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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

You misunderstand me too, I was simply saying capitalist NATO are not the only one around here, we these "socialist" countries here too, even though its just the name alone is socialist
They are just single countries, not agressive block of "world imperialists masters". Do you know why Middles East, Africa are always in war? Because Anglosaxonians and French made colony borders in such way to provoke conflicts. And why conflicts with Uigurs or Chechens starts? Cause some one do sponsor them - Anglosaxonians. No finance - no terrorism.
Find those uighur terrorist bastards, burn them, feed them to dogs or do whatever to send them to "heaven with their virgins"
Find those uighur terrorist bastards, burn them, feed them to dogs or do whatever to send them to "heaven with their virgins"

Hey keyboard warrior, you and iajj don't speak for the rest of us. Now get your delusions of granduer out of your tiny head. You are your stupidty is reflecting very badly on the rest of us.

The Qing dynasty ruled southern Xinjiang through the intermediary of religious conservatives begs and mullahs. The mullahs enforced Islamic law, veils and dress. In exchange for complete control over the religious life of the Turkic Muslims (ancestors of Uyghurs) the mullahs, clerics and begs gave complete political loyalty to the Qing Emperor. You do not know crap about the history of the region.

The Qing was brutal to REBELS and INVADERS, they didn't target anyone for being "radical" religious or spare people for being moderate. You made up the crap about crushing "radical" Muslims. The Qing just brutally crushed ANY rebels against the state while they rewarded people loyal to the state.

If a so called "moderate" muslim (which just means Lax muslim) rebelled or invaded the Qing they would get crushed. But the deeply religious and conservative Islamic clergy (mullahs) were allowed religious freedom and to thrive during Qing rule.

The Qing's policy with different Hui sects had also nothing to do with being religious or not religious. Fanatically religious Muslims who were ordinary Sunnis or belonged to the Khufiyya Sufi sect, but who were loyal to the Qing were allowed religious freedom. However Jahriyya Sufism ("new teaching" in chinese) was banned and brutally crushed. Because the teaching of Jahriyya Sufis were different, in their sect they preached total loyalty to their leader and even viewed him as nearly infallible and almost as a prophet (which actually severely deviates from orthodox Islam).

Many fanatically religious Hui Generals like Ma Anliang fought for the Qing against rebels and separatists. The campaign to crush the Kokand invaders in Xinjiang was spearheaded by the religious Muslims Hua Decai and Cui Wei who were fighting for the Qing.

The rebellions in 1862 and 1895 were crushed by religious and very un-moderate Hui officers and soldiers who fought for the Qing. In fact, the religious Hui officers massacred the most rebels in the most brutal ways, not Han soldiers or officers.

The Hui officers who fought against the Eight Nation Alliance in the Boxer Rebellion were religious Muslims.

The Hui warlords like Ma Bufang were deeply religious. He sent fanatical soldiers (both religious Muslims and radical Qinghai Tibetan buddhists) to crush the Japanese and then sent more soldiers to crush the Soviet backed Uyghurs under Ehmetjan Qasim and fight the Soviets and Mongolian army.

The CPC has wisely allowed deeply religious Hui clerics to reestablish their followings in Ningxia in exchange for complete loyalty to the state. One Hui cleric even heard from Bin Laden and listned to other radical clerics but the CPC did nothing because he was a member of the Ningxia People's Congress and loyal to the government of China.

Faith flourishes in an arid wasteland | South China Morning Post

Religious Muslims like Ding Guodong and Mi Layin fought for the Ming cause and there were no Hui rebellions during the Ming. You made that crap up.

In fact the Uyghur separatism was started by REFORMERS (Jadidists) who wanted to challenge the traditional Islam and the conservative Islamic clergy.
Most Han Chinese hold very negative view towards Uihgers, cause lots of them are thief and drug dealer in the city. The goverment should invest more in the education sectors, at least teach Uighers how to speak and write Mandrain especially those living in rural areas. At the same time, their own local language should be well reserved as well.
If you don't know how to speak Mandrain, how you supposed to make your ends meet in the country?
it's not the poverty itself drives people going nuts,it's the huge gap bw the rich and poor.when China was dirty poor China was very stable,but why it isn't now...you have those corrupt officials throwing away millions on women and luxury items everyday and you have millions scrape the bottom the barrel supporting their families.we've got many random attack across China now,not only in Xinjiang.
Right, unfair treament and corruption will lead the country to uprising like in Egypt–Syria .

