indeed they are blind.

May Allah protect Pakistan from wise enemies and stupid friends but this nation and its pygmy leaders are hell bent upon a collective suicide. We will make our stand, will live with dignity and inshAllah, when our time comes, we will die with honor and will never ever compromise with Hindu Zionists. Never!

Hamid further corroborated his letter with three other statements:

When we say that PTI is almost blind to Geo-strategic realities. They say that we should have peace with India and give examples of treaty of Hudaibia. Treaty of Hudaibia was done to create environment for capturing of Makkah and final victory of Muslims over Mushriks. If a leader today does NOT plan to capture Delhi and sign humiliating peace deals with Mushriks, then he is only bluffing.

The ground reality is that Pakistan is at war today.

Pakistan is being attacked on 3 military axis.

1. 4th Generation war which is waging from NWFP to Karachi. Baluchistan and Karachi are NOT burning due to drones. The 4thGW is designed to implode Pakistan on the pattern of Yugoslavia. That war is being waged by India and US. It is an independent plan to weaken Pakistan from within. The war is on already.

Even if the drones stop, would that stop the violence in Karachi and Baluchistan or would TTP stop their war against Pakistan??????? Only an idiot would believe so.

2. The Indian Cold start Military doctrine where Indians are massively arming themselves for multiple level invasion of Pakistan once internal collapse reaches critical levels, just as they did in East Pakistan. Chinese Philosopher Tsun Zhu said “if you see words of peace and preparations of war, then beware, war is coming”. Just watch Indian war preparations and their attacks on Pakistani bases through TTP to destroy our surveillance aircraft. India is rapidly increasing its defense budgets and its entire strike army is located with few kilometers of Pak border waiting to roll in under Cold Start. What does IK plan to do about that????

3. US Af-pak military doctrine — under which they are re-shaping the greater Middle East and waging a Drone and insurgency wars inside Pakistan. US must be thrown out of Afghanistan. For that Afghan resistance will have to be supported. As long as US is in Afghanistan, Af-Pak, insurgencies and drones would continue.

IK says that we will come out of US war on terror. Good. Can he please explain what does that mean??? Would he stop NATO supplies, block air routes to Afghanistan, force the US to stop drones and force the US to stop support to BLA and TTP and start talks with Afghan Taliban? If yes, good. But then what would be his strategy if US decides to launch an attack on Pakistan to achieve the WOT and Af-Pak objectives??? Would US accept these decisions lying down???? So, then what would IK do??? wage a war with US or start cooperating with US again????

All these 3 military doctrines are a reality but IK and his party are blissfully unaware of these facts. Pakistan is NOT attacking anyone. We are being attacked as we write. Afghan Taliban are NOT terrorists. TTP are Indian/CIA created terrorists. TTP is NOT waging a war because of drones. Only an idiot can say that. TTP is part of 4th GW and Af-Pak war doctrines.

It is hopeless to expect Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Khurshid Qasuri to tell these secrets to Imran as they are part of designing this doctrine.

How stupid PTI can be and the people who follow them. Now the enemies are waiting for the elections so that a 1971 styled anarchy can be created. The politicians are playing right into the hands of the enemies. Have you ever wondered why we lost East Pakistan after the elections????

PTI — Do you even know what Cold start, Af-Pak and 4thGW is ?????

To all followers of PTI

BrassTacks is a patriotic think tank with a proven track record of defending Pakistan and Islamic ideology. We are NOT your enemies. Just because we have identified major flaws in your strategy, policies and vision, you have started to behave like MQM with us :) What is the difference between PTI and MQM then?? Tomorrow, if you get power in your hand, you will behave just as MQM do. We are posting serious strategy issues. We have NOT attacked the personality or character of Imran. We have always considered him a well meaning person although a total naive in politics and now fully hijacked by CIA stooges like Qasuri and Qureshi. Your members are using the dirtiest possible language and making personal attacks on ZH without answering the policy issues raised. This is enough to prove what we have said about you — unwise and arrogant group.

We say again, we are NOT the enemy. India is. You attack us and want to be friends with India. Innalillah…. Pakistan is in a state of war. The issue is not of drones or WOT alone or of militants groups. See the larger pic — 4thGW, Af-Pak, Cold start. We don’t hear these words in PTI vision at all. Wake up kiddos. You are being extremely unwise.
Soor ka bacha. We should send him on his beloved crusade, so Indians get the chance to *** **** him.

Zaid Hamid, may well be a proven lunatic, however the point he makes about IK ignoring Indian crimes and their support of terrorism in Pakistan, Kashmir and in BD taking in a larger spectrum wont easily be uprooted. IK, does have a unwanted leniency, towards India, or he is just playing a nice guy until he gets briefed?
Sorry, but there is no unlike button here.

