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You are an Urduspeaker !!! You deserve Bullet !! ANP Agenda in Karachi.

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Terrorism in KP after 9/11 is direct result of MMA Government not ANP.ANP is staunch anti Taliban.Blaming ANP for this is complete lie.

ANP is most anti-Taliban as well as anti-Proxies due to which all the terrorism in KP has been going on for all these years

Realize that you are the educated bunch of Pakistan. This is politics being played out against all ethnic groups within Karachi. Those losing out are the innocents. Please refrain from lambasting Pakhtoons, Muhajirs, Punjabis etc. etc. especially when 14 million of the very same people are affected in Pakistan's worst natural disaster.

Also something to ponder over. The much lambasted (here) Indians have over 40 ethnic groups to deal with and they do a fairly decent job of it, yet here we cannot get along with just 4 or 5. Lets try to bring things into perspective. Unless we, the educated lot, change our own thinking and get out of the ethnic mindset, nothing will change.

One last thing to keep in mind is that regardless of whichever ethnic group you belong to, you can NEVER convince the other ethnic group that they are on the wrong side. It simply does not work. The way forward is to think as Muslims and Pakistanis and overlook and ignore when ethnic issues are brought forward. The ones who exploit Pakistanis on ethnic lines do so by baiting the public along these issues.

What you and I can do for the sake of Pakistan is to not fall for this bait. Do yourselves and your families a favour. Stay out of this fassad and put it down by making comments that do not stereotype and actually bring about goodwill. Looking at the posts on this thread, I can already tell people have been offended. Increase goodwill by staying away from the politics. Innocents will die in the meantime but at least the end will probably be something for the better inshallah.

Please ask the MQM bunch of apologists to refrain from creating such threads at this time when the entire Pakistan is in trouble.

These bunch of MQM apologists though carrying the agenda of MQM to harm Pakistan as much as it can but its not the time to play their terrorist politics.

Being a mod do your job and do check that these MQM thugs have created more one such threads.

May Allah keep Pakistan safe and united :pakistan:
How can be ANP pro talib?theyve lost more lives then any political party in entire Pakistan!
ANP is the party which was against the creation of Pakistan. Their so called philosophy of non-violence is actually what they have inherited from Gandhi. MQM is basically the party of people who have migrated twice to save Pakistan so on these basis there is no comparison between the followers of both the wings. The noticeable difference in MQM’s policy is that they are no more using Mahajir card unlike ANP which still is a communal party.

I hardly have any love for ANP. But still for the record at that Time there was NO ANP so no question of ANP being against creation of Pakistan. Though Ghafar wanted to Pukhtuns to be independent or join Afghanistan BUT We Pukhtuns voted for joining Pakistan which proves our loyalities to our country Pakistan.

2. MQM migrated to save Pakistan ???????//// My foot that too the left one.

The opportunists stayed back in India but when they realised they have NO value there they came to Pakistan and here they have occupied the entire Karachi making the real natives helpless against their criminal activities.

There is INDEED NO comparison between Pukhtuns who joined Pakistan and MQM traitors who's leader have burnt Pakistani flag and who said in India that creation of Pakistan was wrong.

To analyze the problem of Karachi, one should see the actual condition. Pakhtoons actually have their own province like Punjabis,Balochs, Sindhis, Kashmiris and Gilgitis but urdu speaking community doesn’t have its own province; they share Sindh with sindhis . Political parties such as ANP are particularly interested in bringing Pakhtoons from Khyber Pakhtonkhwa and settle them here to get the vote bank increased. Now what actually happening is that a common pathan is casting his vote twice, one in Khi and one in his own town which is unfair, injustice and cheating against democracy.

The solution of the problem is to restrict the voters to vote for their own areas only. If anyone wants to increase the vote bank than it should adopt the national policy to win people’s hearts

OH yeh lolz so now you want a separate province but on the basis of what ????????

Sindhis, Balochis, Pukhtuns, Punjabis, Gilgitis have their own provinces because they are natives of those areas since thousands of years. Tell me how can migrants demand a province on the basis of language only ??????

From where you should be handed over entire area so that you could play a provincial card ??

If you want Karachi the economic hub of Pakistan and back bone as a province for MQM so that MQM could separate it and damage Pakistan then well Sorry your idea is flawed in the first place.

And last but not the least YOU DO NOT share Sindh with Sindhis rather Sindhis are sharing their prime capital with you.

You should be thankful for that.
The ignorant tirades keep on going. Do you folks really think that you can convince the other side? We are on page 6 of this inane discussion and when I return to the 20th page, this useless discussion will be ongoing even then without any conclusion.

Rise above people!
I hardly have any love for ANP. But still for the record at that Time there was NO ANP so no question of ANP being against creation of Pakistan. Though Ghafar wanted to Pukhtuns to be independent or join Afghanistan BUT We Pukhtuns voted for joining Pakistan which proves our loyalities to our country Pakistan.

That’s why I have said ‘ANP’ and not Pukhtoons. They were Pukhtoons who voted for Pakistan and refused the traitor calls of Bacha khan. They were Pukhtoons who fought for Pakistan with bravery in wars to defend the motherland but ANP is taking them into a wrong direction by using them in Karachi.

