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Yasser Arafat "the Champion of Palestine"


Sep 8, 2009
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He was poisoned after a peace accord for a separate state
The other party was killed as well

I was there (in same time) when his compound was being fired on, with weapons and heavy artillery it was on TV I lived thru that time

When he was in the hospital, after "The Treatment" his health went downhill rapidly

The world leaders sat back and watched from far

Hold on this was not long ago that it was black and white


**Prior to Monica Lewinsky Scandal which took down Bill Clinton from Picture, Clinton in good mood

Seems like he was a brave Palestinian Warrior , fought for his people's right till end like a True Champion
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What Jinnah did for muslims in India, Arafat could never do for Palestinians.
Jinnah is the Champion of champions, Arafat is just a name with a nobel prize.

Jinnah/Indian Muslims partnered with British against the Hindu Indians to create Pakistan while Jews partnered with British against the Muslim Palestinians/Arafat to create Israel.

So in fact the credit goes to British in creating both the Jew state of Israel and the Islamic state of Pakistan.
Without doubt a Hero for Palestinian people's freedom
  • No F16
  • No Tanks
  • No Missiles
  • No Army ( Just a small volunteer peace force)
  • No Billion Dollar budget

But a Lion for his people's cause for freedom

How do you motivate yourself to fight for so long for your people's cause
Without doubt a Hero for Palestinian people's freedom
  • No F16
  • No Tanks
  • No Missiles
  • No Army ( Just a small volunteer peace force)
  • No Billion Dollar budget

But a Lion for his people's cause for freedom

How do you motivate yourself to fight for so long for your people's cause

Arafat was a stooge of the Soviets like @jamahir

He was not a devout Muslim hence Palestinians lost.
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He was probably on their side all along. Many Palestinians believe he was bought out or was on opposite side all along.
Jinnah/Indian Muslims partnered with British against the Hindu Indians to create Pakistan while Jews partnered with British against the Muslim Palestinians/Arafat to create Israel.

So in fact the credit goes to British in creating both the Jew state of Israel and the Islamic state of Pakistan.
You can give credit to British, Americans, Russians for all i care - for me it will be Jinnah always and forever.
Arafat was a stooge of the Soviets like @jamahir

He was not a devout Muslim hence Palestinians lost.

Ha ha, you mean devout / pious Muslims like al-Qaeda, Taliban, FSA, NTC etc who in reality were creations / stooges of Western governments ??

Please read this thread of mine which is actually an article by the Pakistani journalist, Nadeem Paracha, about Progressive activism among Muslims in the past decades. I had posted that thread in 2016. Try to understand why I used the word "pious" in the thread's title.

He was the biggest seller of Palestine lol.
This harami sold Palestinians. And after him came another harami.
Arafat was a moron of a leader.
All he was good for was bringing a piece of his head-wear to the front right to show Palestine.

At least he was better than the Hamas mullahs who were encouraged by Israel and the Western governments. :)

The PLO is the legitimate voice of Palestine. In the past decades, international revolutionaries and Progressive governments sided with the PLO and not the Hamas.

As for the Palestine struggle, I believe that the One State Solution is the proper one. All Jews, the Muslims and the Christians living in a single democratic state.

Good collections of pics.
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Jinnah/Indian Muslims partnered with British against the Hindu Indians to create Pakistan while Jews partnered with British against the Muslim Palestinians/Arafat to create Israel.

So in fact the credit goes to British in creating both the Jew state of Israel and the Islamic state of Pakistan.

Thanks for coming out from your shell ..From day one i knew you are an Indian..you were here for you anti-china and Uyghur rants with Pak flags..
now you can go home..

@HRK @waz
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