On topic, IoK is Indian problem and they are dealing with it very fine. I do not wish to end up arguing with you regarding what's wrong and what's not right. I will say Indians take care of problems of IoK and your fellas for Azad Kashmir Fair deal???
All in right time my friend. :enjoy:

Zaid Hamid, may well be a proven lunatic, however the point he makes about IK ignoring Indian crimes and their support of terrorism in Pakistan, Kashmir and in BD taking in a larger spectrum wont easily be uprooted. IK, does have a unwanted leniency, towards India, or he is just playing a nice guy until he gets briefed?
Typical zaid Hamid. Some points he raised might be true, but many are exaggerated.

After all he has a Phd in brainwashing.
Wasay paghal hain magar ajj sahi baat ke hain. :smokin:
Good Read :cheesy:

Zaid Hamid


Zaid Hamid’s open letter to Imran Khan and PTI followers
By: Maliha, Uploaded: 13th December 2012

Syed Zaiduzzaman Hamid a.k.a Zaid Hamid, a controversial security consultant and political commentator, who has actively been criticized for his absurd claims and theories has recently come up with yet another issue by writing a letter to Imran Khan with respect to his interview in India a few days ago.

Hamid, who as per his statements is a strong opponent of India, claims that the 26/11/2008 were all part of a huge propaganda carried out by strong affiliation between the Intelligence agencies RAW, Mossad and the CIA.

Hamid, with his “Open Letter” has severely criticized Imran Khan for his interview stating that his remarks with respect to reducing military budget within Pakistan seemed childish and that Imran Khan’s so called Tsunami would destroy Pakistan rather than providing any benefit to the nation.

Hamid’s Letter is as follows:

Open letter to Imran Khan: Zaid Hamid


I am horrified to hear your interview in front of our arch enemies and your analysis of the crisis that Pakistan face today. If this is your vision and plan, then may Allah protect Pakistan from the Tsunami you want to bring with the help of “Three Foreign Ministers’ you so proudly own. Your entire analysis of TTP, militancy, Jihad, terrorism is so dammed confused that I could not understand what are you trying to say. You took the total blame upon Pakistan, completely ignoring the ground realities of Indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan even right now.
Every insult, every humiliation, even allegation and every lie that Indian anchor threw towards Pakistan, army and ISI, you accepted without objection without defending Pakistan’s position. There is a reason why Indians are so comfortable with you.

We knew you would destroy Pakistan by your inexperience, lack of knowledge, personal arrogance and bad advisers. Now our worst fears have materialized. You have not learnt anything since you arrogant and infamous speech at the world cup in 1992, Astaghfurullah. Your nature is still the same — unwise and arrogant, even if you well meaning.

You have no idea why Pakistan was created, what Indians have done and are doing. have you ever heard about Objectives resolution, Rule of Shariat in Pakistan, Ghazwa e Hind?

You want us to make a fresh start with India?????

Do you know that Kashmir dispute was to be sold to the Indians by your party leaders, former Foreign Ministers, and India would never have vacated IOK?? you want us to forget 5 million shaheeds of Pakistan movement and 1 million shaheeds of east Pakistan at the hands of Mukti and Indian army? You want us to ignore Indian role in creating TTP and BLA and their ongoing 4th Generation war to dismember Pakistan even now??

Do you even know that is 4th GW????????????

You want to reduce the defense budgets and destroy all ****** groups fighting against Indian occupation of Kashmir? You are totally confused between Afghan Taliban, TTP, Kashmir ****** groups ?? Are the Indians only threat we have??? Do you have any idea what the US is doing to Muslim countries in Middle East ??? Are you also going to De-nuclearalize Pakistan after “peace” with India, as you say you will reduce the defense budget?????

We pray to Allah that elections are cancelled and a patriotic caretaker setup is brought in place by the army for at least 3 years. It is obvious even to the blind that this Tsunami will drown and destroy Pakistan, just as earlier revenge of democracy has done.

We have no vested interest with you. We are not paid by any of your opponents or enemies to say this. Our loyalty is to Rasul Allah (sm) and we are bound by that sacred trust. You have a blind following and indeed they are blind.

May Allah protect Pakistan from wise enemies and stupid friends but this nation and its pygmy leaders are hell bent upon a collective suicide. We will make our stand, will live with dignity and inshAllah, when our time comes, we will die with honor and will never ever compromise with Hindu Zionists. Never!

Hamid further corroborated his letter with three other statements:

When we say that PTI is almost blind to Geo-strategic realities. They say that we should have peace with India and give examples of treaty of Hudaibia. Treaty of Hudaibia was done to create environment for capturing of Makkah and final victory of Muslims over Mushriks. If a leader today does NOT plan to capture Delhi and sign humiliating peace deals with Mushriks, then he is only bluffing.

The ground reality is that Pakistan is at war today.

Pakistan is being attacked on 3 military axis.