2. MQM migrated to save Pakistan ???????//// My foot that too the left one.

The opportunists stayed back in India but when they realised they have NO value there they came to Pakistan and here they have occupied the entire Karachi making the real natives helpless against their criminal activities.

There is INDEED NO comparison between Pukhtuns who joined Pakistan and MQM traitors who's leader have burnt Pakistani flag and who said in India that creation of Pakistan was wrong.

MQM was initially an Urdu speaking community’s party who gave most sacrifices for Pakistan because they were in minority areas and were brutally killed by Hindus and Sikhs. What I condemn and hate was Altaf Hussain’s speech in India which cannot be justified but what I appreciate about them is that they are trying to become a party with national agenda and trying to build their vote bank across the country without populating urdu speakers in other provinces.

OH yeh lolz so now you want a separate province but on the basis of what ????????

Sindhis, Balochis, Pukhtuns, Punjabis, Gilgitis have their own provinces because they are natives of those areas since thousands of years. Tell me how can migrants demand a province on the basis of language only ??????

From where you should be handed over entire area so that you could play a provincial card ??

If you want Karachi the economic hub of Pakistan and back bone as a province for MQM so that MQM could separate it and damage Pakistan then well Sorry your idea is flawed in the first place.

I think there is no harm in creating smaller administrative divisions for urdu speakers and saraekis. If I take your logic than Saraeki people should have their province which they don’t. We cannot say that only native people should have their province. We have different ethnic groups and each must be recognized with their majority areas.

And last but not the least YOU DO NOT share Sindh with Sindhis rather Sindhis are sharing their prime capital with you.

You should be thankful for that.

Yes they were Sindhis who shared their provinces with Mahajirs. It is the one of the biggest examples of Muslim brotherhood.
MQM was initially an Urdu speaking community’s party who gave most sacrifices for Pakistan because they were in minority areas and were brutally killed by Hindus and Sikhs. What I condemn and hate was Altaf Hussain’s speech in India which cannot be justified but what I appreciate about them is that they are trying to become a party with national agenda and trying to build their vote bank across the country without populating urdu speakers in other provinces.

Point to be noted that the true immigrants adopted the new country rapidly and infused themselves into society reaching high positions with merit. Not everyone migrated to Pakistan due to idealogy but the migrant also included many oppurtunists from the Muslim majority northern india and bihar which is a slumdog state of India populated with criminal thugs. These biharis later reproducing rapidly would found their political party for the sole gain of immunity for their criminal activities. Violence has been the primary tool of choice in MQM arsenal. After Mukti Bahini sucess in east-Pakistan, the idea was once again hatched by RAW and owing to the large poor bihari migrant disporsa of Karachi finding recruits was as easy as sitting ducks hence the violent rise to power of MQM in 80's. Since then RAW is sucessfully running a criminal mafia among us in broad day light with 100% transparency yet we fail to dismantle it though sucessfully controlled in 91-92 operations.

Yes they were Sindhis who shared their provinces with Mahajirs. It is the one of the biggest examples of Muslim brotherhood.

Yes the Sindhis have a legendry hospitality and they have made history in golden words.
Point to be noted that the true immigrants adopted the new country rapidly and infused themselves into society reaching high positions with merit. Not everyone migrated to Pakistan due to idealogy but the migrant also included many oppurtunists from the Muslim majority northern india and bihar which is a slumdog state of India populated with criminal thugs. These biharis later reproducing rapidly would found their political party for the sole gain of immunity for their criminal activities. Violence has been the primary tool of choice in MQM arsenal. After Mukti Bahini sucess in east-Pakistan, the idea was once again hatched by RAW and owing to the large poor bihari migrant disporsa of Karachi finding recruits was as easy as sitting ducks hence the violent rise to power of MQM in 80's. Since then RAW is sucessfully running a criminal mafia among us in broad day light with 100% transparency yet we fail to dismantle it though sucessfully controlled in 91-92 operations.

One also has to see the amount of support that MQM has in urban Sindh. If not all the Mahajirs were thugs than why a common Mahajir is supporting them?
I hardly have any love for ANP. But still for the record at that Time there was NO ANP so no question of ANP being against creation of Pakistan. Though Ghafar wanted to Pukhtuns to be independent or join Afghanistan BUT We Pukhtuns voted for joining Pakistan which proves our loyalities to our country Pakistan.

2. MQM migrated to save Pakistan ???????//// My foot that too the left one.

The opportunists stayed back in India but when they realised they have NO value there they came to Pakistan and here they have occupied the entire Karachi making the real natives helpless against their criminal activities.

There is INDEED NO comparison between Pukhtuns who joined Pakistan and MQM traitors who's leader have burnt Pakistani flag and who said in India that creation of Pakistan was wrong.

OH yeh lolz so now you want a separate province but on the basis of what ????????

Sindhis, Balochis, Pukhtuns, Punjabis, Gilgitis have their own provinces because they are natives of those areas since thousands of years. Tell me how can migrants demand a province on the basis of language only ??????

From where you should be handed over entire area so that you could play a provincial card ??

