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Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Enlightening the Current Scenario in Pakistan

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Mar 17, 2008
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United States
Zaid Hamid's program BrassTacks as seen on NewsOne. In this episode Zaid Hamid provides an insight into the current apparently murky scenario in Pakistan i,e. the internal & external security threats. He exposes the forces who are trying to unsettle & destabalise Pakistan through propaganda & psychological warfare. He exhibits no sympathies for the so-called well wishers of Pakistan & wants us to identify the ones in our ranks. He also provides a cue on the Kashmir uprising & the shameful & criminal negligence of our media towards it. But he does show the silver lining & advocates that the situation is not as desperate as portrayed by the media. Thus asking us not to lose hope & display our true spirit as a Muslim Nation. Indeed he is doing a great job by saying 'Kalima-e-Haq' even in such circumstances.

this guy leaves Dr-shahid kappor in dust when it comes to reality check for the awam.. we all know Dr-shahid masood's agenda and who he works for but long live zaid hamid! we need more men like him..:pakistan:
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Apparently the program has gotten a lot of attention in Pak recently. Zaid Hamid clearly knows what he is talking about, and I would support him for presidency if it was up to me.
Zaid Hamid's program BrassTacks as seen on NewsOne. In this episode Zaid Hamid provides an insight into the current apparently murky scenario in Pakistan i,e. the internal & external security threats. He exposes the forces who are trying to unsettle & destabalise Pakistan through propaganda & psychological warfare. He exhibits no sympathies for the so-called well wishers of Pakistan & wants us to identify the ones in our ranks. He also provides a cue on the Kashmir uprising & the shameful & criminal negligence of our media towards it. But he does show the silver lining & advocates that the situation is not as desperate as portrayed by the media. Thus asking us not to lose hope & display our true spirit as a Muslim Nation. Indeed he is doing a great job by saying 'Kalima-e-Haq' even in such circumstances.

bnITvE4qA4w[/media] - Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Enlightening the Current Scenario in Pakistan Part1
gdOjp0x0zHY[/media] - Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Enlightening the Current Scenario in Pakistan Part2
qdHOFxWp8ys[/media] - Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Enlightening the Current Scenario in Pakistan Part3
Xj313P10N70[/media] - Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Enlightening the Current Scenario in Pakistan Part4
v06QfaQ6fu0[/media] - Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Enlightening the Current Scenario in Pakistan Part5

this guy leaves Dr-shahid kappor in dust when it comes to reality check for the awam.. we all know Dr-shahid masood's agenda and who he works for but long live zaid hamid! we need more men like him..:pakistan:

Sorry but there is no voice....:eek:
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Most of the stuff that Zaid Hamid talks about regarding western politics and history has been ripped off from documentaries about "the new world order" that have been circulating for years. He just rehashed the info from those but he still did a great job fitting it all into the history and politics of Pakistan.

The thing I don't like about him is that he seems to lose his mind whenever he talks about religion. In many of his shows he kept talking about divine forces which were causing pakistani artillery to fall a few thousand feet beyond their maximum range during an Indo-pak war. And he keeps talking about how God will be helping out here and there, just makes him sound a little nutty.

Still, there is nobody like him that cares the same way so I think people should watch his docus.
In many of his shows he kept talking about divine forces which were causing pakistani artillery to fall a few thousand feet beyond their maximum range during an Indo-pak war.
Lol. That is a new one!
Lol. That is a new one!
its up to you not to believe it, but defeating 5 times bigger enemy is a miracle where as France quickly fell under germany's control back in WWII and here Pakistan pushed back india and held its territory...
its up to you not to believe it, but defeating 5 times bigger enemy is a miracle where as France quickly fell under germany's control back in WWII and here Pakistan pushed back india and held its territory...

No it's not a miracle it's a result of better training and better planning along with a fanatic zeal in defending Pakistan. If generals start imagining and hoping for help coming from "divine winds" then their campaigns will become disasters.
No it's not a miracle it's a result of better training and better planning along with a fanatic zeal in defending Pakistan. If generals start imagining and hoping for help coming from "divine winds" then their campaigns will become disasters.

Nobody in that war was imagining no General no sepoy.

Anyway leave the divine thing aside as its beyond the little minds of many of us on the forum :)

Just concentrate on the parts which according to your mind are worthy to believe.