Im scared that civil war in China will start before war between VN-China happen again bcz Chinese people cant stand anymore with corruption and unfair trament in China now :P
They are just single countries, not agressive block of "world imperialists masters". Do you know why Middles East, Africa are always in war? Because Anglosaxonians and French made colony borders in such way to provoke conflicts. And why conflicts with Uigurs or Chechens starts? Cause some one do sponsor them - Anglosaxonians. No finance - no terrorism.

So Bush finance Osama to blow up WTC? Wow I didnt know that, you may be a bigger leaker than Snowden, hope you take care yourself mate.
So Bush finance Osama to blow up WTC? Wow I didnt know that, you may be a bigger leaker than Snowden, hope you take care yourself mate.

Did i say that? You said that. Have you ever heard about Soviet war in Afganistan? May be you do not know - but Osama was great friend of America and U.K. in that time. He was a hero - Western newspapers wrote that he is very brave man, true fighter for freedom, well-known muslim expert and very enlightened person. Anglosaxonian teach him and other mojaheddins to fight and gave them weapon. May be you do not know?
I wish good luck to the Chinese police and armed police in the fight against this scum. We in Russia for many years struggling with terrorists in the Caucasus, and we know, that they should ruthlessly be eliminated, it's the only guarantee of peace and order in the region.

Yeah Terrorists in the caucasus after you almost genocide the circissans and the checens everyone in the caucasus hates russia some show it with terrorist attacks and other show it with other things.
Did i say that? You said that. Have you ever heard about Soviet war in Afganistan? May be you do not know - but Osama was great friend of America and U.K. in that time. He was a hero - Western newspapers wrote that he is very brave man, true fighter for freedom, well-known muslim expert and very enlightened person. Anglosaxonian teach him and other mojaheddins to fight and gave them weapon. May be you do not know?

I do know, kinda like PRC and vietnam in the good old days. But financing terrorist to blow up your enemy doesnt equal to financing terrorist to blow up your own country. Just like one government financing their military to blow up their enemy doesnt equal to financing their military to blow up their own country. Your revelations make me picturing these --

Bush: come on osama, blow up New York for me, you name the price
Osama: how bout xxx billion usd, but you pay for the equipment and accomodation, deal?
Bush: deal
I do know, kinda like PRC and vietnam in the good old days. But financing terrorist to blow up your enemy doesnt equal to financing terrorist to blow up your own country. Just like one government financing their military to blow up their enemy doesnt equal to financing their military to blow up their own country. Your revelations make me picturing these --

Bush: come on osama, blow up New York for me, you name the price
Osama: how bout xxx billion usd, but you pay for the equipment and accomodation, deal?
Bush: deal

Okey. So you think it is normal to sponsor terrorists aroun the world killing ordinary people? Everywhere exept USA? Typical western point of view.
Did I talk to you???

Why idiot like you always quote what I wrote???

What I have said is nothing delusional. That was exactly what General Wang Zhen had done in Xinjiang. That is exactly what our brave armed police have done in Xinjiang.

Hey keyboard warrior, you and iajj don't speak for the rest of us. Now get your delusions of granduer out of your tiny head. You are your stupidty is reflecting very badly on the rest of us.

The Qing dynasty ruled southern Xinjiang through the intermediary of religious conservatives begs and mullahs. The mullahs enforced Islamic law, veils and dress. In exchange for complete control over the religious life of the Turkic Muslims (ancestors of Uyghurs) the mullahs, clerics and begs gave complete political loyalty to the Qing Emperor. You do not know crap about the history of the region.

The Qing was brutal to REBELS and INVADERS, they didn't target anyone for being "radical" religious or spare people for being moderate. You made up the crap about crushing "radical" Muslims. The Qing just brutally crushed ANY rebels against the state while they rewarded people loyal to the state.

If a so called "moderate" muslim (which just means Lax muslim) rebelled or invaded the Qing they would get crushed. But the deeply religious and conservative Islamic clergy (mullahs) were allowed religious freedom and to thrive during Qing rule.

The Qing's policy with different Hui sects had also nothing to do with being religious or not religious. Fanatically religious Muslims who were ordinary Sunnis or belonged to the Khufiyya Sufi sect, but who were loyal to the Qing were allowed religious freedom. However Jahriyya Sufism ("new teaching" in chinese) was banned and brutally crushed. Because the teaching of Jahriyya Sufis were different, in their sect they preached total loyalty to their leader and even viewed him as nearly infallible and almost as a prophet (which actually severely deviates from orthodox Islam).

