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My Samoyed dog when she was about 9 weeks old, two years ago:


Taken during a rare snowfall here in Southern Virginia.
@TruthSeeker; Here in Istanbul Samoyed puppies are very expensive..Around 1000-1300 dolars..Whats the price there?
Mr. Safriz, I don't understand your comment. My Samoyed dog was born in late November 2009. The picture I posted was taken in January 2010, ~ nine weeks later. I posted the photo in February 2012, about two years after her birth. Get it?
@TruthSeeker; Here in Istanbul Samoyed puppies are very expensive..Around 1000-1300 dolars..Whats the price there?

We bought our Samoyed from a breeder in Southern Virginia, in November 2009 for $1200 USD. She is considered of "show dog" quality. This breeder has since raised her prices to $1500 for a "show dog quality" Sammie, and $1200 for one of slightly lesser American Kennel Club (AKC) breed perfection. We don't show our Sammie, she is just a pet. She is the second Samoyed we have had. Our previous Sammie lived 14 years.
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