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Year's barely started and Israel's already killed two civilians: an elderly and a child


Jun 1, 2012
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1) 85-year-old Palestinian suffocates to death from Israeli tear gas | Al Akhbar English


An 85-year old Palestinian died on Thursday after inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli occupation forces to attack local protesters landed in his home in the West Bank, local eyewitnesses told Reuters.

He is the first Palestinian casualty of the conflict with Israel in 2014 following a violent clash with soldiers on the outskirts of the village of Kufr Qaddoum near Nablus in the northern West Bank.

An Israeli military spokeswoman had no immediate comment but was checking for details of the clash.

Youths in the village were on Wednesday celebrating the 49th anniversary of the founding of the Fatah movement, the party of Palestinian President Mahmmoud Abbas, when occupation forces crashed the celebration.

Villagers told Reuters the soldiers fired dozens of tear gas canisters at them, one of which entered Sa'id Jaser Ali's home. He was taken to a local hospital, where he died early on Thursday.

Ali's death comes as US Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to return to the region on Thursday to aid the so-called peace talks between the Israelis and the western-backed Palestinian Authority.

The negotiations have made no outward progress, and Palestinian officials have repeatedly threatened to take Israel before the International Criminal Court for illegal settlement expansion and killing civilians.

Violence in the West Bank has increased in recent months, and at least 19 Palestinians and four Israelis have been killed in the occupied territory since the negotiations got under way after a three-year break.

Human rights group B'Tselem, which monitors the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, said that the number of killings in the West Bank in 2013 had jumped three-fold over the previous year.


2) Israeli sniper kills Gaza teen | Al Akhbar English


A Palestinian boy shot by Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip has died of his wounds, a medical official said on Friday.

The 16-year-old, identified as Adnan Abu Khater, was shot on Thursday near the border in the northern Gaza Strip, sources on both sides said.

Ashraf al-Qudra, a spokesman for the emergency services in Gaza, said in a statement that Khater died of his wounds after soldiers shot him in the leg east of Jabaliya.

An Israeli army spokeswoman said of Thursday's incident that soldiers identified "a number of suspects" damaging the border fence.

She claimed the soldiers asked them to halt "numerous times but the suspects continued vandalizing the fence" so they shot him.

But occupation forces routinely fire at Palestinians in the vicinity of the border, almost always claiming that they were "tampering" with the fence or attempting to plant explosives.

"Soldiers then resorted to aiming fire at the individuals' lower extremities... and "reported one hit."

Palestinians say those accusations are unsubstantiated. A report by Israeli rights group B'Tselem said Israeli forces killed nine Palestinians in Gaza over 2013, most of them in border shootings.

Later Thursday, Palestinians fired a projectile that hit near the border fence, an Israeli police spokeswoman said, causing no harm or damage.

Israeli warplanes early on Friday carried out a series of strikes against Gaza in response, the occupation forces said.

There were no immediate reports of injuries in Gaza.

On Sunday, Palestinians said two people were wounded by Israeli tank fire in central Gaza.

Exchanges of fire between the sides peaked last Tuesday, when a sniper inside Gaza killed an Israeli repairing the border fence.

Israel responded against "terror sites" in Gaza with warplanes and tanks, killing a three-year-old girl and wounding at least six people.
Actually make that three .....:

Gaza teen dies of wounds after Thursday border shooting | Maan News Agency

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- A Palestinian teenager died early Friday of wounds sustained by Israeli forces the day before in the northern Gaza Strip, medics told Ma'an.

Palestinian medical sources identified the teen, who was shot Thursday at the Israeli border near Jabaliya, as 16-year-old Adnan Abu Khater.

How the Western press will behave: If Gazan groups retaliate against Israeli terror by firing rockets over the boy's and the old man's death, the press will make sure to omit any mention of them in the report about the rockets the to make it appear the attacks were unprovoked. And if Israel strikes back, it will be called "retaliation", when it is in fact "retaliation against Gazan retaliation".
What zionist Al Qaeda ever do for the sunnis palestinians?
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