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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

I have nothing against Chinese however some here are racist and rude. I think the Chinese should treat the Turkic Uyghur population better or we should invite all. Uyghurs into Türkiye.

And then you are going to dump all Kurds and PKK into China right? :)
Before you idiot follow my remarks again, you had better differentiate what I wrote from what you have imagined.

I do not advocate killing religious people but those islam fundamentalist religious fanatics/extremists.

You cannot tell the difference???

I have written many times that China welcome moderate muslims. As for other craps you have put there, I really have no time for those off-topic craps.

So stop following my comments.

Turkic Muslim Salars in the Chinese army serving under General Ma Biao along with Dongxiang (Mongol Muslims), Hui Muslims, and Qinghai Tibetans slaughtered the Japanese in battle. Ma Biao serving under General Ma Bufang.


In "The Marching Wind" by Leonard Francis Clark, Clark writes about a mountainering expedition in Qinghai and meets Salar soldiers and officers who served under Ma Bufang and killed Japanese.

Except you keep shooting your mouth off about killing religious people and claiming religious people always cause separatism. The Qing never had a policy against religious people and it in fact used religious conservative clerics to enforce its rule in Xinjiang.

What General Wang Zhen did was merciful compared to what religious Hui Muslims did in 1934 against Uyghur separatists. One foreigner named Sven Hedin saw the Hui soldiers (he called them tungan) praying facing Mecca, and a Uyghur (Turki) man told Hedin how cruel the Hui were being acting almost as "beasts". One of the Hui Generals put the separatist leader Abdullah Bughra's head up on the Idgah mosque and initiated a mass slaughter in Kashgar. Bughra's brother Nur Ahmad Jan had his head used as a football after it was cut off. They were also brutal in crushing a revolt in Charqlik.

SOB like you do not understand the difference between normal people and terrorists.

We have peace of mind dealing with normal people. We would feed those terrorists to dogs if we can. They are not human but bastards.
Right, unfair treament and corruption will lead the country to uprising like in Egypt–Syria .

Im scared that civil war in China will start before war between VN-China happen again bcz Chinese people cant stand anymore with corruption and unfair trament in China now :P

stupid Vietcong don't bring small potatoes nobody think much of Vietnam into every thread:D thank you very much
No, you are lying again. When you say moderate you mean non religious Muslims who don't pray. I've seen the crap you've written.

When separatist, Soviet supported Communist Uyghurs under Ehmetjan Qasim massacred thousands of Han people in Dzungharia with Soviet Red Army and White Russian supoort, it was the fanatically religious Hui and Salar Muslims who were sent by Ma Bufang and the KMT to crush their advance in Xinjiang. The officers Ma Chengxiang, Ma Xizhen, were Hui and Han Youwen was Salar. They used brutal tactics against the Communist Uyghur separatists and Russians including torture and mass executions and stopped the Soviet communist supported Second East Turkestan Republic from taking over Xinjiang.

These were the same KMT Hui you were insulting in your other posts. And after the CPC took over Xinjiang, it let these Communist Uyghur war criminals (from the Second East Turkestan Republic) get free and even incorporated their Ili National Army into the PLA. They were allowed to integrate into society and no charges were pressed against them.

Now tell me again, aren't these Communist Uyghurs, "moderate" muslims? ;) their god was Joseph Stalin and their master was the Soviet Communist party.

You have no idea of "fundamentalist" and "extremist". The Qing government did NOT discriminate between fundamentalist and moderate. What they did was discrimante between SECT. They banned this heretical sect called Jahriyya Sufism which believed that their leader was infallible and almost like a prophet but they allowed all other Muslims religious freedom. Religious fanatics who did not belong to that sect were not killed.

In the 1895 rebellion, the most cruel officers and soldiers were the Muslims who fought on the government side aginst the rebel Muslims from minority Sufi sects, they abolutely slaughtered and hammered the rebels. Those Muslims on the government side were not "moderate" or lax in their religious observance. They were fully devout and prayed and followed all of their religious teachings strictly.

I've also seen your post on Jews. Both you and iajj are wrong. Iajj is obsessed with a sickness with hating Jews (and everyone who isn't chinese) and you have a sickness of viewing all Jews as some sort of infallible or upright people. You claim no Jew ever did anything negative to China. The Iraqi Jew David Sassoon and his family traded in tons of Opium into China in the 19th century. There goes your bullshit down the drain. I don't judge people by a few individuals and I don't hate all Jews because of Sassoon but knocking down your bullshit was satisfying.

Also regarding Jews in China. Jews and Muslims were both called Hui. The jews were called blue hatted hui and Muslims were called White hatted Hui. Both their religions were called qingzhen jiao and their mosques and synagogues were called qingzhen si or libai si. They both used seven day week calenders. The Ming dynasty passed edicts allowed both religions to be practiced in China while they banned white lotus Buddhism. Most Chinese could not differentiate much between them.

