To those angry Chinese here, are you a northern or southern Chinese. I am a southern Chinese and I have almost no Turkish blood. Do you know that Northern Chinese has a lot of Turkish blood in side you? These angry Chinese here are making a fool out of our race.
Every period of Chinese histories, different tribes are mentioned. Detail information regarding the peopling and languages many of these tribes remains obscure till this day. They have all amalgamated into Han Chinese. After the unification of China, mass migration of Northern nomadic still occurs frequently, especially when central government was too weak to provide security.
During the period of chaos of Northern China in Jin dynasty from AD 304 to AD 416 (五胡乱华
, the Northern nomads, and as well as Tibetic tribe mass migrate into China.
The gene of early Tang emperor has been shown to be mostly of Northern Nomadic tribe. It is still not clear whether the paternal line is Han Chinese, but the maternal lines are definitely of female nomadic aristocrats, from Xianbei tribe.
And canonical Chinese history text Zizhi Tongjian (资治通鉴
shows that Emperor Taizong of Tang, Li Shimn 唐太宗李世民 speak Turkic. To simplify, the text below states, Emperor "Li Shimin asked his soldiers to stay behind and he went himself alone to speak to East Tu-Jue Illig Khan" "上麾诸军使却而布陈,独留与颉利语" .
His first crown prince Li Cheng Gan 李承乾 not only like to speak Turkic, but also like to dress as a Turk, stay in Turkic tent, and relish Turkic culinary.
又使户奴数十百人习音声,学胡人椎髻,剪彩为舞衣,寻橦跳剑,鼓鞞声通昼夜不绝。造大铜炉、六熟鼎,招亡奴盗取人牛马,亲视烹燖,召所幸厮养共食之。又好突厥言及所服,选貌类胡者,被以羊裘,辫发,五人建一落,张毡舍,造五狼头纛,分戟为阵, ,系幡旗,设穹庐自居,使诸部敛羊以烹,抽佩刀割肉相啗。
I can list numerous "Chinese" that are actually Turks and Uighur are our brothers.
And many scholars are hypothesizing that the northern wei dynasty 北魏 that supply the ruling class of Sui and Tang dynasty could be Turkic.