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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

From your comment I infer that you are not a human being which has no fu8king rights. Feel free to be raped, robbed, stabbed and killed on the streets, good luck.
Did you expect anything else the soviets said the same things they have a complex about nations or people who ruled over them.....
we are glad to send all uyighur to hell. fu8king human rights!!!
our current goverment is so weak and think too much on idiotic human rights!!
what we need now is adolf Hiltler!!!!!!!!!

So you will simply ignore human rights violations, just don't complain when your citizens ask the west for assistance in liberation. I like Chine and respect it's people but human rights violations are not something you can simply ignore and west will continue to be a beacon of hope for humanity in the coming years if you do not clean up your mess. If you think I am being harsh, you should see what his holliness Dalai lama has to stay on the current regime in Beijing. I also do not think that Tibet or Xianjaing have to be independent but rather a different policy has to occur and if this keeps continuing, then the west may have to intervene in this global issue of human rights.
I will admit right now Canadien cannot voice our opinion against chine due to huge economic investments/buy up of our industries but we can still protest and lodge complaints at the UN against your government so do not take us for fools just because we might be slightly weaker in comparison.
From your comment I infer that you are not a human being which has no fu8king rights. Feel free to be raped, robbed, stabbed and killed on the streets, good luck.

we need naziism to eliminate extreme Islamist, there is no other way.
RIP the those who died.

What kind of idiots attack a police a station ? Xinjiang was far better under Wang Lequan because he knew how to deal with terrorist. Much tougher line will be taken.

Plenty of illogical comments by people who also are blaming India for this.
No,No ... at least in China the human life >>> human right, specially innocent life.

Only the death sentence would be best pay for killing innocnets, uigur kill hans or hans kill uigur, they all should pay for their evils.The religious flags or human rights didn't allow any chinese citizen to legally kill other innocents, as long as XinJiang still part of PRC and these uigur still Chinese citizens, they should obey China laws and pay for killings.

After XinJiang and Uigur riots once again, China will punish some local religious leader and strickly control local religion development. Most Chinese ppl including me insisit sending PLA out to around countries, Chinese soldiers should fight in the land who supported XinJiang riots and Uigur terrorist, bring Chinese angry to our enemy !

Only the attack is the best way to defend XingJiang. TAKE THAT, CHINA PLA ~!
we need naziism to eliminate extreme Islamist, there is no other way.

You want to eliminate extreme things with greater extreme solutions.
In fact, you cant get rid of flies unless you don't dry the bog... If you want a responsible, you know where you have to point your finger on map.
You want to eliminate extreme things with greater extreme solutions.
it is indeed the right thing. what else can we do now?
normally we dont see islamist as our enemy. but it will change in near future after so many this kind of attack..
actually. I do miss chairman Mao.

Well good right?

Just make sure china turns back to those years.
Maybe they can democide another 75 million people in the nezt 50 years.

But be carefull though. These kinds of leaders tend to fvck up the entire population of the country.

@Ahiska @olcayto @itaskol stick to the topic and refrain from insulting otherwise you will get an infraction.

Have İ insulted people?

Your countrymen is asking for those dark ages not me. İ'm somewhat happy actually that china is moving in a better direction.
Away from the past.
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Offcourse the Pakistani army has the capability to do so. They have the capability to eradicate all terrorists from their territory. The important question remains whether they have the will or the desire to do so. These are their strategic assets. Why should they interfere with a possible weapon in the future? Remember if China gets nasty with Pakistan in the future, Pakistan will require an unconventional weapon to wield against China. Welcome to the world of realpolitik when it comes to Pakistan. We know them. You will learn about them ;)

And, to take it forward Pakistan are allies of the US - so who would be needing a bargaining and a controlling chip in the region like for e.g. the Taliban for Afghanistan to keep the flow of dollars coming or to remain relevant is not too hard to decipher.
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