You are correct there was no anti semitism in China. There was no anti muslimism or anti white people or anti Arabism either. There was only xenophobia. There was no hatred of specific race or religion in general, but hatred of foreign things.

When xenophobia broke out in China, ALL foreign religions and peoples were attacked. No one was singled out for hatred. In 878, when the anti Tang dynasty rebel Huang Chao sacked the city of Guangzhou, he slaughtered over 120,000 foreign merchants, who were Muslims, Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians. They were Arabs, Jews, Persians, and other peoples. Buddhism was also attacked during this time in the Tang dynasty as well and Buddhist relicts were melted down, smashed, monasteries confisticated and monks forced to return to secular life. Only Chinese religion was spared. But only Buddhism, Christianity, Manichaesm and Zoroastrianism were actually named when foreign relgions were banned in the late Tang dynasty because of their crazy proselytizing, Islam and Judaism weren't named because they didn't convert much Chinese people at the time.

Before you idiot follow my remarks again, you had better differentiate what I wrote from what you have imagined.

I do not advocate killing religious people but those islam fundamentalist religious fanatics/extremists.

You cannot tell the difference???

I have written many times that China welcome moderate muslims. As for other craps you have put there, I really have no time for those off-topic craps.

So stop following my comments.

SOB like you do not understand the difference between normal people and terrorists.

We have peace of mind dealing with normal people. We would feed those terrorists to dogs if we can. They are not human but bastards.
Okey. So you think it is normal to sponsor terrorists aroun the world killing ordinary people? Everywhere exept USA? Typical western point of view.

So a non typical western point of view is sponsor terrorists around the world blowing up their own country?
Anyway even you admit that a typical westerner would not sponsor terrorists to blow up their own turf, take me quite an effort to bait this answer from you. Last time I check, Bush is a typical westerner, and thousand of american die because of terrorisim. So who sponsor Osama to have his goons perform kamikaze above the sky of Bush own turf? My guess is some western hater similiar to you who happens to have some money to spare for terrorism :raise:

Well for me, declaring ALL terrorist are sponsored by anglosaxons is just as absurd as declaring ALL terrorist are driven by Islam ideology, unless you agree to both these "declaration" :woot:
So a non typical western point of view is sponsor terrorists around the world blowing up their own country?
Anyway even you admit that a typical westerner would not sponsor terrorists to blow up their own turf, take me quite an effort to bait this answer from you. Last time I check, Bush is a typical westerner, and thousand of american die because of terrorisim. So who sponsor Osama to have his goons perform kamikaze above the sky of Bush own turf? My guess is some western hater similiar to you who happens to have some money to spare for terrorism :raise:

Well for me, declaring ALL terrorist are sponsored by anglosaxons is just as absurd as declaring ALL terrorist are driven by Islam ideology, unless you agree to both these "declaration" :woot:
Ambassador of USA in Libya was killed last year. Killed by terrorists, grown and teached by USA and few years ago that terrorists were "heroes and fighters fo freedom and democracy".
Of corse, not only Anglosaxonians sponsor terrorism around the world. Part of work doing their colonies - Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others. But the most dangerous organizations sucj as Al-Qaeda were made by USA.
Why do you mention twin Towers in every post? I do not care who blown them up - american terrorism organization under american order or without american ordere. Only in Iraq more people dies from terrorism every month.
You see, idiot like you just do not know when to quit.

Where did I say: "moderate mean: non religious Muslims who don't pray"??? Just show me the reference???

Your mind must be twisted hitting by thunder or simply just is dumb due to hard birth.

I cannot deal with stupid people.

No, you are lying again. When you say moderate you mean non religious Muslims who don't pray. I've seen the crap you've written.

When separatist, Soviet supported Communist Uyghurs under Ehmetjan Qasim massacred thousands of Han people in Dzungharia with Soviet Red Army and White Russian supoort, it was the fanatically religious Hui and Salar Muslims who were sent by Ma Bufang and the KMT to crush their advance in Xinjiang. The officers Ma Chengxiang, Ma Xizhen, were Hui and Han Youwen was Salar. They used brutal tactics against the Communist Uyghur separatists and Russians including torture and mass executions and stopped the Soviet communist supported Second East Turkestan Republic from taking over Xinjiang.

These were the same KMT Hui you were insulting in your other posts. And after the CPC took over Xinjiang, it let these Communist Uyghur war criminals (from the Second East Turkestan Republic) get free and even incorporated their Ili National Army into the PLA. They were allowed to integrate into society and no charges were pressed against them.

Now tell me again, aren't these Communist Uyghurs, "moderate" muslims? ;) their god was Joseph Stalin and their master was the Soviet Communist party.

