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North India doesn't depend on brahmaputra,it depends on ganga ,yamuna and indus tributaries.Brahmaputra affects only the state of assam and parts of north east and mostly bangladesh for which it is the main river.So go ahead,assam will suffer a bit but bangladesh will suffer most.It will also give us the excuse to stop indus water and mess up pakistan your ally,which is totally dependant on it for survival.Ofcourse you will get massive heat in international arena for purposeful damming.Essentially its china's choice -does it want India as a permanent enemy or not.If india does become china's permanent enemy it is the end of the chinese dream because even chinese economy will not be able to handle arms race with japan,usa and india at once,nor expand due to containment from all sides.Like how we sabotaged your expansion attempt into south asia through OBOR.And the gap between us will only decrease with time.Or china can stop its geopolitical needling and be a responsible power everyone can respect and not as a cheap wannabe bully with more bark than bite.

Stop Indus water? :rofl: and you guys gonna facing Pakistan's wrath and we can stop you from the head river of Indus to avenge our Pakistani friend.

India has zero leverage on our economy regardless if it's friend or enemy, Indians just like to make pretentious claim as we're dependent on them.

Another nonsense from paid CPC trolls, seems CPC is becoming desperate day by day that their intimidation and black mail tactics are falling apart. China has already done enough harm to India that there is nothing much to lose.

Next these idiots will say they will move mount Everest and invade India. Enough of these cheap tricks.

:rofl: Sure you have nothing more to lose...just ask your government to shut up over how we manage our water in our territory and don't play as drama queen...that's what we ask.

And it's not bad idea, next we will move mountain and let Monson pass to China side :D, that's the 2nd phase of Chinese water policy in Tibet.

Incorrect as there is no water treaties anywhere in the world.

India beg us to sign water treaty, we gave them middle finger :cool:
you ppl are the one who brought the matter up and discussing like loonies among yourselves.
you ppl post the article and then start self replying to it like sassy girls. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
We dont care to give a damn piss about chinese plans or their military.

I just brought the matter to our brother attention to save our 70,000 square miles of desert land, we want to see a green North west China and revive our old lost city such Loulan with Tibet water, you Indian like fly so attractive to dung that something are not even concern you.:lol:

that's why everyone calls you a shit country. No one 'owns' rivers.

Don't be a Drama queen, admire and envy our achievement, the river is effectively under our control, come to claim it if you dare :cool:
I read this answer on Quora sometime back, posting here.

This myth is pure fear mongering with zero facts to support it.Reasons being:
(1) Very small proportion of water in transboundary rivers of India come from Tibet.

Tibet is climatologically a barren cold plateau. It receives between 4 to 12 inches of precipitation depending on time and place. Water efflux in these rivers ,from Tibet, is very low and you could cross Brahmaputra in Tibet without getting your knees wet in most of the places, and in winter when Brahmaputra enters India it is practically dry. This is not just a theoretical. It is supported by hydrological data.

Page 29: https://www.iucn.org/sites/dev/f...


Brahmaputra enters India just after Tsela Dzong. After this point it it goes into 16.8m/km steep fall before entering India and creating a gorge in the process. Of the 19800 Cumecs average discharge of Brahmaputra, water from China account for less than 500 Cumecs.

Thus there is not much water for China to divert, and it would hardly affect river flow of Brahmaputra.

(2) Geography.

Tibet is intermontane high altitude plateau between Himalaya and Kulun shan mountain range. This has resulted in interesting geography as in Tibet is cut from India and China ,both, by high mountains. Before Tibetan railway, only way to access Tibet by vehicles was Highway219 which passes through Aksai Chin. Apart from that Tibet is formed by flexing of Eurasian plate upward due to compressive force exerted by Indian plate on Eurasian plate. This has resulted in a topography where central Tibet has highest average elevation of the plateau. Any water diversion project, would not only have to cut through mountains or use existing rivers, but would also has to flow against gradient ie pumped.



These two factor make diversion of water of Brahmaputra, inconsequential. I have not even talked about Indus, because just north of Indus lay Gangdise mountain, through which China has to tunnel to transfer whatever measly amount of water it could transfer.
I read this answer on Quora sometime back, posting here.

This myth is pure fear mongering with zero facts to support it.Reasons being:
(1) Very small proportion of water in transboundary rivers of India come from Tibet.

Tibet is climatologically a barren cold plateau. It receives between 4 to 12 inches of precipitation depending on time and place. Water efflux in these rivers ,from Tibet, is very low and you could cross Brahmaputra in Tibet without getting your knees wet in most of the places, and in winter when Brahmaputra enters India it is practically dry. This is not just a theoretical. It is supported by hydrological data.

Page 29: https://www.iucn.org/sites/dev/f...


Brahmaputra enters India just after Tsela Dzong. After this point it it goes into 16.8m/km steep fall before entering India and creating a gorge in the process. Of the 19800 Cumecs average discharge of Brahmaputra, water from China account for less than 500 Cumecs.

Thus there is not much water for China to divert, and it would hardly affect river flow of Brahmaputra.

(2) Geography.

Tibet is intermontane high altitude plateau between Himalaya and Kulun shan mountain range. This has resulted in interesting geography as in Tibet is cut from India and China ,both, by high mountains. Before Tibetan railway, only way to access Tibet by vehicles was Highway219 which passes through Aksai Chin. Apart from that Tibet is formed by flexing of Eurasian plate upward due to compressive force exerted by Indian plate on Eurasian plate. This has resulted in a topography where central Tibet has highest average elevation of the plateau. Any water diversion project, would not only have to cut through mountains or use existing rivers, but would also has to flow against gradient ie pumped.