1. 4th Generation war which is waging from NWFP to Karachi. Baluchistan and Karachi are NOT burning due to drones. The 4thGW is designed to implode Pakistan on the pattern of Yugoslavia. That war is being waged by India and US. It is an independent plan to weaken Pakistan from within. The war is on already.

Even if the drones stop, would that stop the violence in Karachi and Baluchistan or would TTP stop their war against Pakistan??????? Only an idiot would believe so.

2. The Indian Cold start Military doctrine where Indians are massively arming themselves for multiple level invasion of Pakistan once internal collapse reaches critical levels, just as they did in East Pakistan. Chinese Philosopher Tsun Zhu said “if you see words of peace and preparations of war, then beware, war is coming”. Just watch Indian war preparations and their attacks on Pakistani bases through TTP to destroy our surveillance aircraft. India is rapidly increasing its defense budgets and its entire strike army is located with few kilometers of Pak border waiting to roll in under Cold Start. What does IK plan to do about that????

3. US Af-pak military doctrine — under which they are re-shaping the greater Middle East and waging a Drone and insurgency wars inside Pakistan. US must be thrown out of Afghanistan. For that Afghan resistance will have to be supported. As long as US is in Afghanistan, Af-Pak, insurgencies and drones would continue.

IK says that we will come out of US war on terror. Good. Can he please explain what does that mean??? Would he stop NATO supplies, block air routes to Afghanistan, force the US to stop drones and force the US to stop support to BLA and TTP and start talks with Afghan Taliban? If yes, good. But then what would be his strategy if US decides to launch an attack on Pakistan to achieve the WOT and Af-Pak objectives??? Would US accept these decisions lying down???? So, then what would IK do??? wage a war with US or start cooperating with US again????

All these 3 military doctrines are a reality but IK and his party are blissfully unaware of these facts. Pakistan is NOT attacking anyone. We are being attacked as we write. Afghan Taliban are NOT terrorists. TTP are Indian/CIA created terrorists. TTP is NOT waging a war because of drones. Only an idiot can say that. TTP is part of 4th GW and Af-Pak war doctrines.

It is hopeless to expect Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Khurshid Qasuri to tell these secrets to Imran as they are part of designing this doctrine.

How stupid PTI can be and the people who follow them. Now the enemies are waiting for the elections so that a 1971 styled anarchy can be created. The politicians are playing right into the hands of the enemies. Have you ever wondered why we lost East Pakistan after the elections????

PTI — Do you even know what Cold start, Af-Pak and 4thGW is ?????

To all followers of PTI

BrassTacks is a patriotic think tank with a proven track record of defending Pakistan and Islamic ideology. We are NOT your enemies. Just because we have identified major flaws in your strategy, policies and vision, you have started to behave like MQM with us :) What is the difference between PTI and MQM then?? Tomorrow, if you get power in your hand, you will behave just as MQM do. We are posting serious strategy issues. We have NOT attacked the personality or character of Imran. We have always considered him a well meaning person although a total naive in politics and now fully hijacked by CIA stooges like Qasuri and Qureshi. Your members are using the dirtiest possible language and making personal attacks on ZH without answering the policy issues raised. This is enough to prove what we have said about you — unwise and arrogant group.

We say again, we are NOT the enemy. India is. You attack us and want to be friends with India. Innalillah…. Pakistan is in a state of war. The issue is not of drones or WOT alone or of militants groups. See the larger pic — 4thGW, Af-Pak, Cold start. We don’t hear these words in PTI vision at all. Wake up kiddos. You are being extremely unwise.

He have made some solid points Imran Khan often have talked something else in interviews which he has given to India and foreign media and needs to stand with his points or think before talking
I do not know y u guys abuse him especially Pakistanis, If you have some proofs against him or his logic doesn't sound good to you then come up with your logic and share with us. So that we all know what are your thoughts.

We all know that Imran khan show sympathy towards India but in return Indians shows hostility towards Pakistan. And this current women cricket team tour to India has proven it.

POST EDITED Phucking mobile screen touch.
I second @Aeronaut's views. The question is how such a man manages to exert the influence he does. No one can deny he has a huge following in many thousands despite him being blockaded by the media for years unless it is to poke fun at him. People are tired of national interest being ignored.

He mixes religion with nationalism and wins the population over. He is doing no different than what Ayub Khan or ZAB did before wars with India. They promoted the Muslim vs Hindu angle so much that Hindus virtually became a hated people. Look at the background too.

When I say this people attack me for defending him. Even Nusrat Javed did the same when I said criticizing him makes the Zarvan's stronger and more determined Zarvan's. I am not defending him. I am just stating there is a way to deal with him. Attacking Zaid Hamid and saying he is an idiot will only make the nationalist turn to him. Its happened already. A large section of our conservative faction supports him because he talks against India when no one does. And note 70% of the Nationalists are conservatives

Also do note here he has been one of the few people to criticize the Indo-US nuke deal. So you get where he gets his power from. He is raising issues others don't. I am a secularists-one of the people he hates and as he is a mullah I hate him but I still sympathize with these aspects. A government cannot sell national interest for a little alliance.