If you want Karachi the economic hub of Pakistan and back bone as a province for MQM so that MQM could separate it and damage Pakistan then well Sorry your idea is flawed in the first place.

And last but not the least YOU DO NOT share Sindh with Sindhis rather Sindhis are sharing their prime capital with you.

You should be thankful for that.

As much as I want this thread to end,
Our much vaunted Quaid-e Azam.. was himself a migrant, the son of a Gujrati Businessman who till his last breath kept repeating his love for Bombay. The freedom struggle originated in the areas which are now part of India, and it is from there the fire spread. Otherwise most of the area that is KP was content to be left alone as a buffer province and till the very late 40's was a congress stronghold as recorded in every history book which did not have Ayub Khans blessing.
Secondly, Do you speak urdu??.. if you do you are an urdu speaker..lets define that term there and then.
My Grand Parents were migrants, my great grand father were very close family friends with the Nehru family. Yet My grandfather served the PN for 30 years and was responsible for the navigational planning of the attack on Dwarka and went on to represent Pakistan at th UN..would you prefer calling his efforts lesser than somebody who was from Punjab or KP??.. should the nation be grateful for his services or should my family be eternally thanking Sindhi's,Punjabi's,Pathans,Balochi's for letting us stay in Pakistan and not pushing us out to sea?
By questioning their right to be in Pakistan, you are questioning the very need for Pakistan to exist.
The demand for a separate province comes from a few idiots, similar idiots ask for Sindhustra as well.
The antagonism between Pukhtoons and Migrants and decendants of Migrants is a result of Gohar Ayub's land grabbing spree back in the 60's in which he enlisted the services of all the pithy criminals of the Pushtoon. MQM's rise to power, for all the massive stories and political agendas and what not. Was still spurred on by a simple incident.. which was mishandled by authorities and got out of hand.

The movement was beneficial at first.. and still has its benefits, but the Hijacking of the movement by Altaf Hussain has the establishments hand in it and other agencies.
But this does not belie the fact that the MQM has been very helpful to its community, while at the same time being very damaging as well due to its extortionist and criminal wing.

Coming to the recent target killings, yes they were targeted, and yes the MQM triggered it specifically to take on ANP backed land-grabbers who were harboring criminals who I had the unfortunate luck to encounter in DHA. These men were targeting other ethnic groups in attacks aimed mainly to steal money, cars and mobiles.
A MQM man was hit in a similar fashion.. and target killing, while unlawful, is the best practice when the police is ineffective or cannot be used.
This has been done in the past, will be done today, and will go on into the future.
If it fuels hatred, let it be, it simmers down after a while.
If one cannot provide protection to its citizens then everybody will take up arms. I do not support it, but will not condemn it simply because I myself have been the victim of criminals from the Pushtoon community in Karachi, in posh and downtrodden areas.. not once.. not twice.. but thrice.
And all three times I was given the pathan superiority line and threatened with dire consequences if I said that I was attacked by Pathans.
This has not made me anti-pathan, but I am anti criminal, and if criminals are fighting each other and getting killed..even with innocents hit.. I cannot help but keep quiet.

Funny though, the only community that never mentioned who I was, and who my father was, are the Baloch.
Otherwise, I have heard the pithy "Urdu-speaking" and "mohajir" mockery from every other group.

I apologise if I hurt any feelings, but I mine were hurt as well.

And for the record, I was born in Karachi, Sindh.
Therefore I consider myself a Sindhi..albeit one who speaks urdu as well.
The problem is that Karachi does not have resources to cater to its own population and then over 250,000 people are coming and settling in Karachi every year. The northern areas of Pakistan are sending their excess population to Karachi. There would have not been major problem if the resources are provided to build infrastructure to accommodate these people.
I agree with @Nahraf, Karachi is horribly over populated. I cannot walk any street without getting hit by a deluge of people. The population density is too high. Plus there are no sub urban areas where one could have decent residences without getting harangued. We desperately need a new city in the south to cope with this onslaught. Since independence, there haven't been much investment in creating new cities, so existing ones are having to bear with run away population growth and rural to urban migration.

I should add that I personally know many people who were my colleagues and juniors in undergrad at a institution up north in the country, have now migrated to the South to have better job opportunities upon graduation. This goes on to show the massive scale of internal movement going on here that even well off people are moving down, and not just the destitute.
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Please ask the MQM bunch of apologists to refrain from creating such threads at this time when the entire Pakistan is in trouble.

These bunch of MQM apologists though carrying the agenda of MQM to harm Pakistan as much as it can but its not the time to play their terrorist politics.

Being a mod do your job and do check that these MQM thugs have created more one such threads.

May Allah keep Pakistan safe and united :pakistan:

So Jana, your point is that, being a moderator, I should muzzle all of you but you yourselves are incapable of holding back on ethnic politics?

Should I go ahead and lock all such threads and essentially exercise restraint for you and others who seem to be incapable of it themselves?

I think what I am asking for is something that is not too hard to swallow. Quite a bit of dirty ethnic laundry is coming out here which
I thought was best left ignored. In any case, I will lock this down as its not going anywhere.
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