These two factor make diversion of water of Brahmaputra, inconsequential. I have not even talked about Indus, because just north of Indus lay Gangdise mountain, through which China has to tunnel to transfer whatever measly amount of water it could transfer.

Good for India , if Indians can lowering their fear about our water activities...it is a good thing, Tibet is like sponge with a lot of water that we need for our arid north west, with mega watt of electricity generated by Dams in Tibet, we can pump all water we need against gradient as you state...we will manage to deliver water to Xinjiang for sure.
I just brought the matter to our brother attention to save our 70,000 square miles of desert land, we want to see a green North west China and revive our old lost city such Loulan with Tibet water, you Indian like fly so attractive to dung that something are not even concern you.:lol:

Don't be a Drama queen, admire and envy our achievement, the river is effectively under our control, come to claim it if you dare :cool:

We can do that with river systems in Pak but we don't, even in war because we're mature.

As for your river systems are concerned...you will talk a lot and do nothing. Typical Chinese project. First try to finish OBOR properly, looks like you and many countries are about to go bankrupt well before it starts.

Good for India , if Indians can lowering their fear about our water activities...it is a good thing, Tibet is like sponge with a lot of water that we need for our arid north west, with mega watt of electricity generated by Dams in Tibet, we can pump all water we need against gradient as you state...we will manage to deliver water to Xinjiang for sure.

no...we're not 'coweing in fear' or anything. We're used to you people talking about these projects, and failing to do anything as usual.
We can do that with river systems in Pak but we don't, even in war because we're mature.

As for your river systems are concerned...you will talk a lot and do nothing. Typical Chinese project. First try to finish OBOR properly, looks like you and many countries are about to go bankrupt well before it starts.

no...we're not 'coweing in fear' or anything. We're used to you people talking about these projects, and failing to do anything as usual.

Simply you guys wouldn't dare with Pakistan not because you're more mature as you claim to be, we sure not talk a lot but do a lot of thing in Tibet such Tibet railway, Dam Brahmaputra and build road to Donglang :lol:. As for water diversion to Xinjiang, we built Dam to pump water to Xinjang, that's Phase 1, feasibility to chose the right path to avoid seismic zone is our second phase of the project...now we're approaching the 3th phase to build and divert the water...all Chinese dream will come true.

And I didn't claim you guys to be coward, just ask your government not to interfere on what we will do with our water in Tibet...isn't that simple?

I never heard people call China a shitty country, but I heard so many people who came from India or came back for a visit to India calling India polluted, poverty stricken, unhygenic and unsafe for females.

C'mon man don't bruise these Indian's ego :lol:, even their sacred river gangas is full of human corpses and shit disease but they're still enjoy it.
No- India has maintained the Indus water treaty under all circumstances include wars. But that's beyond your understanding. need not be referenced here. As for the rest it is BS, talk to me when you actually DO something.
I don't even know what kind of pot you guys are on...OBOR and CPEC began like LAST MONTH, and they're already in trouble.

na....everyone calls you a shitty country nowadays. A country that has 100s of millions living at less than $2 a day is talking about how other countries are 'poor'.

OBRO and CPEC are in trouble? :rofl: maybe trouble for India, we're enjoy its. As matter of fact a poor China are way better than your poor India that can't even have 25 cents for their living, children and their parents are living in hunger and starvation as we speak.
we signed the treat 60 years ago and it continues. these things are above your IQ level.

Here - your country is dirt poor to boot. It's so dirty and polluted- people are scared that it will cause a global catastrphy
Show a non Indian source of this water treaty?
Show a non Indian source of this water treaty?

my job is not to google for you or correct your ignorance.

OBRO and CPEC are in trouble? :rofl: maybe trouble for India, we're enjoy its. As matter of fact a poor China are way better than your poor India that can't even have 25 cents for their living, children and their parents are living in hunger and starvation as we speak.

yeah...the first payments for CPEC are coming up and the paks don't know what to do. They're running like headless chickens abusing china in most forums. You began this like LAST YEAR. And people are already calling it a universal **** up and calling you a FRAUD. Maybe you should probably achieve SOMETHING. You've been talking so much about so many things. People are looking at you like a joke.

Lol, OBOR is, was and will always be a lame duck project, A dirt poor country where 75% of population lives at $5 is the very essence of a global slum. What a F** ALL country. Hide the poverty by preventing people from migrating. Put a cake and watermelon show with some fancy buildings and cities. And then waste money of bullshit projects like OBOR etc.

YOU are gonna take on the USA...yeah that's gonna happen.

Indians like to cry over OBOR in which it can't compete, CPEC is part of OBOR and it's on it way to be in completion, even US and Japan begging to attend the OBOR summit, we can understand your Indian sour grape emotion, keep crying at the corner as isolated kid, nobody care :lol:

Back to the thread, I think Xinjiang will be back to beauty as it was before thousand year ago with river and water all around

Indians like to cry over OBOR in which it can't compete, CPEC is part of OBOR and it's on it way to be in completion, even US and Japan begging to attend the OBOR summit, we can understand your Indian sour grape emotion, keep crying at the corner as isolated kid, nobody care :lol:

Back to the thread, I think Xinjiang will be back to beauty as it was before thousand year ago with river and water all around


oh so nice.....90% of all china's ground water is contaminated, so this must be the remaining 10% all concentrated in one place

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