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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Right, but the human history is one big blood shed due the revolutions, uprisings, oppression, inequality and etc. You look at the history from one perspective, but thats the dumbest thing one person can dol.

Its true that assimiliation is part of Human history, that wont stop people from fighting against it.

Turkey is now hell bent to pick fight with China and Russia, you should know how powerful the nations you are taking on and it won't end up well for the future existence of your nation.

Turkey is behind the Chinese terrorists
Assimilation, definitely. This is how you become a nation: Adopting a common language and culture while protecting multiplicity at the local level. This is good for business because diversity attracts tourism. And China is a much bigger tourist destination than Turkey has ever been because China is the world's richest nation in terms of culture.

Oppression, on the other hand, is Turkey's way of handling the Kurds and other minorities. This could be empirically verified as we watch it on the alternative media every evening.

Kurds in Turkey have equal rights as any other Turk in Turkey. Their language, culture, history, traditions are all completely allowed in Turkey and are thought in schools.

Despite my earlier comment, i dont support separtism. But you are really asking for it.

Turkey is now hell bent to pick fight with China and Russia, you should know how powerful the nations you are taking on and it won't end up well for the future existence of your nation.

Turkey is behind the Chinese terrorists

We already did, your response and reactions are poor to say the least.
As the most prominent rising Turkic country in the world, our policies and stances will directly influence the Uyghur issue, we can do much more then simply annoy you. Remember, you border Turkic countries.

Remember, we are not Syria. We spend more in one military zone than your entire military. Not even taking into account our navy.

Being in the middle east has really clouded your judgement. I keep hearing Turkish members repeating how you guys are second in number of men in NATO. That means less than crap to a nation like China who is directly challenging the US.
Remember, we are not Syria. We spend more in one military zone than your entire military. Not even taking into account our navy.

Being in the middle east has really clouded your judgement. I keep hearing Turkish members repeating how you guys are second in number of men in NATO. That means less than crap to a nation like China who is directly challenging the US.

lol anyone can challenge, that doesnt make you a superpower. We challenged Russia, so we are a global power now?

You have yet to overwhelm India and Indonesia in the south, S.Korea and Japan in the east, Russia in the North.
China and Russia have more money and means to make big trouble for Turkey . We are just trying to be nice now. Don't take our patience as weakness. You better learn to know your place in the world.

That place would be above you.

Turkic countries which are friendly to China. You have no influence over them. To them, you're just some mongrelized freak barking loudly.

Putin will walk into your house and slap you.

Where was Putin when we downed their plane?
i from china,the reality is china want to stop wahhabism tradition to replace of uyghur tradition.
a lot of uyghur terrorist accept wahhabism from pakistan,saudi arabia and afghanstan. so these terrorist can say everybody who dont agree with their radicial islam are kaffir。
these uyghur terrorist attack woman on the street ,because the woman not willing to overall dressing in black robe.
wahhabism is a real devil,they inspire endless hatred and killing go wherever.
i think pakistani have a deep understanding of this. dear pakistan, do you find the arab tradition gradually to replace of urself tradition? u country have a islam name,but china is a secular society,we must not allow the wahhabism devil to destroy uyghur future
Threads cleaned up.

Uighurs have themselves to blame for it if you put political correctness aside. The problems began occurring when they started becoming more radicalized, resorting to terrorism, abusing their minority status rights.

I recently been to Urumqi and Kashgar a month earlier and there is already bad blood with Han Chinese, hell they even managed to piss off other minorities like Tajik, Hui, Kazakhs, and Russians living there. The common perception of Uighurs by Han, Kazakh, Hui, Tajiks, and Russians in Xinjiang is they are mostly thieves and terrorists. This stems from them resorting to crimes such as robbery, pick pocketing, and scams not only on Han but other minorities. Constant terror attacks and calling fellow Muslim groups like Huis slaves of Han does not help them either.

Urumqi and much of northern Xinijiang is assimilated the south, cities Kasghar would give you the feeling you are in Kabul. Did not feel safe with the religious fanatics there. But on topic faster migration and assimilation is inevitable, Han population is majority now, Uighurs whether they like it or not will be assimilated willing or unwilling.
And yet you are all bitching and crying about terrorisme. This is justification enough. Piss off all of you, i'll support these freedom fighters till the end. May the end of the commie dictatorship come swift and the liberation of East-Turkestan be realized.

A terrorist lover is always a terrorist lover. It takes somebody to go full Putin to change this nature.
And yet you are all bitching and crying about terrorisme. This is justification enough. Piss off all of you, i'll support these freedom fighters till the end. May the end of the commie dictatorship come swift and the liberation of East-Turkestan be realized.

Terrorism is not justified in any situation, its a losing game the Uighurs are finding out the response is brutal when flamethrowers being used. Honestly this looks like a statement based on emotion why not try to rationally discuss this ? Both sides have blame but the end of the CPC will not make Xinjiang gain Independence its Han majority it will lead to the KMT which will let nationalism reign and make it worse for the Uighurs.Sadly no rational discussion will come forward as I hoped so I will close the thread, Disappointed . Anyway I will forward these comments to admin to see what should be done with terrorist sympathizers.
I want same Replica here in my Country....:enjoy:

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