Many fanatically religious Hui Generals like Ma Anliang fought for the Qing against rebels and separatists. The campaign to crush the Kokand invaders in Xinjiang was spearheaded by the religious Muslims Hua Decai and Cui Wei who were fighting for the Qing.

The rebellions in 1862 and 1895 were crushed by religious and very un-moderate Hui officers and soldiers who fought for the Qing. In fact, the religious Hui officers massacred the most rebels in the most brutal ways, not Han soldiers or officers.

The Hui officers who fought against the Eight Nation Alliance in the Boxer Rebellion were religious Muslims.

The Hui warlords like Ma Bufang were deeply religious. He sent fanatical soldiers (both religious Muslims and radical Qinghai Tibetan buddhists) to crush the Japanese and then sent more soldiers to crush the Soviet backed Uyghurs under Ehmetjan Qasim and fight the Soviets and Mongolian army.

The CPC has wisely allowed deeply religious Hui clerics to reestablish their followings in Ningxia in exchange for complete loyalty to the state. One Hui cleric even heard from Bin Laden and listned to other radical clerics but the CPC did nothing because he was a member of the Ningxia People's Congress and loyal to the government of China.

Faith flourishes in an arid wasteland | South China Morning Post

Religious Muslims like Ding Guodong and Mi Layin fought for the Ming cause and there were no Hui rebellions during the Ming. You made that crap up.

In fact the Uyghur separatism was started by REFORMERS (Jadidists) who wanted to challenge the traditional Islam and the conservative Islamic clergy.
Find those uighur terrorist bastards, burn them, feed them to dogs or do whatever to send them to "heaven with their virgins"

Racist mentality , was you this aggressive against Japanese also. No wonder they did what they had to...
Racist mentality , was you this aggressive against Japanese also. No wonder they did what they had to...

Turkic Muslim Salars in the Chinese army serving under General Ma Biao along with Dongxiang (Mongol Muslims), Hui Muslims, and Qinghai Tibetans slaughtered the Japanese in battle. Ma Biao serving under General Ma Bufang.


In "The Marching Wind" by Leonard Francis Clark, Clark writes about a mountainering expedition in Qinghai and meets Salar soldiers and officers who served under Ma Bufang and killed Japanese.

Did I talk to you???

Why idiot like you always quote what I wrote???

What I have said is nothing delusional. That was exactly what General Wang Zhen had done in Xinjiang. That is exactly what our brave armed police have done in Xinjiang.

Except you keep shooting your mouth off about killing religious people and claiming religious people always cause separatism. The Qing never had a policy against religious people and it in fact used religious conservative clerics to enforce its rule in Xinjiang.

What General Wang Zhen did was merciful compared to what religious Hui Muslims did in 1934 against Uyghur separatists. One foreigner named Sven Hedin saw the Hui soldiers (he called them tungan) praying facing Mecca, and a Uyghur (Turki) man told Hedin how cruel the Hui were being acting almost as "beasts". One of the Hui Generals put the separatist leader Abdullah Bughra's head up on the Idgah mosque and initiated a mass slaughter in Kashgar. Bughra's brother Nur Ahmad Jan had his head used as a football after it was cut off. They were also brutal in crushing a revolt in Charqlik.
Turkic Muslim Salars in the Chinese army serving under General Ma Biao along with Dongxiang (Mongol Muslims), Hui Muslims, and Qinghai Tibetans slaughtered the Japanese in battle. Ma Biao serving under General Ma Bufang.

In "The Marching Wind" by Leonard Francis Clark, Clark writes about a mountainering expedition in Qinghai and meets Salar soldiers and officers who served under Ma Bufang and killed Japanese.

Except you keep shooting your mouth off about killing religious people and claiming religious people always cause separatism. The Qing never had a policy against religious people and it in fact used religious conservative clerics to enforce its rule in Xinjiang.

What General Wang Zhen did was merciful compared to what religious Hui Muslims did in 1934 against Uyghur separatists. One foreigner named Sven Hedin saw the Hui soldiers (he called them tungan) praying facing Mecca, and a Uyghur (Turki) man told Hedin how cruel the Hui were being acting almost as "beasts". One of the Hui Generals put the separatist leader Abdullah Bughra's head up on the Idgah mosque and initiated a mass slaughter in Kashgar. Bughra's brother Nur Ahmad Jan had his head used as a football after it was cut off. They were also brutal in crushing a revolt in Charqlik.

I have nothing against Chinese however some here are racist and rude. I think the Chinese should treat the Turkic Uyghur population better or we should invite all. Uyghurs into Türkiye.
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