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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

its getting daily routine now a days
soon the virgins in heaven will be out of stock.:-)

新疆莎车处置1起暴袭案 警方击毙8人抓获1人|新疆|警方|抓获_新浪新闻

On Dec. 30th at 6:30pm, 9 attackers armed with knives and explosives attack the local police station in Shache County, in the Kashgar Prefecture. They tossed explosives at police and burned several police cars. Police killed 8 of the attackers and captured 1. Police casualties are unknown at this time and the incident is under investigation.

I'm guessing it's most likely Wahabist scums.
well done. 8 terrorist killed one captured. that is good.
kill the most and capture one should be standard procedure

Happened in Shache County, only 130km from Afghanistan,I think such small group terrorists will go on untile Afghanistan keeping stable, but as I said that such terrorists in China only has one time to do something
新疆莎车处置1起暴袭案 警方击毙8人抓获1人|新疆|警方|抓获_新浪新闻

On Dec. 30th at 6:30pm, 9 attackers armed with knives and explosives attack the local police station in Shache County, in the Kashgar Prefecture. They tossed explosives at police and burned several police cars. Police killed 8 of the attackers and captured 1. Police casualties are unknown at this time and the incident is under investigation.

I'm guessing it's most likely Wahabist scums.
so it has started.

Started when China allowed Saudi funded religious schools in Xinjiang in the mid 1990's. Now religious extremism has displaced pan-Turkic nationalism as the driving force being Xinjiang separatists. I would like nothing less than slap the idiot who allowed external religious influence to flow into Xinjiang. Now more and more women are wearing face veils and men growing full beard.
you are absolutely correct.
I did see a member mention about Islamic terrorist is said to be brave. Being stupidly brave isn't called brave. It's more to do with Stupidity.
For instance, stupidity is explained, if and when a person charges with a knife/machete to a man wielding a gun. That's even worse than being STUPID. I hope one fine day people realize the difference between Stupidity and Bravery.
Beijing: Eight attackers armed with knives and explosives have been killed during an assault on a police station in China's Xinjiang, according to authorities who have blamed terrorists for a string of deadly incidents in the largely Muslim region.

One of the attackers was held after the clash in Shache county, according to the official website of the government of Xinjiang, where mainly Muslim Uighurs are the largest ethnic group.

The website made no mention of any police casualties and said officials were conducting an investigation.

The area, about 200km southeast of Kashgar, is known as Yarkand in the Uighur language.

Authorities say terrorists have been responsible for a series of attacks this year in the sprawling and resource-rich region.

Rights groups and outside scholars, however, say unrest is spawned by cultural oppression, intrusive security measures and a wave of immigration by China's Han majority.

Xinjiang, a region more than four times the size of Japan, is rich in oil and natural gas.

Government economic policies aimed at developing the region have raised Uighur living standards, though Han dominance of the economy has helped foster continued resentment.

The latest violence came after 16 people, including two police officers, were killed in a clash near the city of Kashgar this month.

Authorities said that "thugs" armed with explosive devices and knives attacked police attempting to detain them, though exile group World Uyghur Congress described it as a "massacre" of a family preparing for a forthcoming wedding.

In late October, police said three Xinjiang Uighurs drove a vehicle into crowds of tourists opposite Beijing's Tiananmen Square - the symbolic heart of the Chinese state - killing two people and injuring 40, before crashing outside the Forbidden City and setting their vehicle ablaze. All three attackers died.

Beijing described the assault, the first blamed on Uighurs outside Xinjiang, as "terrorism" and said separatists backed by the militant East Turkestan Islamic Movement were responsible.

More than 190 "terrorist" attacks were logged in Xinjiang last year, state media reported. Xinjiang has seen regular violent incidents this year, including one in June in the Turpan area that left 35 people dead.

8 terrorists killed in Xinjiang attack
Eight terrorists were shot dead and another one captured by police during a terrorist attack early Monday morning in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, authorities said.

The nine terrorists attacked a police station wielding knives at around 6 am in Shache county in the Kashgar region. They also threw explosives and set police cars on fire.

Eight were shot dead at the scene. Another was caught by police, according to the Kashgar prefectural party committee.

The case is under further investigation.

8 terrorists killed in Xinjiang attack - CHINA - Globaltimes.cn
I don't think Chinese policemen too scared of a small group with knives, ...

actually, the policemen was told to shoot to death at those guys.
Why Pakistan and other so-called 'Islamic' parties not protesting against the oppression and atrocities of Chinese communist state on innocent Muslims of Xinjiang? Why Pakistan does not demand China to give Xinjiang's Muslims the right of self-determination the way it demands India vis-a-vis Kashmir as both are under occupation and are demanding freedom from oppressive rule of infidels.

As Allama Iqbal very rightly said:

ایک ہوں مسلم حرم کی پاسبانی کے لئے
نیل کے ساحل سے تا با خاکے کاشغر


BEIJING: Authorities in western China said Monday that police fatally shot eight ''terrorists'' who had attacked them using knives and explosives in the latest in a string of violent incidents in the ethnically tense region.

The Xinjiang government news portal Tianshan Net said that the group of nine attacked officers and burned police cars in Shache county, which is overseen by the famed Silk Road city of Kashgar.

