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YPG drives out 800 Syrian Turkmens from northern Syrian village

NATO will have to make a choice between kicking out the second largest army of NATO or choose the side of a terror organization PKK. Europe and U.S. Recognized PKK as a terror organization so that would be very awekward. Also Turkey is not attacking anybody. If any group attacks Turkish troops they will regret it. Turkey already made the calculation. With all the mess that is going on on the borders of Europe they will need NATO to withstand. The day Turkey steps out of NATO expect Putin to become very assertive.

I hope you're right. Sometimes I talk more from a position of worry and fear than rational thinking. Indeed, Turkey is very important to NATO and Europe especially, in more ways than one. But heck, when you see how many terrorist organizations can be pulled off the terror list by the stroke of a pen, you get worried. Neyse, let's hope Turkey is spared anymore headaches. I just really wish Erdogan would close the borders from transiting terrorists. Every terrorist whould be arrested at Istanbul airport and returned home. That way this war can end.
There's nothing Turkey can do about it as if Turkey intervenes, it intervenes on the side of Isis which will mean that the Turkish military will get decimated by the rest of nato and Turkey will face unlimited sanctions on food, medicine, trade, arms and travel. Just like Iraq after the first gulf war except you people won't have any oil to trade for food

bro, i am very impressed you can type on the keyboard..Most retarded people find that difficult
are the YPG making these turkmen dig their own graves??? do they got 4K camereas set up to capture the jigsaw type of death machine ready to be unleashed on them.
Stop your ignorance the pkk scums are communist verision of ISIS ofcourse they don't film their crimes so they look moderate,good people,in front of the world
@Sinan @Hakan @xenon54 @atatwolf @BronzePlaque
Stop your ignorance the pkk scums are communist verision of ISIS ofcourse they don't film their crimes so they look moderate,good people,in front of the world
@Sinan @Hakan @xenon54 @atatwolf @BronzePlaque
YPG isn't PKK, but all Kurds need to unite against a common enemy that is IS.

a Kurdish state can wait. they can simply wait the Turks out if need be. have more babies and Turkey will become more liberal over time as well.
YPG isn't PKK, but all Kurds need to unite against a common enemy that is IS.

a Kurdish state can wait. they can simply wait the Turks out if need be. have more babies and Turkey will become more liberal over time as well.
They are the same with different name beside no one want a kurdish state and and dont have any historical right in that area which they came to it as refugees from turkey in 1920s and they claim that they lived their for 7000 years:lol: by the way that land that they claim is aramean syrian land

The problem with them they immgrate to a land and they make themselves the natives and the owners of that land and the natives of that land are foreign immgrants

For good example you are american can you claim that america belongs to you and the red Indians are foreign immgrants to america the answer is NO since everyone knows that the red Indians are the natives of that land
YPG isn't PKK, but all Kurds need to unite against a common enemy that is IS.

a Kurdish state can wait. they can simply wait the Turks out if need be. have more babies and Turkey will become more liberal over time as well.
The US will loose the south to the Hispanics earlier than Turks will loose any land to Kurds. The Kurds are already majority in some areas since the Armenians were driven out. Majority of Kurds don't support PKK/YPG or any terrorism. In case of civil war, the PKK/YPG Kurds would be cleansed. I actually hope they are dumb enough to make a move. The US on the other hand can't stop hispanics going into their ancestrial lands and take it back. They pop out many hispanic babies while white ****es are busy doing blacks. Within 50 years, you will loose the south to Hispanics and I believe Turkey should prepare their military capabilities to aid them when the time comes just like you aid our enemies. (Turkey has become very popular in the Hispanic world). All Hispanic countries will also support Hispanics in the US against American imperialism. Hell, I'm sure blacks will help us too! We just have to wait for those rednecks (you) to die off.
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The US will loose the south to the Hispanics earlier than Turks will loose any land to Kurds. The Kurds are already majority in some areas since the Armenians were driven out. Majority of Kurds don't support PKK/YPG or any terrorism. In case of civil war, the PKK/YPG Kurds would be cleansed. I actually hope they are dumb enough to make a move. The US on the other hand can't stop hispanics going into their ancestrial lands and take it back. They pop out many hispanic babies while white ****es are busy doing blacks. Within 50 years, you will loose the south to Hispanics and I believe Turkey should prepare their military capabilities to aid them when the time comes just like you aid our enemies. (Turkey has become very popular in the Hispanic world). All Hispanic countries will also support Hispanics in the US against American imperialism. Hell, I'm sure blacks will help us too! We just have to wait for those rednecks (you) to die off.

Hispanics aren't clamoring for their own Hispanic only state. They already have several. Citizens are assimilated.
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