I would suggest you guys should focuse on the current issue which he speaks on.
Nobody in that war was imagining no General no sepoy.

Anyway leave the divine thing aside as its beyond the little minds of many of us on the forum :)

Just concentrate on the parts which according to your mind are worthy to believe.

I would suggest you guys should focuse on the current issue which he speaks on.

You don't get my point that it is dangerous to sit down and wait for divine help instead of doing everything 100% by yourself. :hitwall:

I like all the other stuff he talks about but I am saying it just disturbs a lot of people that he keeps talking so much about religion. Why does he have to be a patriot and a mullah at the same time why not just be a patriot and a nationalist? So many more people would love his work if he did that. He is alienating too many liberal minded pakistanis by talking like this.
Dear Maqsad,

Had it been from anyone else I wldn't have bothered, but coming from a Muslim! hmmm anyway you better get yourself acquainted with Islamic military history and famous Muslim generals.

However I do agree with you that thorough preparation and the will to fight is the key, but I also believe in Divine Assistance.

Anyway, after all is said and done, I go along the lines of... Believe in Miracles but Don't Depend on them.
You don't get my point that it is dangerous to sit down and wait for divine help instead of doing everything 100% by yourself. :hitwall:

I like all the other stuff he talks about but I am saying it just disturbs a lot of people that he keeps talking so much about religion. Why does he have to be a patriot and a mullah at the same time why not just be a patriot and a nationalist? So many more people would love his work if he did that. He is alienating too many liberal minded pakistanis by talking like this.

:) and you failed to understand what i said.

Where he mentioned that Muslims were sitting down and waiting for divine help???

And where he suggests that current Muslims should do that ???

And this is very amusing that you are saying that hez alienating too many liberal minder Pakistanis :)

Who are these liberal minded ones and what is exactly their objection ???

So far whatever he talked is not disturbing to views of any section of liberals as well non-liberals (even the conservatives too).

Trust me they are recieving hundreds of correspondance daily and all from educated much much liberal people having very much good posts in almost every field.
Hundreds are from outside Pakistan.

And last but not the least he is no mullah. You dont know him so i dont think you can comment that with fairness.

Dear Maqsad,

Had it been from anyone else I wldn't have bothered, but coming from a Muslim! hmmm anyway you better get yourself acquainted with Islamic military history and famous Muslim generals.

However I do agree with you that thorough preparation and the will to fight is the key, but I also believe in Divine Assistance.

Anyway, after all is said and done, I go along the lines of... Believe in Miracles but Don't Depend on them.

Survivor it is my belief that nothing fantastic can be achieved by allowing religion into any aspect of the military. The only thing it has been good for in pakistan is to help separate from the Indian hindu state. Now that partition is over we don't need it as an excuse for anything else. Also, when people like Zaid Hamid make irresponsible claims such as divine wind assisting the PA it makes him look bad among more liberal and educated pakistanis. And if his videos are ever subtitled and distributed in other countries they will paint him as some fanatic mullah so that most overseas Pakistanis will not take them seriously.
:) and you failed to understand what i said.

Where he mentioned that Muslims were sitting down and waiting for divine help???

And where he suggests that current Muslims should do that ???

And this is very amusing that you are saying that hez alienating too many liberal minder Pakistanis :)

Who are these liberal minded ones and what is exactly their objection ???

So far whatever he talked is not disturbing to views of any section of liberals as well non-liberals (even the conservatives too).

Trust me they are recieving hundreds of correspondance daily and all from educated much much liberal people having very much good posts in almost every field.
Hundreds are from outside Pakistan.

And last but not the least he is no mullah. You dont know him so i dont think you can comment that with fairness.


I didn't say that he is directly recommending sitting down and waiting for divine help. But when he spreads stories like this it effects peoples minds and they don't take things 100% seriously any more because they relax and think Allah will guide them and help them magically in everything they attempt.

Come on seriously, either he is a mullah or he is acting a bit like he is a mullah for some reason. Maybe to appear pure or to give himself protection from enemies in politics? Sure I don't know him but I am judging him by what he says in his videos and how he sounds like whenever he mentions religion. Also, if he is not a mullah then how do you explain this:

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