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Z-10 & Z-19 Combat Helicopter News & Discussion

Where is the 1diot who thinks there are only a couple of Z-10s in service?



Z-10s with the Nanjing Military Region in regular training。

China is NOT India which is into habitual boasting about something that may or may not happen years from when the announcement is made。:azn:

china has done lot of photoshop so its hard to believe in no's, same trick applied by Iran (china friend) when launched missile but it get caught .......until not seen in video .....

if you see in first pic all helos upper (main) blade is showing in same angle, which is not possible :) Moreover from the pic is taken from the middle so Right Side halos's (left side Blade should more in light then the right side one ) but it is not showing .
china has done lot of photoshop so its hard to believe in no's, same trick applied by Iran (china friend) when launched missile but it get caught .......until not seen in video .....

if you see in first pic all helos upper (main) blade is showing in same angle, which is not possible :) Moreover from the pic is taken from the middle so Right Side halos's (left side Blade should more in light then the right side one ) but it is not showing .

India is king of delusion and jealousy... It just cant accept its been defeated. :lol:

The number of WZ-10 have Already confirmed by many chin military expert watcher. 3 regiment is already modest estimation.
India is king of delusion and jealousy... It just cant accept its been defeated. :lol:

The number of WZ-10 have Already confirmed by many chin military expert watcher. 3 regiment is already modest estimation.

You can claim to be 500 no's but on pic you can only show till 3....not more then that , everything else you do photoshop which get caught.
You can claim to be 500 no's but on pic you can only show till 3....not more then that , everything else you do photoshop which get caught.
You win, you are right, guy, get it.
We just know photoshop, we are brainwashed, No WZ-10, No WZ-19, all are photoshoped, fake, OK.
Now, you can back your defence forum, continue posting your furture weapon draft and happy for importing new weapon from USA, Israel, Russia and other coutries.
You win, you are right, guy, get it.
We just know photoshop, we are brainwashed, No WZ-10, No WZ-19, all are photoshoped, fake, OK.
Now, you can back your defence forum, continue posting your furture weapon draft and happy for importing new weapon from USA, Israel, Russia and other coutries.

dont show sign of frustration, either show Chinese Govt /Army website stating the no claim. or else don't give you fancy figures.

everyone knows Chinese are best in photoshop and many picture you people posed found faked of other. reality always hurt.
You can claim to be 500 no's but on pic you can only show till 3....not more then that , everything else you do photoshop which get caught.

Time to wake up from your dreams,dude。

China's first state key laboratory of laser propulsion and its applications inaugurated

By Dong Liyuan and Zhang Xiaoqi (China Military Online)

08:40, December 11, 2012

China's first state key laboratory of laser propulsion and its applications was inaugurated in the Armaments Academy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) on December 7, 2012, marking China has made a stride in exploring new-type highly-efficient aerospace propulsion technology research.

According to Hong Yanji, director of the laboratory, the laser propulsion is a new-concept propulsion technology in providing power to aero-craft. The technology boasts multiple advantages including high specific impulse, big payload ratio and low launching cost, and can be applied to a wide range of fields such as launching near-earth-orbit microsatellites, clearing debris in the orbits of the earth, and microsatellite attitude and orbit control, etc.

When launching near-earth-orbit satellites, the laser propulsion technology cuts down the launching cost to hundreds of US dollars per kilogram, far lower than that of the current chemical rockets which may cost tens of thousands of US dollars per kilogram.

The laboratory is currently engaged in research in basis for laser propulsion application, plasm flow control and propulsion technology, and propulsion flow field test and diagnosis techniques, etc.

China's first state key laboratory of laser propulsion and its applications inaugurated - People's Daily Online

There are further speculations in Russian's Newsland(http://newsland.com)and the New Scientist(http://www.newscientist.com)regarding China's efforts and progresses made in this field。

Have a good read。:cheers:
What is the SPH of WZ-10A. I don't take wikipedia as reliable that states 1350sph for WZ-10 [not A] and 1400+ for hindustani LCH if we compare WZ-10A is much heavier then LCH, WZ-10A requires much powerful Engine..
What is the purpose of an attack helicopter that is designed to fight in the frozen mountains at the expense of performance on over regular terrain? Unless you are expecting to fight entire wars there, which doesn't fit with the Indian doctrine against either Pak or China. I would appreciate it i you could shed some light on this.

I think if what you say is right, then the LCH is not designed for conventional war but for hunting insurgents. Over the deserts of Sindh, this helicopter would be a sitting duck for our SAMs/Helis. Would this assumption be correct?

Sir, Helicopters are not designed for " Frozen Mountains" but they are designed for high altitude operations.

If a Helicopter is strong enough to operate at high altitude, it is certainly very strong to operate at Sea Level.
What is the SPH of WZ-10A. I don't take wikipedia as reliable that states 1350sph for WZ-10 [not A] and 1400+ for hindustani LCH if we compare WZ-10A is much heavier then LCH, WZ-10A requires much powerful Engine..

You are right wikipedia is not a trustworthy source the WZ-10 Helicopter is powered by two WZ-9 turboshaft engine of 950kW power class... which makes up upto 2x1280 SHP... and not 2x1350.
Hence the load carrying capability is less than that of LCH... the Service ceiling is also not very good and if you notice the load wings of the 3rd PT of LCH and compare it with the production variant of WZ-10 you'll note that the former more optimized towards carrying heavier payload as compared to WZ-10.
Light weight of LCH is due to the fact that it uses CFC for stealth features, weight reduction, higher body strength.. etc..etc.
Besides the CFC frame is faster built with lesser joints making production much faster.

There has been a more powerful derivative of WZ-9 engine in development with a power output of 1450-1500 KW however it is too big and too heavy to be fitted on WZ-10 helicopter.
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