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Year after Pangong clash, China reinforces positions, rotates troops along LAC


Sep 26, 2018
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A year after Indian and Chinese soldiers first clashed on the north bank of Pangong Tso in eastern Ladakh, China is now further reinforcing its military positions and rotating troops in the 'depth areas' along the Line of Actual Control in a clear signal that it has no intention to de-escalate anytime soon.

With the harsh winter having receded, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is fast converting the temporary structures, ammunition dumps, helipads and surface-to-air missile positions it had set up last year in the 'depth areas', ranging from 25 to 120 km from the LAC, into permanent positions now.

It was on May 5-6 last year that dozens of Indian and Chinese soldiers were injured in a major brawl on the north bank of Pangong Tso, which was followed by another one at Naku La in north Sikkim on May 9.

India had then been caught off-guard by the way China had suddenly diverted its troops from its annual spring/summer exercises to undertake multiple incursions into eastern Ladakh in a well-planned manner. Scrambling in response, India had moved troops to match the PLA deployments. The tense face-off had led to violent clashes in the Galwan Valley on June 15, with casualties on both sides being witnessed for the first time in 45 years.

After multiple diplomatic and military talks, the two armies finally disengaged on both sides of the Pangong Tso in February. But since then, the PLA has flatly refused to pull back from Gogra, Hot Springs, Demchok and Depsang Plains.

With the onset of summer, both India and China are rotating their troops as well as readying for their annual exercises and stepped-up deployments now. The PLA, for instance, has replaced its two motorised infantry divisions across the LAC with fresh ones over the last month.

Apart from systematically building roads, military camps, missile positions and other infrastructure all along the 3,488km LAC from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh, Chinese airbases like Hotan, Kashgar, Gargunsa (Ngari Gunsa), Lhasa-Gonggar and Shigatse have also augmented their capacities for additional fighters and bombers.

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