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your favorite animal???!


Piakkad pet :partay: He behaves more like a dog by the way.Not sure which species is this. @Alpha1 do you like it?
I like whoever survives when these three are put in the same cage.:lol:

save the tigers! There are only handfull of them left in Nepal India and China now. There are too many humans around to **** shit up. Maybe we could do with another world war eh?
save the tigers! There are only handfull of them left in Nepal India and China now. There are too many humans around to **** shit up. Maybe we could do with another world war eh?

The last time these three were together, the human and the tiger survived...in Life of Pi. :lol:

Seriously, we could do with a drastic decrease in population...we're no better than a virus, as Agent Smith so succinctly put it.
Dog. And the breed Alaskan Huskies. They look like wolves, are strong and loyal.
My favorite.
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