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YouTube blocked in Pakistan for the 2nd time to censor Ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan's Speech

The Iranian 1979 revolution is known as the "cassette revolution". The speeches of Khomeni from outside got recorded in audio cassette tapes, and the folks used to play it inside Iran....

For Pak it may be the "YouTube revolution"....
Pakistani people at least a big majority is quite different from the Iranians or Turks, they have been repeatedly colonized for over two millennia, sadly there won't be any revolution in what constitutes modern day Pakistan, rebellion and resistance is just not in their blood.
RS was not patriotic, rather a compromised coas just like all the rest. Allowed NS to rule…..is that patriotism?
All of these are the same, same, same. Now he makes millions in ksa doing f all. Useless bunch who migrate abroad easily
atleast he didn't let ISIS get a foothold here in Pakistan unlike Mir Bajra who just let the TLP and BLA waltz through the border because of his "Peace doctrine"
RS was not patriotic, rather a compromised coas just like all the rest. Allowed NS to rule…..is that patriotism?
All of these are the same, same, same. Now he makes millions in ksa doing f all. Useless bunch who migrate abroad easily

Only corruption can guarantee these guys and their entire families residency/citizenship of western world…..they get it without any hassle cuz they sold off Pak. Ever wonder how soooo many of army/airforce/navy people end up living comfortably in the west….
You don’t hear anything about Pak nuc’s in the western media, generals have sold themselves and told them everything. US can just walk in and whisk them away anytime and army wouldn’t lift a finger, if anything they would probably help them in exchange for dollars..
Iranian style revolution required to cleanse the country..
Pakistan is under a virtual martial law imposed by Mir Bajwa and his gang.

Hopefully things will settle down before football world cup and Pakistani army won't be sent there for security.

And hopefully FIFA has alternative security plans.
Pakistan is a sad sad example of a country. Broke free from Hindustan after centuries of British Raj occupation. Only to then get hijacked by whisky loving Generals and forced into being a client state by the next superpower.

The irony that Pakistan was won via political struggle, but yet generals reign supreme above everything and everyone in Pakistan. In fact army is the reason why Pakistan got split in 1971

yes Army is the reason for 1971.
in the same spirit, army is the reason for 1695 as well and all other small or large skirmishes,.

an army that doesnt indulge in politics is not immune to defeat. strawman reasoning must be avoided.

there is nothing wrong with whiskey loving as long as the person does his duty, minds his duty and doesn't impose himself to others.
those who sipped Whiskey fought for Pakistan and got us Pakistan. while the "pious ones " called it Napakistan.
me too bro. i was part of the karachi protest during Imran long march.
The area of Pindi around stadium is lower middle class with narrow streets
They had no way of avoid smoke from shells and they were shelling entrances of streets to deny people the right to even get out
yes Army is the reason for 1971.
in the same spirit, army is the reason for 1695 as well and all other small or large skirmishes,.

an army that doesnt indulge in politics is not immune to defeat. strawman reasoning must be avoided.

there is nothing wrong with whiskey loving as long as the person does his duty, minds his duty and doesn't impose himself to others.
those who sipped Whiskey fought for Pakistan and got us Pakistan. while the "pious ones " called it Napakistan.

im not overly religious, so I dont particularly care what someone does with their life, by referring to them a "whisky loving generals", I am saying these Generals wanting to be westernized and be accepted by their foreign masters as much as possible.
So when are you leading this revolution that you so enthusiastically want others to achieve, O mighty keyboard warrior?

If you're dumb enough ask that, doesn't mean that I would answer someone with your mindset.

Run along, kiddo!
Congrats to Imran Khan on another successful Jalsa

As a Pakistani I am 100% behind Honorable Imran Khan's Political Drive to Freedom with better Human Rights for Pakistan
And they want foreign investment in a Banana republic, Bajwa and team has push Pakistan back in the stone age.
You don’t hear anything about Pak nuc’s in the western media, generals have sold themselves and told them everything. US can just walk in and whisk them away anytime and army wouldn’t lift a finger, if anything they would probably help them in exchange for dollars..
Iranian style revolution required to cleanse the country..
After Abbottabad raid, anything is possible, whether with complicity or in spite of it.
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