PS. I saw a lollywood music video where I thought I saw him. Its loota tuney loota with Veena Malik.
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..... despite him being blockaded by the media for years unless it is to poke fun at him. People are tired of national interest being ignored.......
:lol: He was in every media talk show, his one word was made "Headlines". He got full coverage from media for his rallies in lahore, karachi, peshawar, and long march of drones... I don't know why PTI followers are so ignorant....


ZH made very solid points, but by supporting Tahir, he lost my support. And shows He also can support someone liar like Tahir. So indirectly desolve his value.. what ever he says.. He hate PTI followers treate IK as God and didn't support Tahir Long March don't have much value for me. As I know the reality of Both
Zaid Hamid is right & I fully agree with him, where our honest journalist completely cracked Indian lies on Bombay attacks, the corrupt politicians took the blame & one of these incompetent childish politician is Imran Khan. This is one of the reason why Gen. Musharraf does not want to form an alliance with Imran Khan because of his incompetency, childish acts & childish thoughts.

The incompetent politicians deliberately join Afghan Taliban & TTP together where as both of them are totally opposite. Afghan Taliban are fighting against the occupying troops & they have nothing do with TTP. Whereas on the other hand TTP is fully supported, funded & supplied by rented man power by US & India. They are also spreading terrorism in Balochistan Province & these days in Karachi as well. Ajmal Parahi the rented terrorist who was operating in Karachi & was part of MQM had admitted that he got his terrorist training in India. Gen. Musharraf said it clearly that he is 100% sure that Indians are present in Balochistan province & are helping terrorists. This is 4th Generation war.
TTP just came out of nowhere & later it was found that Indians were supporting these rented terrorists during the SWA operation.

Many reliable experts say that Shah Mahmood is an implant of Zardari to break PTI & kill their thoughts, we have seen this in the recent times that IK wanted to join Dr. Qadri but he was forced by Shah Mahmood not to join the march, we will see Shah Mahmood showing his evil face in coming days & he is trying to destabilize PTI.

Imran Khan is totally immature & a brainless person. A person who cannot defend Pakistan should not be allowed to become a leader, just like kuta Nawaz who had thrown away Kargil war which Pakistan & Mujahidin were winning & he had betrayed Pakistan.

We all know Zardari killed his own wife to come to power & to serve US interests & achieve US objectives but nobody talks about that, similarly Kuta Nawaz we know what he did in Kargil war & how he threw away everything on US order. ANP & MQM both working for foreign power & their objective is to break Pakistan.

"If you want to destabilize and destroy a country, all you have to do is create enmity between its people and their army".The world-renowned Muslim Ruler "Salahuddin Ayyubi"

What the great leader Salahuddin Ayyubi said is currently in effect & the corrupt politicians & the media are trying to do what ever they can break the people trust on the Army. PPP, PML-N, PML-Q, ANP, JUI, MQM are busy in trying to break the people trust on the Army.
Zaid Hamid all the way... for President of Pakisatan to beat pro-hindu a$$es in Pakistan, who are on one hand releasing TTP terrorists and working peace deals with TTP, while on other hand are talking of WOT and demoncracy in Pakistan.

Criticize on, P. Musharraf, Dr. Qadri, Dr. Mazari, armed forces... and every one who stood for betterment of Pakistan! Now its turn of Hon. Sir, Zaid Zaman Hamid to get the criticism, what is common? affiliation with.............

Why all of American media criticized Dr. Mazari as Taliban for only talking for Pakistan, while no foreign media criticize Illuminati Khan for talkin peace deals and co-operating in release of TTP who are openly working for hindu interests in Pakistan.

Let's be open here, most of those who criticize Pakistan and pro Pakistanis. like the ones, listed above... are religious idiots.. of one sect.
This people get best of Pakistan but are more loyal to hindus than fellow Pakistans and trust me hindus know about this weak link, very well and are exploiting this sentiment to fullest.
Well, as they say 'use full idiots' ...... its not first time traitors and fitnas are being staged in an Islamic state.

My dear Pakistanis have no idea, how much a hindu hate a Pakistani.... there is a reason why India support Asif Ali F.... Zardari.
And there is a reason why Asif Ali F... Zardari keep quite to daily allegations and there is a reason why many so called Pakistani members have similar trait.

Here, i like to rephrase usual Indian statement, which they issue for complaining Muslims.... just replacing Pakistan with India

Shame less Pakistanis.. look how they treat visitors from Pakistan and even official visitors from Pakistan... like women cricket team.
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