It was the latest in a series of attacks pointing to growing unrest in the large sprawling region of Xinjiang, home to a simmering rebellion against Chinese rule among parts of the native Muslim Uighur population who want more autonomy from Beijing.

Recent clashes, including an attack on a police station last month, have left dozens of people dead.

A Xinjiang government press officer confirmed Monday's report but said he had no further information.

He gave only his surname, Cao. Police reached by phone in Shache and Kashgar said they had no information about the incident.

The Chinese government typically calls such incidents terrorist attacks linked to radicals based overseas, although there is little evidence that they are carefully organized.

Xinjiang is home to about 9 million Uighurs, who make up less than half of the population of Xinjiang, which they used to dominate.

Many complain that they have been marginalized by policies favoring migrants from China's ethnic Han majority.

Beijing says it treats all minorities fairly and spends billions of dollars on development and improving living standards in Xinjiang.

Tianshan Net said the police took ''resolute measures'' by shooting the eight and arresting one, adding the case was under further investigation.

Sweden-based Uighur activist Dilxat Raxit said Uighurs were being shot to death ''due to their discontent with China's policies.''

''To label the protesters as terrorists and shoot them to death is a new way of suppressing the Uighurs following China's judicial reforms,'' he said, referring to recent moves to improve the country's party-controlled justice system.

As well as a number of deadly clashes in Xinjiang this year, an attack in October struck at the heart of Beijing.

Three Uighurs drove a vehicle through crowds in front of iconic Tiananmen Gate, killing themselves and two tourists.

China says police kill eight 'terrorists' in Xinjiang - DAWN.COM
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Why Pakistan and other so-called 'Islamic' parties not protesting against the oppression and atrocities of Chinese communist state's on innocent Muslims of Xinjiang? Why Pakistan does not demand China to give Xinjiang's Muslims the right of self-determination.

Pakistan's behaviour towards China vis-a-vis Xinjiang should be the same as its behaviour towards India vis-a-vis Kashmir. Both are under occupation and are demanding freedom.


BEIJING: Authorities in western China said Monday that police fatally shot eight ''terrorists'' who had attacked them using knives and explosives in the latest in a string of violent incidents in the ethnically tense region.

The Xinjiang government news portal Tianshan Net said that the group of nine attacked officers and burned police cars in Shache county, which is overseen by the famed Silk Road city of Kashgar.

It was the latest in a series of attacks pointing to growing unrest in the large sprawling region of Xinjiang, home to a simmering rebellion against Chinese rule among parts of the native Muslim Uighur population who want more autonomy from Beijing.

Recent clashes, including an attack on a police station last month, have left dozens of people dead.

A Xinjiang government press officer confirmed Monday's report but said he had no further information.

He gave only his surname, Cao. Police reached by phone in Shache and Kashgar said they had no information about the incident.

The Chinese government typically calls such incidents terrorist attacks linked to radicals based overseas, although there is little evidence that they are carefully organized.

Xinjiang is home to about 9 million Uighurs, who make up less than half of the population of Xinjiang, which they used to dominate.

Many complain that they have been marginalized by policies favoring migrants from China's ethnic Han majority.

Beijing says it treats all minorities fairly and spends billions of dollars on development and improving living standards in Xinjiang.

Tianshan Net said the police took ''resolute measures'' by shooting the eight and arresting one, adding the case was under further investigation.

Sweden-based Uighur activist Dilxat Raxit said Uighurs were being shot to death ''due to their discontent with China's policies.''

''To label the protesters as terrorists and shoot them to death is a new way of suppressing the Uighurs following China's judicial reforms,'' he said, referring to recent moves to improve the country's party-controlled justice system.

As well as a number of deadly clashes in Xinjiang this year, an attack in October struck at the heart of Beijing.

Three Uighurs drove a vehicle through crowds in front of iconic Tiananmen Gate, killing themselves and two tourists.

That's the price Pakistan needs to pay for keeping its only supporter in the world on its side.. I was just reading another thread about the 6.5 billion USD nuclear aid China is providing to Pakistan. Guess we all now know the price for Pakistan's silence on the Uighur issue.. May be India can also work out a similar deal to buy Pakistan's silence on Kashmir :)
That's the price Pakistan needs to pay for keeping its only supporter in the world on its side.. I was just reading another thread about the 6.5 billion USD nuclear aid China is providing to Pakistan. Guess we all now know the price for Pakistan's silence on the Uighur issue.. May be India can also work out a similar deal to buy Pakistan's silence on Kashmir :)

No wonder an American diplomat very rightly commented about Pakistani rulers that they can even sell their mothers for a miserable sum of $$$.
No wonder an American diplomat very rightly commented about Pakistani rulers that they can even sell their mothers for a miserable sum of $$$.

Mate- rights, brotherhood, sympathy....these all terms means nothing for international relations and affairs.....they are just a cloak to cover up real intentions.
Good job China! Our spineless leaders and pseudo-NGOs should learn from them . I am quite sure after Modi becomes pm, India will deal with extremists in a similar manner.
Wonderful, but on the other side, there were many people were killed in Russia.

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