You have no idea of "fundamentalist" and "extremist". The Qing government did NOT discriminate between fundamentalist and moderate. What they did was discrimante between SECT. They banned this heretical sect called Jahriyya Sufism which believed that their leader was infallible and almost like a prophet but they allowed all other Muslims religious freedom. Religious fanatics who did not belong to that sect were not killed.

In the 1895 rebellion, the most cruel officers and soldiers were the Muslims who fought on the government side aginst the rebel Muslims from minority Sufi sects, they abolutely slaughtered and hammered the rebels. Those Muslims on the government side were not "moderate" or lax in their religious observance. They were fully devout and prayed and followed all of their religious teachings strictly.

I've also seen your post on Jews. Both you and iajj are wrong. Iajj is obsessed with a sickness with hating Jews (and everyone who isn't chinese) and you have a sickness of viewing all Jews as some sort of infallible or upright people. You claim no Jew ever did anything negative to China. The Iraqi Jew David Sassoon and his family traded in tons of Opium into China in the 19th century. There goes your bullshit down the drain. I don't judge people by a few individuals and I don't hate all Jews because of Sassoon but knocking down your bullshit was satisfying.

Also regarding Jews in China. Jews and Muslims were both called Hui. The jews were called blue hatted hui and Muslims were called White hatted Hui. Both their religions were called qingzhen jiao and their mosques and synagogues were called qingzhen si or libai si. They both used seven day week calenders. The Ming dynasty passed edicts allowed both religions to be practiced in China while they banned white lotus Buddhism. Most Chinese could not differentiate much between them.

You are correct there was no anti semitism in China. There was no anti muslimism or anti white people or anti Arabism either. There was only xenophobia. There was no hatred of specific race or religion in general, but hatred of foreign things.

When xenophobia broke out in China, ALL foreign religions and peoples were attacked. No one was singled out for hatred. In 878, when the anti Tang dynasty rebel Huang Chao sacked the city of Guangzhou, he slaughtered over 120,000 foreign merchants, who were Muslims, Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians. They were Arabs, Jews, Persians, and other peoples. Buddhism was also attacked during this time in the Tang dynasty as well and Buddhist relicts were melted down, smashed, monasteries confisticated and monks forced to return to secular life. Only Chinese religion was spared. But only Buddhism, Christianity, Manichaesm and Zoroastrianism were actually named when foreign relgions were banned in the late Tang dynasty because of their crazy proselytizing, Islam and Judaism weren't named because they didn't convert much Chinese people at the time.
If we dump them there they will turn China into Congo in a few years, your growth will go from 9% to shrinking economy :-)

Why don't you ask you people to rebuild the holy glorious Ottoman instead of spreading this kind of nonsense.

(Oh my goodness, my 1000th post)
Most Uighurs are on our side, we need to get rid of those terrorists.



Who executed the terrorist attack in China? Who killed innocents in China ?
Find them out, kill bastard all.
USA does not believe the Islam, but they believe the terrorism!
I don't know, u tell me. And u need to find out whether any Arab country fund Uygur riots in China?
Anyway i have share the pic in my former post.
No Arab country funds "riots" in China.

Who funds terrorism ALL around the world...!!!
Al-Dajjal = The Zionist-controlled-America & her pet dogs, who else...

Funding is just a small fraction of all the activities they are indulged in. They actively plan attacks, supply explosives/devices or training to make them, employ handlers & intermediaries. They come up with indirect ways to avoid detection of course. One would be fool to take a puppet as actual perpetrator without looking who's behind the scene. They even make their agents fake a conversion to islam & then commit criminal act disguised as a convert-muslim... Like Adam Gadahn is one example of many... Also a CIA agent arrested in Pakistan who faked conversion to islam & married a Pakistani lady then opened a security agency & was hiring ex-Army personnel & using them for terrorist attacks on military installations...

@ephone & cnleio ,,, ur agencies & government ppl know it's America-&-Co but such things are not said publicly for whatever reasons...

Watch links here to get an idea...



Look what CIA's Graham Fuller said about sponsoring terrorism in China using name of Islam... & how he sponsored criminals in Turkey.



Also hear it from horse's mouth... CIA\FBI themselves carrying out terror attacks inside US & elsewhere...



You forget about Great Britain. Alternative "democratic" "government" of every state and every nation of the Earth can be easily proclaimed in London in a moment. They doing such sneaky things for few centuries.
Correct they are involved too. Actually when I write "US-&-Co" or "US-&-her-pet-dogs" i mean governments & agencies of countries like UK india etc... "Zionist-slave" is what I call US government-&-agencies...
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Who funds terrorism ALL around the world...!!!
Al-Dajjal = The Zionist-controlled-America & her pet dogs, who else...
You forget about Great Britain. Alternative "democratic" "government" of every state and every nation of the Earth can be easily proclaimed in London in a moment. They doing such sneaky things for few centuries.
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