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Your favourite news network/media outlet and why?


Nov 5, 2010
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Assalam-o-Aliakum and hello to all of you people.

As the titles says it all, this thread is dedicated to the best of the news networks and media outlets that are out there to inform us of whats happening around the globe as well as near us.

I request all members to not indulge in arguments to prove their choice over other member's choice, keep it civil and to the point. Thanks.

So, I will go first. My choices are:

For Global Issues and Events: AJE - Al Jazeera English
Reason: Highly professional, unbiased, in-depth analysis for every issue, and the ability to show every angle of an issue/event. My favorite shows among many are: Inside Story, The Listening Post, and The Riz Khan Show.

For Local Issues and Events: Dawn News
Reason: Most of the same reasons as above, but in national scope.
None. Every news outlet is biased.

Yes, it is somewhat true to say about the networks being biased, mostly for political and/or financial matters. But I think to say that a certain network do not deserve respect or audiences because of few incidents is a bit harsh.
Al-Jazeera - they give the real news - rest are all 'lackeys' of their governments.
Of course. What I'm saying is that no news coverage from any network should be taken at face value. I have worked in one of the most respected indian newspaper for a brief period of time, that's why I take everything they say with a pinch of salt.
It will be much appreciated if members also share the reasons for their choices. Also, please refrain from arguing with other member's choice(s). Thanks.
CNN, MSNBC, The Hindu, PBS, DAWN (somewhat)

CNN & MSNBC are too liberal. They are also too leneint on their own governments.

Hindu is extremely left leaning. Although the Hindu editorial was pretty decent till a few years back, the quality has degraded.

PBS is too small to make a major impact. Also it is pretty unaccountable IMO.

DAWN, I don't know. Some articles are good, some are pretty bad.

PS: Do you know what is the source of daily news for majority of Americans? The Daily Show.
There is nothing like 'unbiased' newspapers/sources in India. Everyone has an Agenda or supports some party above others.

You have read many, think for yourself and then filter out the hyperboles to get a hold of what is happening around.

But for the record I would say , The New Indian Express (South Indian edition) is pretty much solid.
What a downer, only a few watch news. How you people keep yourselves informed? Guess Internet would be the answer. By the way, thanks for the Mod for making the title attractive and precise!
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