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Yakub Memon being hanged because he's Muslim: Asaduddin Owaisie

On the death penalty, the Supreme Court of India is guilty of both inconsistency & vagueness. Never liked this "rarest of rare" definition. Means nothing, just a lot of gibberish. Left to individual judges to interpret which results in some getting the death penalty & others not, for similar crimes. The SC has commuted a lot of death penalty cases to life on some pretty frivolous grounds. If the killers of RG were let off, then I see no particular reason why this case should be exceptional.
I said this because the way our judicial system takes time in awarding the death penalty. It is possible that many culprits may be spared the noose but the one who hangs will do so with good enough reasons. But I agree with you that a lot is left to the discretion of the judges and the government and thats why this topic is being discussed here. I think once the SC has confirmed and reviewed and seen the curative petition, the verdict should be carried out and no scope for any gubernatorial or presidential pardon. Some pardons and some denials will always cause resentment.
I think once the SC has confirmed and reviewed and seen the curative petition, the verdict should be carried out and no scope for any gubernatorial or presidential pardon. Some pardons and some denials will always cause resentment.

Unfortunately, it is the SC that is at fault here. This President has been very quick with his disposal of appeals, turning down almost all of them. However the SC has then usually sat on the cases before commuting them for reasons of delay etc. The SC has done a poor job of upholding its own decisions. So when a case like this comes up, there will be questions asked as to how this chap alone is different from the dozens whose death sentences have been commuted by the SC inspite of the President of India having rejected their appeals. I cannot but see some merit in the statements of those who question this impending execution.
@Razia Sultana , I guess you understand the difference between political assassinations and what Memon did. He didn't simply target an individual only. He played into the hands of Pakistan and deliberately attacked financial hub of our financial capital while our country was going threw worst of economic distress and in that attack even scores of common innocent people perished, which was his motto ie. to cause maximum trauma from maximum damage. What Yakub did was not sort of sedition. Anyway he won't be hanged on 30'th july as there need to be gap of minimum 14 days between curative petition dismissed and hanging. Now , I have learnt that previous petition was filled by his brother. Now he himself has filed new petition that his mercy plea is still pending before Governor of Maharastra.
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Unfortunately, it is the SC that is at fault here. This President has been very quick with his disposal of appeals, turning down almost all of them. However the SC has then usually sat on the cases before commuting them for reasons of delay etc. The SC has done a poor job of upholding its own decisions. So when a case like this comes up, there will be questions asked as to how this chap alone is different from the dozens whose death sentences have been commuted by the SC inspite of the President of India having rejected their appeals. I cannot but see some merit in the statements of those who question this impending execution.
AFAIK the delay in courts are not counted as delay. It was the delay in disposal of mercy petitions that made the SC cancel their death penalty. It will be foolish for the courts to say that since the matter has been pending in courts for years so death penalty cant be given. I think Prez Pratibha Patil sat for years on such petitions and passed it on to the new incumbent.
Owaisie is playing the religion card to remain relevant.

However I do think India should completely stop all death sentences for several reasons:

1) The local and even state level police and prosecuting agencies have had a period of almost 25 years of corruption and inefficient practices. The chances of mistakes - commission and omission are high.

2) A non-parolable life sentence without privileges should be sufficient punishment. Cut of everything other than basic physical needs for survival and perhaps some reading material to pass time. Make them work garbage collection detail
AFAIK the delay in courts are not counted as delay. It was the delay in disposal of mercy petitions that made the SC cancel their death penalty. It will be foolish for the courts to say that since the matter has been pending in courts for years so death penalty cant be given. I think Prez Pratibha Patil sat for years on such petitions and passed it on to the new incumbent.

I question the very basis of the assertion that the delay is a basis for commutation. I have never seen a death penalty convict begging to have his mercy plea disposed off expeditiously. Pretty frivolous. Makes it arbitrary because what it suggests is that the life or death of a convict is dependent on the whims & intellectual laziness or otherwise of the person sitting in the Rashtrapati Bhavan. As arbitrary as it gets. The stupidity of that assertion is mind boggling, suggesting that a convict on death row who has himself or through his lawyers put up appeals, should then be allowed to get away because he wasn't executed quickly and was allowed to "suffer" by being allowed to live.. Almost all death sentences in the U.S. takes around 15 years plus to get to the point of execution, never seen one get away on this loony logic.
@Razia Sultana , I guess you understand the difference between political assassinations and what Memon did. He didn't simply kill an individual only. He played into the hands of Pakistan and deliberately attacked financial hub of our financial capital while our country was going threw worst of economic distress and in that attack even scores of common innocent people too perished. What Yakub did was not sort of sedition. Anyway he won't be hanged on 30'th july as there need to be gap of minimum 14 days between curative petition dismissed and hanging. Now , I have learnt that previous petition was filled by his brother. Now he himself has filed new petition that his mercy plea is still pending before Governor of Maharastra.
I am dissappointed at your categorization of killing. Killing a PM or a CM or attacking on parliament is ultimate attack on the nation. I disagree if you treat them as mere a murder of a leader/s. Once president has rejected a mercy plea and curative petition is dismissed, in my opinion, governor should not have any locus standi unless the govt. is having a rethink. Governor can not be superior to President.
The good thing is that such discussion is conducted in India. My personal view is all individuals that go up against the republic should get a Bullet to head. Including the others mentioned in the OP article, and the justice should be swift, Once proven guilty beyond doubt, Extraction of Information if any, and then a straight bullet to the head, and donate the body to medical college.
I am dissappointed at your categorization of killing. Killing a PM or a CM or attacking on parliament is ultimate attack on the nation. I disagree if you treat them as mere a murder of a leader/s. Once president has rejected a mercy plea and curative petition is dismissed, in my opinion, governor should not have any locus standi unless the govt. is having a rethink. Governor can not be superior to President.

They do fall in different level and category of crime. While you can compare them at superficial level then why not to the bottom comparisons ??

Incase of Rajeev the most aggrieved family itself was on that all powerful de-facto office for whole decade, if they themselves didn't want to pursue it further then we are the least bothered to question that. I heard Priyanka Gandhi herself met the assassins of Rajeev in jails in her personal capacity. Anyway it was not BJP in either of case which sat on judgments even after curative were dismissed. Different government different work environment. Anyway BJP won't sit on this one, they will go ahead with hanging. No idea about the murderer of Punjab's CM. But if it was upto me , I would have hanged him without even thinking twice.

Only Asasuddin Owaisi can say this & get away with this.. 'cause he is a Muslim!

Isn't it contempt of court ?? Being lawer he himself must have known it. It's very much intentional contempt of court. He must be pulled up for this.

The good thing is that such discussion is conducted in India. My personal view is all individuals that go up against the republic should get a Bullet to head. Including the others mentioned in the OP article, and the justice should be swift, Once proven guilty beyond doubt, Extraction of Information if any, and then a straight bullet to the head, and donate the body to medical college.

Not a word , I can disagree. This chain of repeated pleas are wastage of time. Once dismissed by President, culprit must be hanged without prejudice. It becomes difficult when President seats on those pleas for ever. There must be time limit for Presidents to take final decisions.
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Isn't it contempt of court ?? Being lawer he himself must have known it. It's very much intentional contempt of court. He must be pulled up for this.
Oh well.. both Owaisi brothers likes to push the envelope as far they can & isolate society by issuing absurd statements of this kind! Maybe he wants the courts pull him up.. & gain sympathy by playing victim! Politics of extreme shamelessness!

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